Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach @Rachel_Aaron ‏ @orbitbooks @betweendandr #FriendsOnFriday

Posted April 27, 2018 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Friends on Friday / 2 Comments




Today’s friend is the Melliane from Between Dreams and Reality. I learned of her in my very earliest blogging days at Yummy Men & Kick Ass Chicks. YMKAC was a Canadian blog and its owner, Julie, also spoke French. Since Melliane’s blog also does French reviews, they interacted. So Between Dreams and Reality is one of the very first blogs I ever followed.  She has chosen a book which is on my TBR and is in the situation I often find (although I do love and read science fiction) in reading a genre I wouldn’t choose and I don’t like. And then somehow I do.



Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach @Rachel_Aaron ‏ @orbitbooks @betweendandr #FriendsOnFridayFortune's Pawn by Rachel Aaron / Bach
Series: Paradox #1
Published by Orbit on November 5, 2013
Genres: Science Fiction, Space Opera
Pages: 320
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & Noble
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Devi Morris isn't your average mercenary. She has plans. Big ones. And a ton of ambition. It's a combination that's going to get her killed one day - but not just yet.
That is, until she just gets a job on a tiny trade ship with a nasty reputation for surprises. The Glorious Fool isn't misnamed: it likes to get into trouble, so much so that one year of security work under its captain is equal to five years everywhere else. With odds like that, Devi knows she's found the perfect way to get the jump on the next part of her Plan. But the Fool doesn't give up its secrets without a fight, and one year on this ship might be more than even Devi can handle

You know, I do not really like science fiction. Even worse, I hate everything about space, ships, aliens … Yes, I know, this book should be everything I hate. You probably wonder why I then set my sights on it… No, I did not receive this novel by mistake, I really put it on my wishlist! Why is that? I am crazy (no it is not true! Well, maybe …). In fact, on its release and as usual not necessarily looking closer to it, I saw a growing number of positive reviews and by seeing the novel turn on all the blogs, I thought why not? It must be said that I really began to be curious to see how the story was going to be despite my apriori.

Well, I have to tell you right now, it’s a science fiction novel, that’s for sure, but I understand the amazement now. Yes, Rachel Bach has managed to make me appreciate all that I usually do not like and for that I must say I did not think it would happen one day (like what, you should never say never!). So yes, I had a good time with Fortune’s Pawn and even more than that, I really liked the novel to order directly the second volume in the Paradox series! Yes ! To this extent! And I even hesitated to buy immediately Volume 3, but I thought I was perhaps a little too greedy.

Devi is a mercenary who has great ambitions in life, she wants to be at the top but for that, it takes years of experiences she does not have. However, one possibility is offered to her: to engage in the safety of the Glorious Fool. Indeed, a year spent there equals 5 years everywhere else. Why is that? This ship is considered cursed and it often happens that crew members never come back. But that does not scare Devi, oh no, our Devi she is very strong and determined. But she did not expect the ship to attract so many dangers, or for it to hide terrible secrets, secrets they are willing to keep at all costs. But as she begins to take an interest in Rupert, this cook with unsuspected talents, she will come a little too close to the truth.

As I said, I really had a good time with the story. There is a lot going on in the story and although the science fiction side is of course very present, the author does not go into too complicated explanations. I enjoyed following Devi, she is a strong, stubborn woman with one ultimate goal in life: to become a Devastator. She did not think she was going to fall in love with Rupert, that enigmatic man. We want with her to discover what he hides behind his mask as well as some other characters and I confess I did not expect such a secret. In any case, the story is really very well put together and I admit  I can not wait to read more. I was a little sad to see such an outcome of the story, but I’m curious to see what Devi has in store for the future!

It was a very good discovery and I’m glad I was surprised by something that is not usually for me.

About Melliane @ Between Dreams and Reality

Between Dreams and Reality, blog littéraire compilant des avis en Français et en Anglais

Between Dreams and Reality blog with English and French reviews

Melliane is a French avid reader. She discovered the English language could make her discover a whole new world of books and since then she continues to explore. That’s why her blog is in French and English, with always more books to discover.

About Rachel Aaron / Bach

Hello, my name is Rachel Aaron, and I write the Heartstriker books, a new Urban Fantasy series about misfit dragons, starting with Nice Dragons Finish Last. I also wrote The Legend of Eli Monpress fantasy series for Orbit Books about a wizard thief and the poor bastards who have to try and stop him. PLUS I’m also the author of the new, rolicking fun Science Fiction romance Fortune’s Pawn under the name Rachel Bach. Confused yet? I know I am!

I was born in Atlanta, but I currently live a lovely, nerdy, bookish life in Athens, GA with my lightspeed son, perpetually understanding husband, and fat dog. Besides my own books, the internet knows me best for writing very fast. The best way to get to know me is probably to read my blog or follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

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Posted April 27, 2018 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Friends on Friday / 2 Comments

2 responses to “Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach

    • Thank you! This is another series high on my TBR. I do love science fiction / space opera so I hope to get to it soon.