Unearthed by Cecy Robson @cecyrobson

Posted September 23, 2019 by Robin in Book Review / 12 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Unearthed by Cecy Robson @cecyrobsonUnearthed by Cecy Robson
Series: Death Seeker #1
Published by Self-Published on September 24, 2019
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarHalf a Star

Fae was once a flourishing paradise. Until Death turned greedy and destroyed it, targeting the creatures who inhabited it. Those who survived escaped to Earth’s realm, but Death wasn’t far behind . . .

Olivia Finn is just another pixie trying to blend in among humans and hide from the death hounds who devoured her family. Clinging to the talisman that keeps her veiled from those who hunt her, she believes she is safe. . .. Until Death finds her and discovers she’s immune to its grip.

Now that Olivia’s power is unearthed, she is sought by Fae who see her as their savior and stalked by dark entities compelled to destroy her. Can she trust the King of the Dead who has sworn to train and protect her? Or should she obey her instincts that warn he desires more?

Olivia can no longer hide from Death. To survive, she must seek it.

Unearthed: A Death Seeker Novel has a premise where Fae creatures have come to earth to escape the Death that stalks their land and devours their souls so they can never rest.  It’s a cool premise to be sure and that was my draw in as I usually enjoy stories with Fae ties and I thought the added touch of death into the story could work really well since most of the time Fae are thought of as practically immortal.

I will have to say there are a lot of things that just weren’t my cup-a.  But first let’s talk about what the story has going for it.

1 – Death, well at least this version of Death in the Grim Reaper was hot.  I enjoyed his character and liked the idea that even Death is looking to get out of his gig and wants to be set free.  

2 – This story has Dragons.  I usually really like the addition of Dragons into a story as Dragons are cool.

3 – Olivia is likable with her love of pink, rainbow hair and prancing Pixie ways.  Even though she was so cliché, she was fun and I liked her.

Now some of the issues I had that made some parts of this less enjoyable for me might sound a bit nitpicky to you perhaps, but they nagged me.  

1 – The Fae on earth included Pixies, Dragons, a Hydra, a nymph, a gargoyle, gremlins and elves.  Those are just the things we see. But I don’t really remember Dragons, Hydra and Gargoyles being part of any Fae mythos I’ve read before so they felt throw in willy nilly with no explanation of this Fae world.

2 – And speaking of no explanation, there isn’t exactly any backstory as to why one day Fae’s incarnation of Death decided to start killing Fae who were alive to eat their souls and hunting them to extinction.  It seems like there should be some reasoning there or a prophecy or something. 

3 – The office Olivia works in seems like a CW version of a law office if you worked there with kids from your high school.  I mean some of the stuff was a little extreme and out of nowhere. It was entertainingly silly but I had a hard time buying into it.

4 – Vanessa the egg extractor.   Why? Why is there a sentient egg extractor?  What is she for? Why is she at the end during all of the fighting? I have no idea what the purpose of this thing was, why it hummed and why Human Grim Reaper Death has it in a box he took to the battle at the end.

5 – The very YA romance happening/not happening between Death and Olivia.  I want him/her and we can’t be together cuz reasons. The tension between them had its moments but overall it felt YA to me and very manufactured.

And last, but not least, when telling a story in first person I don’t like when they pass out, only to come to later when the battle is over and other things have happened.  I give the author a pass to do this every once and awhile as sometimes it is necessary. But it happened multiple times in the same book and for me that is a huge no no and makes me feel like the author isn’t really trying.

For me this didn’t really work. But for a lot of my fellow reviewers it did and if some of the things I mentioned aren’t deal breakers for you than there is a lot of fun in this story to be had.

The story is entertaining and if I’d just come off of a really tense book, I probably would have enjoyed the levity in this story a little more. As is, there were just too many holes for me to kick back and just enjoy the action that was happening.

About Cecy Robson

Cecy (pronounced Sessy) Robson is a full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the Great Northwest. She attributes her passion for story-telling back to the rough New Jersey neighborhood she was raised in. As a child, she was rarely allowed to leave the safety of her house and passed her time fantasizing about flying, fairies, and things that go bump in the night. Her dad unwittingly encouraged Cecy’s creativity by kissing her goodnight wearing vampire fangs. Gifted and cursed with an overactive imagination, she began writing her first urban fantasy series, Weird Girls, in May 2009.

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Posted September 23, 2019 by Robin in Book Review / 12 Comments

12 responses to “Unearthed by Cecy Robson

    • Nice. I saw a lot of people really enjoyed it, I think I was very much in the minority on this.

      I’m glad that you had a good time with it. I think if I hadn’t let a few things nag at me I would have totally enjoyed it more.

    • I read a ton of UF and Fantasy so I expect a lot more. If I’d read it just for the romance aspect I think I would have liked it a lot more. Death needs love too.

    • Shoot. Maybe I was too detailed. Fine line and all that. There were some fun characters though. I liked Jane, she was fun.

  1. Oh no! I have only read a couple of books by Cecy Robson and really enjoyed them but they were both contemporary romances. I think I would have some issues with missing the battle scenes because the character was unconscious. I feel a little bit better about skipping this one.

    • I think I would have liked a romance by her better.
      I’m a little picky when it comes to anything involving Fae.
      Sarah J Maas has the ACoTaR series and I had trouble with that one because the Fae could lie, that’s like vampires that sparkle.