šŸŽ§Storm of Ink and Blood by Nisha J Tuli @NishaJT @bookouture @SecondSkyBooks #KindleUnlimited @SnyderBridge4ā€

Posted October 14, 2024 by Robin in Blog Tour, Book Review / 1 Comment

šŸŽ§Storm of Ink and Blood by Nisha J Tuli

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

šŸŽ§Storm of Ink and Blood by Nisha J Tuli @NishaJT @bookouture @SecondSkyBooks #KindleUnlimited @SnyderBridge4ā€Storm of Ink and Blood by Nisha J Tuli
Narrator: Shiromi Arserio
Series: The Nightfire Quartet #3
Published by Second Sky on October 4, 2024
Genres: Fantasy Romance
Pages: 469
Length: 12 hours, 55 minutes
Format: Audiobook, eARC
Source: NetGalley
Amazon,Ā  Audible,Ā  Libro.fm
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Dark magic courses through Zaryaā€™s veinsā€”magic that could save countless livesā€¦ or doom her world.

Shattered by Rabinā€™s betrayal, Zarya vows to leave all thoughts of him behind. In the dangerous city of Ishaan, she joins an ancient struggle for freedom.

Ishaan is a city of violent contrasts. Nobles and scholars live in golden luxury. But thousands of vanshaj workers are born into magical slaveryā€”in punishment for a crime forgotten centuries ago.

Zarya is outraged, and certain that the fate of the vanshaj is linked to her own forbidden magic. She joins a band of rebels battling for their freedom, and with Yasen at her side she throws herself into the fight.

On a deadly raid, Zarya uncovers the key to freeing the vanshaj for ever. But to use it, she must harness a power that could tear her apart.

Only one person can give Zarya the strength to reach her destiny. The one who ignited her magic. Who brings her more pleasure and more pain than any other. The last person she wants to see right now. Rabin.

Storm of Ink and Blood is the third installment of the Nightfire Quartet, following Zarya on her journey from basically a captive in a small area growing up mostly alone with her adoptive father to the chosen one who will save them all.Ā  I want to thank Nasha J Tuli for the fun glossary introduction cast of characters review. It did great at getting the reader back up to speed with who all the important characters are and a little snippet of their part in our story.

Zarya is basically hiding from Rabin in the city of Ishaan with Yasen.Ā  They may have went there with the intention of Zarya introducing herself to her half siblings, the Prince and Princess, but after arriving in the city it was clear that Vanshaj are treated really poorly and Zarya end up supporting the revolution in the city aiming to free them.Ā  Yasen is of course eager to help Zarya in this new adventure and is having a great time in a new city away from the expectations of his family.Ā  But we, the reader, know that the magical bond Zarya and Rabin share is going to mean they will have to work out their issues soon.

Zarya needs to learn more about her secret six anchor if she is ever going to be able to help the Vanshaj.Ā  The thing is she has a lack of control on her own.Ā  This could be due to focus as she is still fixated on Rabin or just on the time she has had with learning how to use her powers.Ā  Rabin has spent his time wisely though after returning to Andhera and Zarya’s fathers court.Ā  He is learning more about the bond and how to control the dreamscape they can enter together.Ā  I was the most interested in this part of the story since Zarya’s father is a bit of the unknown and Rabin seems to trust him but the prophecy Zarya is in the middle of seems to indicate he will kill her and steal her magic.Ā  There are some pretty big hints in this that Raja (Zarya’s father), isn’t really a good person and probably has done some pretty horrendous things but we will see how that all plays out in the next bookĀ  I have some theories though from the hints dropped.

The romance and communication between Zarya and Rabin was at the forefront of the story and got a lot of time.Ā  My issue with the last book revolved around a miscommunication and Zayra’s overinflated (in my opinion) reaction to it.Ā  But that said, I was happy to see how their relationship progressed in Storm of Ink and Blood.Ā  Zarya is growing to trust herself more and more and because of that, she will give Rabin the benefit of the doubt.Ā  Rabin also does a great job of just expressing how he is feeling and never leaves Zarya in any doubt of his intension or wants.Ā  I liked that he was so honest with her.

“I love you. The more I’m with you, the more I love you. I want a name for us. I want to be the world to one another, and I want everyone to know it.”

We didn’t get a lot of time with the darkness that has been leaking into the realm and the demons that come from it.Ā  I do hope in the next book of the series this is explored more and we get some answers on that.Ā  I also would have loved to see Amrita, but she is busy being a tree and we get a small cameo of Vikram being grumpy and controlling.Ā  Hopefully that arc will sus out a bit more in the next book.

I am looking forward to seeing the wrap of of the series in the final book.Ā  I have a few theories about Rabin’s tattoo of a dragon, the bond between him and Zarya, Amrita and her tree transformation and the world in general.Ā  There are a lot of things to get some closure on and so it should be a wild ride to get to the end.Ā  Just happy that Rabin, Yasen and Zarya seem to be going into it all together.


The nice thing about Shiromi Arserio as the narrator is I think she captures the feel of Asian culture in this.Ā  Her pronunciations and diction are fantastic for all of the worlds that source from Asian/Indian lore.Ā  She did well with all character voices and making them seem distinct and easy to tell who was speaking.Ā  My only complaint is really that I perfect multiple narrators if there are different PoVs but Shiromi did very well with both PoVs and capturing the different voice and feel of each.Ā  I was able to listen to this at my usual 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE

About Nisha J Tuli

Nisha is a Canadian fantasy romance author, whose books feature kick ass heroines, swoony love interests, and slow burns with plenty of heat. Fans of The Princess Bride and A Court of Thorns and Roses will find themselves at home in her worlds.

She loves to draw upon her Indian heritage to bring her stories to life, weaving together vibrant and compelling characters, settings, and plotlines. Nisha wants to leave her readers breathless and begging for more and enjoys making her characters suffer before giving them a much-deserved happily ever after.

When she’s not writing or exploring, Nisha can be found enjoying travel, food, and camping with her partner, two kids, and their fluffy Samoyed

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
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Posted October 14, 2024 by Robin in Blog Tour, Book Review / 1 Comment

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