The purpose of Thrifty Thursday is to read a book which was free (at some point).
Kindle freebie on November 21, 2021 (currently $2.99 and in Kindle Unlimited as of writing this post)
Overall rating 4.19 with 8,401 ratings and 941 reviews

Series: Glimmer Lake #1
Published by Self-Published on February 18, 2020
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 230
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Amazon, Audible

Robin Brannon was a normal wife, mom, and antique shop owner until a brush with death turned her day-to-day life upside down. Now she and her two best friends are seeing things that belong in a fantasy novel. Ghosts. Visions. Omens of doom. Nothing that belongs in the peaceful mountain town they call home.
Added to that, Robin’s marriage is on the rocks, her grandmother’s health is failing, her mother is driving away the customers at her shop, her teenage daughter refuses to get her drivers’ license, and her left knee aches every darn morning.
Robin doesn’t have the time, energy, or knees to unearth the secrets buried at the bottom of Glimmer Lake, but fate doesn’t seem to care. Some secrets are just dying to be exposed.
What could be more exciting than three middle-aged besties going to celebrate a birthday and instead nearly dying, receiving psychic gifts, and finding themselves in the middle of a coldest of cold case mysteries? I’ve picked up one of this author’s books before and I thought I knew what I could expect, but Suddenly Psychic exceeded this and delivered so much more.
Suddenly Psychic introduces Robin Brannon. Wife, mom, , daughter, antique shop owner, one-time artist, and now a woman in her forties who is just going through the motions, wondering if her marriage will withstand an empty nest, and pretty sure her kids and husband barely notice she exists. At the point when she is coping with her stale, colorless routine, a trip to a lakeside restaurant for her widowed friend Monica’s birthday with crusty and vivacious second friend, Val, their car goes off the road into the lake and her life is never the same.
The three women come out of the lake with three bizarre abilities. Robin can see and communicate with ghosts, Monica has premonitions, and Val has touch telepathy. They go through all the stages of shock, denial, and then grudging acceptance.
Meanwhile, one of the ghosts Robin can see figures in Monica’s dreams and his body tells Val the man was murdered. The mystery of their ghost and his body that was brought up from the bottom of the lake with her car, sets Robin and the others seeking answers.
Suddenly Psychic surprises one with the added mystery to solve, but it was all one could hope who was looking to see the mash up of paranormal with women’s fiction. Robin is secretly drowning and I loved seeing her slowly start to realize why and to listen to those around her who are trying to help her. She wants a meaningful, loving relationship with her kids and she desperately wants to rekindle her marriage. I was cheering her on through that and even coming to grips with her issues with her mom and that side of her family. I liked seeing her with her besties and learning about their situations, too.
The psychic gifts are an interesting addition and I got a kick out of these middle aged women getting a reset on life and the chance to be daring and interesting with what they now possess even if they get frustrated figuring out how to make the gifts fit into their lives.
The mystery is easy to solve as to the culprit and the villain is a rather nasty piece of goods. I liked sleuthing with the gals and then seeing how they work out the truth with leg work and their gifts and then things coming to a crux.
As I said, Suddenly Psychic exceeded my expectations and really delivered. I want to go on for the other two books in the Glimmer Lake trilogy featuring her friends and I am definitely sold on the Paranormal Women’s Fic genre with a large dose of mystery to make it more interesting.
- Yours Eventually by Nura Maznavi @fatnurmaz @DuttonBooks@sophiarose1816 - February 19, 2025
- A Play of Heresy by Margaret Frazer #MargaretFrazer @sophiarose1816 - February 16, 2025
- Whispers of Fortune by Mary Connealy @maryconnealy @bethanyhousefiction @austenprose @sophiarose1816 - February 12, 2025
I loved this one. I read it as an ARC but then also got the freebie! I’ve loved and supported this author since the beginning.
I’m behind the power curve on her books. This is only my second of her books. I will definitely be reading more. 🙂
I read this a while back and found it to be cute. I meant to read on, but got distracted with another book ^_^. Great review.
Haha! Nope, I’ve never gotten distracted when doing a series. Haha, and I lie. 😉
I had a ton of fun with the glimmer lake series. Seemed like a cool place to be.
I’m looking forward to revisiting Glimmer Lake for the next two books. 🙂
I loved this one too and need to catch up on the series. Lovely review Sophia!
Thanks, Kimberly! Yes, we have some to look forward to. 🙂
I love both of the covers, and the books sound amazing.
I’m with you. Those are glamorous covers.
It’s been a while since I haven’t read one of her books but I really should go back to them!
Happy to nudge her books back into your mind. This one was great.
This sounds like an great read! I haven’t read a lot of paranormal women’s fiction yet, but this one sounds good. I like how all three of them get different powers. I also like the fact that she’s trying to rekindle her marriage as a lot of these books seem to start with a divorce, so this sounds like a nice twist. It sounds fun seeing them figure out how their new gifts fit into their lives and it’s neat there’s a mystery as well. Great review!
Yes, this one really hit the spot. I think I forgot to put it in the list of books I recommended when we chatted about women’s fic earlier this year. Definitely one to try. 🙂
I like finding a free book that ends up being really good. Always nice to find.
Yes! That is the fun of trying freebies, Mary. I’m going to keep going with these when I get the chance.
The team work vibe sound like fun with this trio.
I agree. The friendship that was at the heart of this one really made the book.