Sunday Post – 2 February 2025 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted February 2, 2025 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 52 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  the warmup continues to normal winter this week.  Yesterday, my daughter and I did a freezer inventory so I can find and use things which had gotten lost in the freezer.  Or just to remind me we have a lot of one thing and less of another.  I tried to get through my Sunday visits and other ordinary stuff to watch some Shetland.  We walked Lulu.  It is warmer but I still feel cold.

Monday,  I’m in a bit of a reading slump because I don’t want to read what’s next.  I have some flexibility because I’m ahead a bit.  We went to walk and ran into the neighbor and Abbey.  Then I got a call from the neighbor guy and he can deliver my dirt tomorrow.   Ugh will I need to be  moving dirt instead of watching Britbox? At least I can listen to audiobooks while working.

Tuesday, it’s dirt day! Well the 85yo neighbor brought the dirt but the truck lever wouldn’t dump so he had to go over to a relative to fix that and he’ll be back. An hour later, after his grandson fixed it, he had my dirt on the tarp in the driveway.  I got about one third of it hauled and into the garden beds.  My daughter came out to get me when it was time to walk Lulu so I finished up for the day.

Wednesday,  today got away from me.  The weather was warm and nice.  I did a little of the usual stuff but then we were off to my daughter’s eye appt and ordering her new glasses.  Then we did a quick Walmart pickup.  We walked Lulu when we got home. At night we watch tv and my daughter knits. She is halfway through with a blanket for her aunt. I hope to get a project going that I can knit while watching. The watching is severely cutting into my reading after dinner.

Thursday,  a day at home.  The morning for the office and the afternoon outdoors moving dirt. After dirt moving, I cleaned up a bit and wrote a review.  Then we walked Lulu before dinner. I did make a fresh batch of food for Lulu.

Friday, I needed to get out early for an appt to have the oil changed in my car. They did a few other little things.  I waited. Somehow I had a headache and of course my ibuprofen was in the car.  I went on to Aldis for a few items and then Harris Teeter for a couple of my daughter’s Rx.  I tried to catch up on a few things before we went for a walk with Lulu.  We were lackadaisical and watched 3 episodes of Foyle’s War.

Saturday,  another day to get organized and catch up on tasks.  I finally caught up on some comments and emails.  We walked Lulu.  My daughter just isn’t feeling great so she rested before dinner.  Lulu is certain I should be petting her while we watch tv, more Foyle’s War.

Tomorrow is Lulu’s 7th birthday!



Things I Learned This Week:

OK  if I’m asking for help, I’m also going to share the cool things I learn. You may already know them but hopefully it will help someone.

I saw Melissathereadingnerd’s Linktree and decided I needed one too. It was free and easy to set up.  That way on my email signature instead of having to update links I can just change them in one place. Linktree 

January Reading:  I had a lower reading month due to watching Britbox while we had it.  I managed to read 15 books. Audiobooks continue to help me read more. Some count for more than one challenge.  I listened to 10 audiobooks, read  2 library books,  15 COYER reads,   and  6  books which I already own.

All Library books (including ones not reviewed on the blog)  2025 Library Love Challenge

I did manage to read 6 books I own (goal is 3 per month):

  • 🎧 The Good Turn by Dervla McTiernan
  • 🎧 One the Edge by Ilona Andrews
  • The Heiress Effect by Courtney Milan
  • Maverick by Jodi Burnett
  • Bloodline by Jodi Burnett
  • My Best Friend’s Mardi Gras Wedding by Erin Nicholas

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


The Book That Held Her Heart,

My sincere thanks to Macmillan Audio,  Hachette Audio,  Ace Books, Tantor Audio.


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)



Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.


Chirp Friday freebies:


I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted February 2, 2025 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 52 Comments

52 responses to “Sunday Post – 2 February 2025

  1. Sounds like a pretty good week on the whole. Your daughter’s knit blanket looks amazing! She has clearly put a lot of love, time, and effort into it. Good job setting up the Linktree, and thank you for reminding me; I need to update mine—take Twitter off and add Bluesky.

    I love Foyle’s War but think Shetland might be a little dark for me? And of course you should be petting Lulu every chance you get—at least from her point of view! Thank you for the weekly Lulu photos; she’s so cute, they always lift my spirits.

    Have a good week!

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 2/02/2024
  2. Happy birthday to Lulu! I hope she gets a goodie or treats tomorrow! Love the blanket your daughter is knitting. I wish I had the patience to do that. My stepmom knits and crochets and then sells the blankets on Etsy or at craft fairs. I just started a Linktree last year, but need to probably update it, and I want to add some wishlists to it for things I want for my school library. Here’s hoping you and I both have a little less busy week and can get some more reading done.

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #209 – February 2nd, 2025
  3. Happy birthday to Lulu! The blanket looks super cozy and it sounds like you had such a productive week. I’m fighting off a reading slump at the moment and thankfully have a bit of flexibility too. Hopefully that will prevent it from happening for both of us! I hope you have a great week!

  4. Happy Birthday cutie Lulu!!!

    My problem with the freezer is that I package stuff up and put it in the freezer with the clear intention of putting the individual portions of say, spaghetti sauce, into a labeled Ziploc…LATER. And then later never comes and I open the freezer and ask myself “Is that spaghetti sauce or chili or tamale casserole or some kind of soup?”

    I keep doing this again and again and again and it annoys the heck out of me but somehow I can’t get myself to do better.

    Jinjer recently posted: AMCBPS is back!
  5. Maybe since you have time, do a favorite re-read of something to keep the mojo going. I got new glasses last week, too!

    I’ve always wondered about the linktree – I assumed (without checking) I’d have to pay for it. Now that I know I don’t, I will try to set one up. Like you said – it makes it nice to only change the links in one place.

    We’ve been getting some snow, nothing big at once, but with the cold, it’s not going away. We have more on the forecast for tonight and later this week. So, I’ve been shoveling or walking in place for exercise.

  6. Happy birthday to Lulu! I’ve thought about Britbox… I should give it a try. And Shetland… which I never did finish, but watched the first two seasons I think?

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #560
  7. Happy birthday to Lulu! Your approach to organizing your reading and audiobook challenges is impressive—15 books in a month is a great accomplishment. Far more than I can read. Have a wonderful week!

  8. Happy Birthday, Lulu! She’s so adorable. 🙂 It sounds like you had another productive and busy week, Anne. We’ve been enjoying nice weather here too. I opened the windows today to let in some of the fresh air while I did chores. I use linktree too and like having all my links in one place. I hope you enjoy your reading and have a good week!

  9. Omg, I had this vague memory that I didn’t hit “Post Comment” and I came back to check and I was right! I had a whole comment typed up. My brain has been mush today. The blanket is turning out nice. I loved Foyles War! And of course you should be petting Lulu while watching, lol! I loved The Matrimonial Advertisement! It was my second read by Mimi Matthews before she signed on with Berkley. I listened to the audio and highly recommend it!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #282
  10. Nice that you had a little warm-up to normal especially since you had to be out there getting your dirt delivery spaded into the beds. That’s a good idea to do a freezer inventory now and then. I tend to do all right remembering what’s in that, but get hazy on my pantry. You are watching some good shows and will eventually be done with your subscription when you can hit your reading and listening hard again. Hope your daughter feels better again. Her knit blanket is looking so comfy.
    Solid start on your challenges for the year- wow six from your own pile!

    Have a good week, Anne!

  11. I’m still LOLing that we’re Freezer Buddies. 😀 I’ve been meaning to look into Linktree. Thanks for the reminder! None of the Chirp books appealed to me this week. I hope you enjoy your picks!

  12. We’re getting back to normal winter out here (PNW) with colder and wetter weather. Boo lol

    I did a big freezer & pantry inventory last month. I was buying too many duplicate items and wasting what I had.

  13. Happy birthday, Lulu! I’ve been going back and forth between using linktree. I have one, but I’m not using it at the moment. I’m also in a bit of a reading slump. I feel like I’m not enjoying the books as much as I usually do and I don’t think it’s the books’ problem. I also have been a bit sick, so maybe that has something to do with it as well.

    Rolé @ Hooked By That Book recently posted: Quickie Reviews – January 27, 2025

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