Taking on Tory by SE Smith @sesmithfl #ThriftyThursday @sophiarose1816

Posted June 4, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 12 Comments

Taking on Tory by SE Smith @sesmithfl #ThriftyThursday  @sophiarose1816Taking on Tory by SE Smith
Series: Magic, New Mexico #2
on February 23, 2015
Genres: Paranormal
Pages: 114
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne Star

You can live forever, and still find mysteries whose answers will unravel your world…

Though the town of Magic in New Mexico is…unusual, to say the least, Tory has never left it in all her life, and she’s dying to get out and explore the world. When she finally gets a chance to go somewhere for three weeks, she would be crazy to say no.

Simon has reinvented himself over and over again throughout the centuries. He is used to getting what he wants, and he wants the beautiful young woman who captured his imagination at first sight. He is shocked and just a little bit fascinated when she’s unaffected by his charms. She isn’t impressed by his wealth or his looks. She doesn’t even bat an eye when he flashes his teeth!

Find out what happens when a centuries-old werewolf discovers he isn’t the only creature who loves to bite….

A half vampire-half witch grows up in the unique town of paranormals hiding in plain sight, but she’s ready to see the big world out there. Meanwhile a werewolf whose existence has been long and rather lonely hiding out among the humans catches sight of a woman who makes even his wolf side sit up and take notice.  Spicy paranormal romance when one wants a one-sitting read.

I’ve read some of the author’s sci-fi romances and enjoyed them so I eagerly picked this one up as a freebie to see what she could do with paranormal romance.

The first book in the series is actually a sci-fi paranormal romance crossover and introduces the Magic, NM world.  Each book is set there, but are standalones and, indeed, have many different authors contributing stories for the series.

But, back to Taking on Tory.  This was a fast and short novella.  Tory’s background and then Simon’s background are given and are enough to draw the interest right away.  They share a major chunk of the narration, but her parents and extended family also get bits of the narration.

The plot style took some getting used to because the author would lay down a scene and then sometimes follow it up with the same scene told from a different perspective so it goes over the same ground a few times.  But, it doesn’t always do that- it can hop from narrator to narrator or hop forward in time.  In other words, it was not a smooth read.

The romance was lust at first sight and Simon felt like the proverbial ravaging wolf out of control.  I found it ironic when he takes out a pair of stalkers who are after Tory, and that was the reason he was even there on the scene.  Consent on her part was sketchy because she goes along with his possessive cave wolf routine while she’s riding a lust wave, but backs off when she’s not.  She never actually says no, so it doesn’t totally cross the line.  But, while that bothered me, the explanation of full moon fever was given plus Tory was a strong vampire who could have fought him if she didn’t like what he was doing.

And, what he was doing was hot and lusty.  Simon spent most of the novella in this condition.  I would have liked to have seen some scenes with him not in this mode for me to believe the ‘I love you’s he and Tory exchanged.

So, it was a blistering hot and fast paranormal romance.  I wouldn’t mind trying more books in the magical Magic, NM setting by this author and the others since trolls, fae, witches, weres, vampires, and more live there.



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Posted June 4, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 12 Comments

12 responses to “Taking on Tory by SE Smith

  1. Yeah, I like a little more foundation for the “I love yous” to ring true, as well. Glad to hear the choppy writing and insta-lust didn’t put you off the series and you’re looking forward to continuing, since you’ve enjoyed the author’s work in the past.

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