Wildflower Ranch by Carolyn Brown #CarolynBrown #ForeverYours @sophiarose1816 #KindleUnlimited

Posted December 22, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Sunday Series / 8 Comments


Wildflower Ranch by Carolyn Brown #CarolynBrown #ForeverYours  @sophiarose1816  #KindleUnlimited Wildflower Ranch by Carolyn Brown
Series: The Canyon #2.5
Published by Forever on February 4, 2020
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 111
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

It’s 19 December 1931. Hercule Poirot and Inspector Edward Catchpool are called to investigate the murder of a man in the apparent safe haven of a Norfolk hospital ward. Catchpool’s mother, the irrepressible Cynthia, insists that Poirot stays in a crumbling mansion by the coast, so that they can all be together for the festive period while Poirot solves the case. Cynthia’s friend Arnold is soon to be admitted to that same hospital and his wife is convinced he will be the killer’s next victim, though she refuses to explain why.

Poirot has less than a week to solve the crime and prevent more murders, if he is to escape from this nightmare scenario and get home in time for Christmas. Meanwhile, someone else – someone utterly ruthless – also has ideas about what ought to happen to Hercule Poirot . . .

Three half-sisters learn of each other’s existence when they learn of the contents of their estranged father’s will.  They’re competing for their inheritance, but will the strength of family bond and romance find them first?  Carolyn Brown writes a heartwarming story of sisters and love and a good dose of country charm.

Wildflower Ranch is a novella and the third entry in The Canyon series.  It is closely connected to the previous book, Daisies in the Canyon, when the sisters’ story is introduced and carries forward with the next sister, Shiloh, and a nearby neighbor, Waylon, deciding if they want to do something about the attraction between them.

Waylon knows he’s into Shiloh, but he also knows she really wants to finish out the year on her father’s ranch so she can inherit a piece of the ranch and money from the inheritance.  Waiting out the year is nigh impossible when his accident lands her right in his house taking care of him and his ranch while he recovers.

Shiloh has no desire to forgive and forget what her father did, so she needs to beat his challenge.  Slowly, she has come to love her sisters dearly and the Canyon and, especially Waylon.  Does she really need to prove herself to a dead man that she has what it takes when she could let the past go and grasp at happiness?

This was a swift and easy read cowboy romance.  I wouldn’t recommend it standalone as it isn’t strongly developed on its own and follows closely on the previous story as a quick tie up to Shiloh’s story.  Still, it was good to see her work through her feelings and figure out what she really wanted.


About Carolyn Brown

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Carolyn Brown was born in Texas and raised in southern Oklahoma. These days she and her husband make their home in Davis, Oklahoma, a small town of less than three thousand people where everyone knows everyone, knows what they are doing and with whom, and read the weekly newspaper to see who got caught.

A plaque hangs on her office wall that says I know the voices are not real but they have such great ideas. That is her motto and muse as she goes through the days with quirky characters in her head, telling their stories, one by one, and loving her job.

She has been married almost half a century to a retired English teacher that she calls Mr. B and he does not read her books before they are published because she cannot afford a divorce. They have three grown children.—and enough grandchildren to keep them busy and young.

When Carolyn is not writing she likes to sit in the back yard and watch the two tom cats protect the yard from all kinds of wicked varmints like crickets, other cats, spiders and blue jays.

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Posted December 22, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Sunday Series / 8 Comments

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