Gathering Mist by Margaret Mizushima @margmizu @crookedlanebks

Posted October 8, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 16 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Gathering Mist by Margaret Mizushima @margmizu @crookedlanebks Gathering Mist by Margaret Mizushima
Series: Timber Creek K9 Mystery #9
on October 8, 2024
Genres: Mystery
Pages: 256
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Deputy Mattie Wray, formerly Mattie Cobb, is summoned to Washington’s Olympic peninsula for an urgent search and rescue mission to find a celebrity’s missing child. With only a week left before her wedding, Mattie is hesitant to leave Timber Creek, but her K-9 partner Robo’s tracking skills are needed.

Dense forest, chilling rain, and unfriendly locals hamper their efforts, and soon Mattie suspects something more sinister than a lost child is at play. When one of the SAR dogs becomes ill, her fiancé, Cole Walker, suspects poison. Fearing for Mattie’s and Robo’s safety, Cole joins the search and rescue team as veterinary support.

Mattie has continued to develop her professional skills with Robo and widen her personal connections in the  Timber Creek K-9 series.   In Gathering Mist,  the man who originally trained her and Robo asks her to go along to a search for a 9 year old boy in Washington state. The Olympic peninsula has dense forests, chilling rain, and difficult terrain.

It’s the week before her wedding to Cole, but Mrs. Gibbs, Angie and Sophie have everything under control.  Cole is concerned about her leaving but after she arrives and another K9 is poisoned, he joins her.  He has some issues with his mother he tries to smooth before he leaves.

The searching is exhausting and difficult.  I really appreciate the details on the dog’s work and searching.  The locals are sometimes unwilling to have their woods searched on their property.  Mattie senses from the beginning it might not be a lost child, but an abducted child.  She keeps that in mind as she talks to witnesses and looks for the boy.   There have been other lost boys in this area over the years, and when Robo finds the older remains of two boys it takes things up a notch.

The setting was so well developed.  Mattie and Cole, her trainer, and his friend who invited them there are such good people. They work so hard and are compassionate for others.  The pace is fast with excitement and danger throughout, then we get the wedding at the end.  I’m always thrilled to read a new story with Mattie and Robo and hope for many more.


About Margaret Mizushima

Margaret Mizushima is the author of the award-winning and internationally published Timber Creek K-9 Mysteries. Active within the writing community, Margaret serves on the board for the Rocky Mountain chapter of Mystery Writers of America and was elected the 2019-2020 Writer of the Year by Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. She lives in Colorado on a small ranch with her veterinarian husband where they raised two daughters and a multitude of animals.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted October 8, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 16 Comments

16 responses to “Gathering Mist by Margaret Mizushima

  1. Katherine

    I have the first in this series on my shelf and am really looking forward to trying it. I know several people who work with search and rescue with their dogs and have done some training. It’s such a tough skill but so valuable. I’m so glad to see how much you’ve enjoyed the series.