Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry Richman #BarryRichman @MerytonPress #KindleUnlimited @sophiarose1816

Posted October 4, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 12 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry Richman #BarryRichman @MerytonPress #KindleUnlimited @sophiarose1816  Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry Richman
Published by Meryton Press on July 13, 2023
Genres: Historical Fiction
Pages: 454
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Fitzwilliam Darcy. Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam. Two cousins, closer than brothers.
One finds love despite his inner demons; the other resists love because of them.

Elizabeth Bennet. Kitty Bennet. Two sisters, strengthened by adversity.
One willingly yields to love; the other pridefully misinterprets it. An epic saga steeped in intrigue and gift-wrapped in romance,

Doubt Not, Cousin chronicles the trials and tribulations of three extraordinary families during England’s Regency era. …But who is the girl with the violet eyes?

An evil insidious plot sets in motion a chain of events to a tale that turns Jane Austen’s light comedy of manners into a deep, rich, and riveting family saga full of intrigue, action and romance.  Debut author, Barry Richman’s Doubt Not, Cousin started out as an intriguing curiosity and turned into my desperate need to see how the story unfolded to the very end.

Doubt Not, Cousin is set in the Pride & Prejudice world.  However, it takes the reader on an epic journey beginning a few decades before Austen’s tale with the generation before- a young Mr. Bennet, a young and alive George and Lady Anne Darcy, young Fitzwilliams, young Lady Catherine, and a shocking opener that promises the rest of the tale will vary from the very beginning so that what unfolded was an entirely new tale with familiar locations and names, the occasional twist on events or dialogue from the original P&P.

And. I. Didn’t. Mind. At. All.

My interest and emotions were grabbed from the start.  This is a large cast with a many-threaded plot that screamed family saga rather than simple historical romance.  I adore slow-build sagas that I can sense the tie-in off all the threads leading to a- or a few- momentous climax.  And, most importantly, I enjoyed all the storylines and didn’t mind when it would shift to pick up the plot with another scene and perspective.  I will admit there are times when the plot might feel ponderous and slow going particularly during the introductory matters, but it was worth patiently waiting for it to get its feet under it and start moving out.  The suspense woven throughout is cleverly done.  The reader is aware of the plotter in the background, but is left figuratively biting nails to see if the good guys will figure it out in time.

While Darcy and Lizzy have starring roles, they share the lead with several others who have their own grand stories.  I was delighted by each and every cast member from the original character Lady Thea, to the clever and capable Hursts and elder Bennets to the real star of the piece, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam who gets his own satisfying romance.  Kudos to Mr. Richman for making a few characters diverse and different-abled.

So, if my gushing didn’t make matters clear, I loved Doubt Not, Cousin and happily recommend it to any and all whether familiar with Austen’s P&P or not who enjoy anything from historical sagas to sweet, but daring historical romances.


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Posted October 4, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 12 Comments

12 responses to “Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry Richman

  1. I’ve become a huge fan of Austenesque retellings over the last couple of years – this sounds like a cracking read, Sophia. Thank you for the recommendation:)).

  2. oooh this whole setup is so interesting there. I know how much you love the autenesque books. And how its in the earlier timeframe is really interesting.

    Glad this one turned out to be such a hit for you

    Great review darling!