Known to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong @KelleyArmstrong @doubledayca @AudiobookMel

Posted September 27, 2024 by Melanie in Book Review / 4 Comments

Known to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong @KelleyArmstrong  @doubledayca  @AudiobookMelKnown to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong
Published by Doubleday on July 2, 2024
Genres: Thriller
Pages: 345
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

From nationally bestselling author K.L. Armstrong comes a new heartstopping, propulsive, race-against-the-clock thriller.

How far will you go to protect the only family you have?

When Amy Gibson's mother is brutally murdered by her boyfriend, Amy's world is completely undone. Overcome with grief and heartache, she withdraws from everything around her—college, her friends, her entire life. Until her estranged half-brother, Oliver, saves her, pulling her back into her life and giving her family. Giving her a home.

Eight years later, she's picked herself up and has worked hard to move forward. She’s the host of a popular true crime podcast that focuses on crimes against women committed by their partners and is finding purpose and healing through helping women in ways she couldn't help her mother.

And then Oliver is accused of the unthinkable—something that is so unlike him. Something that horrifies Amy. But desperate to save the only family she has, she sets out to prove her brother's innocence.

But as the days pass and more information about Oliver and his past slowly comes to light, Amy begins realizing that nothing is ever as it seems—especially when it comes to family.

K.L. Armstrong is Kelley Armstrong who is known mostly for her Urban Fantasy series Otherworld and the suspense series Rockton. I’ve always loved her work, I’ve read almost everything she’s written, even her Young Adult and Middle Grade stories, which is rare for me. But she’s such a great storyteller, I can’t help but pick up her work. Because this is under a different pen name, I missed these stories. But on my vacation at the cabin, I needed some stories to read and found a few of these I could download from my library. I’m so glad I did.

This story follows a young woman named Amy whose mother was killed by a boyfriend when she tried to end the relationship. Amy withdraws from pretty much her whole life until an estranged step-brother shows up to help bring her back out into the world. She decides to use her experience to let others know of the dangers of some relationships. Then her brother is accused of being a predator himself.

This was a fun story of trying to figure out did Oliver do what he’s accused of? Did Amy not see a predator right in front of her when she’s been trying to help others? Or is it that things are being taken out of context.

Known to the Victim was a great stand alone story. I had a great time with it. Armstrong captivated me with her characters as she always has. I still prefer her series over the stand-alone stories because I like having more time with her characters, but this was a great start to finish story.

About K.L. Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong has been telling stories since before she could
write. Her earliest written efforts were disastrous. If asked for a
story about girls and dolls, hers would invariably feature undead girls
and evil dolls, much to her teachers’ dismay. Today, she continues to
spin tales of ghosts and demons and werewolves, while safely locked
away in her basement writing dungeon. She lives in southwestern
Ontario with her husband, kids and far too many pets.

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Posted September 27, 2024 by Melanie in Book Review / 4 Comments

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