The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.
Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar. Last day to enter the Series on Saturday giveaway.
Sunday, Lulu woke me up early to go out and then I went back to sleep. So I got a good night’s sleep but a late start. The temperature has dropped to the 50s (11-13C). I did some blog visiting and then took Lulu for a walk before dark. After dinner I finished up some blog visiting, reviewed the Audible sale (nothing for me) and planned my errands for tomorrow.
Monday, I did just a little bit of computer stuff before heading out on errands. I went to Sam’s Club for a couple items, then did a curbside pickup at Walmart, and what was supposed to be a curbside pickup at Harris Teeter. It was messed up a bit and I had to go inside, and also for the RX. Before they got their new system, they would bring out your RX if they were already paid, which they were. I put stuff away and took Lulu for a short walk. Then my daughter wanted to eat early and go to bed early. That works because I’m tired. I’ll be so glad to stay home tomorrow.
Tuesday, colder and rainy later. I have been working on a variety of things, the usual blog visiting and email cleanups. I wrote 2 reviews for this week. Amazon delivered a package to us that belonged to our neighbor and ours to that neighbor. I read my daughter’s final essay. My daughter took a photo of the marigolds before they would freeze later in the week. I made a batch of food for Lulu. I stayed up later finishing a book.
Wednesday, I felt tired when I got up. I created an account on Mastodon, just in case. I am at I’m not active there yet. I worked on the graphic for the 2023 Read-along. We all know I am graphics challenged. Another busy day with a couple errands. The run around included a stop at the vet for Lulu’s bordatella vaccine, the post office, then Kohls for an Amazon return, then BJ’s to fill the second grill tank, then Aldi’s for a few items, and finally Lowe’s to get pansies to replace the impatiens, and new light fixtures for our upstairs hall. My daughter went to take a nap and I put away groceries, laundry and got ready for dinner. I’m going to have to go out Friday but I’m trying to avoid any errands next week.
Thursday, another happy day to not go anywhere. I was up late reading so I didn’t get an early start. I did figure out after much messing around and another assist from Jen Twimom how to post my stuff from Twitter to Mastodon automatically. There’s another app Mastodon Twitter crossposter which you can set up to go either way and with multiple accounts which I managed. My biggest problem is I hadn’t written down the password to my Northwoman account at Mastodon so it took my 4 tries to get it. Then I had trouble logging in because you have to be logging in to the right server. I have my BooksofMyHeart and Northwoman on different servers. But it’s all working now.
Friday, I did a bit of the usual stuff, then more errands. I went to Wegmans and actually went inside. The prices are much less than curbside and I wanted to look for a few things. After going home and putting things away, I went to Harris Teeter for my daughter’s RX after calling to make sure it had arrived in their order. I also got gluten-free pie shells (they were out at Wegmans) and Breyer’s ice cream on sale. I quickly put those away and then took Lulu out for a medium walk because it was almost 5 already. Then I did some other planning for about an hour before dinner. After dinner, I helped edit my daughter’s final essay. We were both too tired so we will have to finish up tomorrow.
Saturday, I did more work in preparation for the 2023 Read-along. I also received the answers from Jeaniene Frost for the Q & A. Fun! I looked at yet a few other post sharing plugins. Then I looked at ways to modify RSS feed for tags. I’m learning things but it is eating up a lot of time. My daughter got up early so we could edit her paper. We took a break for dinner as Lulu was begging to go down to dinner. I made fish tacos by taking parts of 4 different recipes and they were yummy. I used a tomato from the garden. Then we finished up the editing and I finalized this Sunday post.
So I didn’t get to finishing up stuff for our 2023 healthcare, or repairing the vacuum with the new part, or the backyard leaves and mowing, or trying out the grill with the new tank to decide if it’s the grill or the tank that was a problem when I put the other tank on last week.
Monday, December 19th– Top 10 Books of 2022
- Tuesday, December 20th– Top 10 Audiobooks of 2022
- Wednesday, December 21st – Top 10 Book Covers of 2022
- Thursday, December 22nd – Top 10 Book Characters of 2022
- Friday, December 23rd – Top 10 Your Choice Category ( Narrators, New to Me, Couples, Series, Books I Meant to Read in 2022, etc)
- Saturday, December 24th – Top 10 Books I Want in 2023
Each day will have a linkup so we can see everyone’s favorites.
#Top10of 2023 @BooksofMyHeart Tag and grab the button!
2023 Challenges and Read-along Heads up
These are the ones I am hosting. I participate in others like COYER and some RATs.
Library Love 2023 challenge Information and Signup post will be December 2.
Read-along #SIAM for January 2023 Ian
Read- along 2023 Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne Announcement post December 3
Thrifty Thursday Challenge (NEW!!) Information and Signup post November 27
Top 10 of 2023 I will do this next December but won’t do the info until November 2023
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality. These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):
Many thanks to Tantor Audio.
(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)
Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.
I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.
I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.
- 🎧 Cold as Hell by Kelley Armstrong @KelleyArmstrong #TheresePlummer @MinotaurBooks @MacmillanAudio#LoveAudiobooks - February 18, 2025
- Sunday Post – 16 February 2025 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality - February 16, 2025
- 🎧 Wooing the Witch Queen by Stephanie Burgis @stephanieburgis #AmandaLeighCobb@torbooks @BrambleRomance @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks - February 15, 2025
The top 10 posts for December look fun – I’ve got it on my calendar to join in.
Also, in your freebie stack, the cover for Snowed in With Grumpy doesn’t seem to match the title…..what’s grumpy about that guy???? 🙂 Have a great Thanksgiving.
Thank you Terrie. I really like the Top 10 posts and looking at everyone’s favorites. Someone else used to do it but when they stopped I started doing it. It also made a break in review posts for the holidays. I’m thrilled to have you with us. Pick whichever days interest you or do them all. I have no idea about grumpy. It was free and I haven’t read it yet.
Sounds like a busy week with a lot getting done but I’m glad you still managed a couple days at home with no errands to run. I’d never heard of Mastodon before this week but am now hearing it talked about as a Twitter alternative. I rarely ever use Twitter anyway (or any social media, really) so I feel a bit removed from the whole Twitter debacle. Your Thanksgiving graphic is lovely. Hope you have a wonderful holiday, Anne.
Thank you Tanya! Twitter was my first social media and I’ve been there 12 years. Granted more of my posts now are blog shares but I still post sales and deals daily and retweet those. I actually have both a personal and blog Twitter, and now both for Mastodon.
I saw your blog posts on Mastodon this morning, so it looks like you have it working! I had really pulled away from Twitter over the past year or so, and so far I am enjoying Mastodon. I am keeping the circle small so I don’t see so much “crap” that I don’t want to. I’ve already unfollowed a couple people because all they do is RT stuff from Twitter – which I want to get away from.
Last week went by quickly because I felt that I didn’t have enough time to get stuff done. I’ve told you offline about some of the stuff and as you know, it takes up a lot of time. I am looking forward to the short week ahead and getting in some Christmas “Hallmark” movies with my daughter.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Jen. I’ve been doing a lot of research and learning about options other than Twitter combined with the Jetpack loss to come. Right now the only way I can find to update Mastodon with an autoshare is from my Twitter posts but I am working on a direct connection rather than the Crossposter. It will take time to set things up again for all my social media sharing to be the way I want it.
Great stuff coming up and like you, I keep grabbing those freebies, they just sounds so good! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Eva. I’m so happy to have you as a reader here.
Now you’ve got me craving fish tacos, lol. Sounds like a busy productive week!
Thank you Tammy. I am pretty much always craving fish tacos.
The fish tacos look yummy! That’s good you transferred over to Mastodon. I don’t tweet regularly so I think I’m just leaving it as is for the time being. Enjoy your week ahead and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Naida. I should make fish tacos more often because I love them. Most of my social media is blog post shares. I do “manually” share blogs I read and sales and deals. But I’ve got work to do to simplify those shares once I’m off Jetpack.
Glad you are doing the email cleanups. I’ve thought about how to take care of this and enlisted help from Youtube DIY videos and it helps. I’ve been learning a lot. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Thank you Trin. I spend too much time with social media and cleaning up emails. I’ve done a bunch of unsubscribing but new ones pop up.
Errands sure kept you busy.
Thanks for the link to the cross poster. I need to set something like that up.
Wishing you a great reading week
Thank you Shelleyrae. Errands are the bane of my existence. Medical appts are critical and yet one never knows exactly how long they will last. The supply shopping errands are much complicated by the fact that items are unavailable more often or with gluten-free brands certain things are only offered at one store. So to get even a short list I have to go to 3-5 places instead of 1. I have a lot of work to do to simply and improve my social media shares / posts once I am off Jetpack.
I think I’ve done a different top 10 the last few years, but I like yours too! Will have to decide which to do. Is Lulu wearing a sweater in that pic? So cute. Sounds like a kind of busy week for you. I went and grabbed one of the freebies you have there. Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving week!
Thanks Lisa. yes Lulu is wearing the hand knit sweater I made her last year. It’s a little bit big now because she’s lost some weight. I hope you can join us for a day or more of the Top 10.
You had another busy week! I’m seeing more and more people migrating to Mastodon. Thank you for the tip about crossposting. I’m debating signing up at the Romancelandia site, and/or one of the SFF servers – excuse me, “federated instances.” But I’m not sure I really want to take on yet another social media site right now. We’ll see. I can’t spend much time thinking about it until after NaNoWriMo.
I plan to do the Iron Druid readalon with you. (Although I admit upfront, I’m not always good about getting my book club books read in time. But I’ll try!) I’ve read the first three books years ago, and as I recall, I bogged down in the fourth, but I would like to finish the series. I’ll probably also do Library Love, and I’m intrigued to find out what the Thrifty Thursday challenge will be about. (Besides, you know, thrift.)
Have a great week and a happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you. I’ll be so happy to have you join us on some challenges and the Read-along. I haven’t done much at Mastodon other than set up the account. Try to get around and follow a few people and cross post from Twitter. I’m trying to figure out an app that will post directly from the blog to there, probably by grabbing RSS feed. Also if you haven’t seen the comments, I can’t post a comment to your site yesterday or today.
You made me curious with the “new” Thrifty Thursday Logo. Will there be a bigger logo to use? The 150 is a bit too tiny, at least for my blog … Anyway. The “Mastodon” thing here in Germany is a bit complicated. The few servers Germany has, don´t accept it when you only want to post things book related, like I am doing at Twitter so far. And the instructions how to register so that your blogname is shown first isn´t very clear… well… guess I will have to register at an international server… Your Sunday Post sounds like you´ve been a busy bee all week long *smile* Love your pictures. Lulu looks as if she is saying “what the heck is going on?” *lol* I am in love with your dog, that´s for sure *smile* Thank you for sharing the pictures. Happy reading Anne and have a great new week!
Thank you Vi. yes there will be a bigger button for Thrifty Thursday. Lulu is our best girl.
You’ve had another busy week so it seems. I love that your hosting some events again next year. I’m definitely thinking of maybe hosting some stuff too.
Those freebies look sooooo tempting.
Have a great week and happy reading.
Thanks Maureen. All those tempting freebies is why I have to do Thrifty Thursday.
Busy week like always but glad you had a few days to stay home! I might do some end of the year posts this year. I haven’t in a while!
That would be great Samantha. You can do one day of Top 10 or more, whatever works for you.
Phew, you did do a ton of running around this week. I had a few away times including a sweet bridal shower for our niece, but last week was my running around week. Yay for figuring out how to get hooked up with the Mastadon site and connecting apps. I’ll check out Mastadon at some point, I’m sure.
Very cool to see the Top 10 Categories and see what challenges you have coming out for 2023. Appreciate all your hard work on those.
Have a good Thanksgiving week, Anne!
Thank you Sophia for always being supportive. I think 2023 will be a great reading year. I’m so looking forward to just staying home all week. Hopefully the weather is a little warmer. Today I was just too cold to walk with Lulu and we both need it.
You’ve had another busy week! I see a lot of different ideas for end of the year posts and 2023 challenges. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
This is my Sunday Post
Thank Jodie. I hope you can join us for a challenge or a day or more of the Top 10 posts. We’d love to have you.
I’ve been thinking about Mastodon with all the Twitter turmoil but haven’t done anythnig yet. Sounds like a busy week. Our main claim to fame this week was a snowstorm lol. It’s cold and snowy here.
The fish tacos look yummy 🙂
After all those years in Minnesota I am over snow in November. I used to love it because SKIING! I mean I’d hit the slopes at the first possibility. Now we don’t live near any and I haven’t skiied or much else in the COVID years. I am always looking for fish tacos. I love them.
I’m never sure how to feel about it when I get a good night’s sleep but a late start. LOL
That’s too bad that the one place no longer brings your RX out to you but I can understand why they wouldn’t want to do that. Sucks for anyone with mobility issues though, doesn’t it?
Mmm fish tacos look good!!
Thank you Jinjer. I’m having to go in more places for things and better prices but I’m always masking. Fish tacos are my favorite.
You did so much running around! I am tired just thinking about it. I still need to figure out what I am making for Thanksgiving and I better hurry up and do it so I can get the groceries. I need to check out that Zanetti series! Have a great week!
Thanks Carole. I wouldn’t need to run around so much if products were in stock or if the gluten free products we prefer were carried by every store. I hate to stock up so much but sometimes I buy stuff while it is available if it will keep. I love cranberries so I am buying extra and freezing them because after the end of the year I couldn’t get them anymore. I didn’t want to shop at high traffic times. I hope your shopping goes smoothly. Happy Thanksgiving.
Lulu is adorable in her little sweater ❤️. I’m thinking of checking out Mastadon too, but I still have a slim bit of hope for Twitter.
Lulu has lost weight so her sweater is falling off. I wish Twitter would work well but there are reasons it will have issues. Book twitter is holding up but the rest of it is weird now.
Running errands can suck the life out of you! I enjoy my days when I don’t have to go anywhere too! The grocery stores up here are kind of a nightmare. I’ve waited in line for 30 min before so now I know not to go after work. I guess that’s one of the drawbacks of living in a small town. Things are busier because of the holidays.
Your marigolds are pretty. Yeah, we’ve had several days of freezing so I had to pull out the causalities like my periwinkle/vinca. I planted my bulbs and a bunch of cyclamen and I just bought pansies, mini and regular size, to plant too.
Sometimes I am energized by errands, organizing it well and doing it efficiently or getting things done. Other times it’s a drudge. I always like the variegated colors in marigolds, and in pansies too. Pulling up the basil is like a punch in the gut. I love basil.
I love the look of the Top Ten lists. I will have to do a few of them as lists are my favorite! I love marigolds. They’re such happy looking flowers. I need to take a look at Mastodon. I had kind of given up on Twitter even before this happened but I’m curious about the new platform. Have a wonderful week!
Thank you Katharine. I’ll be excited to have you join Top 10 whether it’s one day or more. I love the variegated marigolds and pansies. But the perennials are even easier. I wish Twitter hadn’t been purchased but change is part of life. Twitter is so well integrated with all the applications and the new ones aren’t so that’s not fun. I like to automate what I can, post sharing as it’s a real time saver.
Your marigolds were happy growers! That’s a lot of blooms. Wow, it’s getting close to year end list time!
I’m glad they were happy. It seems to keep the slugs off the tomatoes. I love lists. I hope you can join for 1 day or more.
Oooh you got Q&A from Jeaniene Frost? That’s so exciting Anne!
Yes Sophie. It will post on December 2nd with the Into The Fire Post for the Read-along. I think it’s really interesting stuff.
I signed up for Tribel just in case Twitter goes belly up even though I don’t think that will actually happen. But I’ve decided that if it does happen I’m not going to start over on another platform. I’m just going to let it go. I don’t have the patience to start over somewhere new.
It’s really hard because so many applications are connected into Twitter and there are people I only know from there or found there initially. I didn’t love Tribel, although I set up an account. Mastodon was harder to setup and find people but I like it well.
Yum! Now I want tacos lol
Tacos for the win!
Another busy week! I stopped doing curbside pickup a while back because of the jacked-up prices. I save that money for ordering takeaway or delivery now. I realize it’s not as safe but covid numbers are low here. Those fish tacos look delicious!
yes the only place where the price is the same is Walmart or BJ’s or Sam’s Club so I keep with it there. They have their own people not Instacart. I do some shopping but with masks always. Fish tacos are my favorite. I needed avocados though.
It sounds like a very productive week Anne! I can commiserate with the tired feeling. I think there’s something in our brains that switches when DST ends.
I’m looking forward to picking out a challenge or two for 2023! Maybe I’ll be able to stick to one this year. 🤪
Stephanie! I hope you have a great year ahead and it should be different. It will be great to have you around more.