The Warlord’s Stormy Skye by Gail Koger @Askole @sophiarose1618

Posted March 1, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 10 Comments

Review copy was received from Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Warlord’s Stormy Skye by Gail Koger @Askole  @sophiarose1618The Warlord's Stormy Skye by Gail Koger
Series: Coletti Warlords #15.5
on January 16, 2023
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Pages: 138
Format: eARC
Source: Author
AmazonBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

My name is Skye McAllister, I’m a psychic witch and a healer. My life is a rollercoaster ride of craziness. My unique electrical powers have a bunch of alien males eyeing me like I’m prime rib at an all-you-can-eat banquet.

If that wasn’t bad enough, a crazy old witch transformed herself into a half-human Kotsor spider and is trying to kill me with hexes, magical bombs, and her zillion hatchlings. Have you ever tried to disarm an enchanted bomb with space Neanderthals trying to claim you as their mate? It’s a good way to die.

To keep me alive, Zarek, the Coletti Overlord, assigned me a partner. Vorian is a badass War Commander who is used to people obeying him immediately. Like that’s going to happen. I will admit he’s sex on two legs, and so damn pretty. But if I let my hormones dictate my actions, we’d be bound for life. Not happening.

Once we rid the galaxy of Mallox and the evil spider lady, I’m ditching his fine ass.

We meet the powerful psychic witch, Skye, and the determined, capable Coletti War Commander Vorian in the last book, Forever Askole, when the sparks started to fly in that forced partnership. Now, with the stakes high and a powerful evil witch and mad scientist on the loose, the pair have to set aside hostilities and work together.

The Warlord’s Stormy Skye is the seventeenth installment in the Coletti Warlords series of sci-fi romances. This latest series arc has carried through for a few books now when it comes to the chase for the mad scientist and the witch involvement in the last three so this is not a standalone story.

Skye is a powerful psychic and witch. First, she was busy with her fellow witches, including her sister and cousin, fighting off hostile, cannibalistic aliens and then she was on the run from acquisitional Coletti who demands earth’s psychic women for their dying race of mostly males in exchange for helping to protect earth from their alien enemies. She ended up jumping from the frying pan into the fire when she took a healer job off-world. Now, she’s been rescued and right where she didn’t want to be- partnered with a Coletti in a race to stop a crazed pair who want to destroy earth and take over the galaxy.

Unlike many of his fellow Coletti, Vorian, is surprising to Skye. She doesn’t catch on right away, but he plays a bit of reverse psychology on her and doesn’t act like a possessive alpha male going all caveman on her. He respects her abilities and treats her like a full partner, dealing with her bad temper that fires magic and lightning before thinking sometimes. He subtly sneaks in the more than partners bit while they are rushing to stop the magical bombs, booby traps, and plots left by Marian, the witch turned alien spider, and Maddox, the scientist.

I had a good time with this pair and got a kick out of Vorian’s cunning and the side show of sniping between Skye and the third member of their team and a surprise recurring character from older books, Bey, the crotchety Tabor.

These are sexy and action-packed, but most of all plain, easy fun. I can recommend the book and series to those who enjoy light sci-fi romance.



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Posted March 1, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 10 Comments

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