šŸŽ§ Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage #HolterGraham @PRHAudio ā€@BerkleyPub

Posted February 1, 2021 by Robin in Book Review / 14 Comments

šŸŽ§ Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage #HolterGraham @PRHAudio ā€@BerkleyPubCry Wolf by Patricia Briggs
Narrator: Holter Graham
Series: Alpha and Omega #1
Published by Penguin Audio on January 15, 2019
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Length: 10 hours, 2 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Library
Amazon,Ā  Audible,Ā  Libro.fm,Ā  Barnes & Noble,Ā  Apple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Anna never knew werewolves existed, until the night she survived a violent attack... and became one herself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, she'd learned to keep her head down and never, ever trust dominant males. Then Charles Cornick, the enforcerā€”and sonā€”of the leader of the North American werewolves, came into her life.

Charles insists that not only is Anna his mate, but she is also a rare and valued Omega wolf. And it is Anna's inner strength and calming presence that will prove invaluable as she and Charles go on the hunt in search of a rogue werewolfā€”a creature bound in magic so dark that it could threaten all of the pack.

Iā€™ve been in a bit of a book slump.Ā  Iā€™ve been so caught up in what is going on in the world that it is really hard to find anything else that can hold my interest for even just a little while.Ā  This is the worst it has ever been for me.Ā  My solution was to take an author I have really loved and read another series written by them.Ā  I am all up to date on the Mercy Thompson series, thanks to the Read-along last year, but Iā€™d not read the side series in the same world Alpha & Omega.Ā  Cry Wolf is the first book of that series set directly after Moon Called the first book of the Mercy Thompson series.

I know some about Charles from the other series.Ā  He is portrayed by Mercy as scary, well at least to her and Branā€™s enemies.Ā  The story starts with Anna having just been rescued from an abusive pack by Charles.Ā  Their wolves recognize a connection right away and connect as mates immediately, a little backwards to the regular way things are done.Ā  Anna is coming back to Montana with Charles and Bran as they figure things out.

Anna is so easy to like.Ā  She has been through hell with her pack, being forced into becoming a wolf and then abused.Ā  She is a strong woman and an Omega (they are able to sooth the wolves in others) but that kind of abuse leaves some pretty big emotional scars for her to work through.Ā  Good thing there is a possible rogue wolf in the mountains and Charles and Anna will go together in order to find the wolf and see if they can save him.

I really enjoyed Cry Wolf, I might even like the characters more than its side series.Ā  Charles and Anna are a really good fit together, both are strong and vulnerable in their own ways.Ā  Charles as Branā€™s enforcer is feared by many.Ā  He is worried that Anna seeing him kill others will fear him too.Ā  I loved getting some back story on both Bran and Samuel that we didnā€™t see in the Mercy Thompson series. Ā The characters in this series really open up more discovery of the past and how greater wolf politics work along with some of the dangers in the world.

What a great side series, I was engaged the whole time and was able to relax out of the worldā€™s happenings, which was really what I was going for.Ā  This was a good way to start my reading slump recovery.


Holter Graham has a truly enchanting voice that fit Charles really well.Ā  He performed the story so well and made it easy to connect with all the characters.Ā  I listened to this at my usual 1.5x speed.

Listen to clip:

About Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs was born in Butte, Montana to a childrenā€™s librarian who passed on to her kids a love of reading and books. Patricia grew up reading fairy tales and books about horses, and later developed an interest in folklore and history. When she decided to write a book of her own, a fantasy book seemed a natural choice. Patricia graduated from Montana State University with degrees in history and German and she worked for a while as a substitute teacher. Currently, she lives in Montana with her children and six horses and writes full-time, much to the delight of her fans.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
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Posted February 1, 2021 by Robin in Book Review / 14 Comments

14 responses to “šŸŽ§ Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs

  1. This is one of my favorite series ever. I just reread it all between Christmas and now, as I’m currently reading Wild Sign (March 2021). For me, it was also a followup to the Mercy Read-along last year.

    I find genre changes help as well as a favorite reread. I do more of the genre switching. I went HUGE into mystery and thriller this year, more than in the past.

    • I might reread a series I love soon if this continues to ease back into it. I like mysteries but I often figure them out relatively soon into the book and sometimes that ruins it for me. But I might try something more scifi-related.

      I’m really caught up in some local challenges to the recent onslaught of censorship and cancel culture that is affecting my family and friends, it is taking a lot of bandwidth.

    • I’ve decided to pick these up from the library as they become available. I’m really excited to explore one of the other packs and finally understand Bran’s motives a little better.

  2. Great review. It was nice to revisit the book through it. I like this series just as much as I like Mercy. It’s great to see more background on these characters that we hear about in Mercy. It’s add more to the world. I totally get the reading slump. It’s been tough for me too to find stuff I like.

  3. I hope to re-read this one soon. I am so glad that you enjoyed this one. I really think that series along with Mercy Thompson just go together to paint a complete picture of the world seen in the books. I am glad you enjoyed the narrator.

    • Yes. Some of the info into Bran and the mate he chose and why made that entire relationship make way more sense to me.

  4. I’ve read through this series twice now, but I’d love to do another re-read, especially with the new one coming. It’s comforting getting back to a beloved series!

    Rachel recently posted: Sunday Post #107
    • If you haven’t started either series I’d recommend doing them in chronological order but it isn’t necessary as I clearly read all of one series before even starting it.