Series: Mercy Thompson

Read-along & Giveaway: Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

Read-along & Giveaway: Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

  This is my second time reading Silver Borne, though it’s my first time doing the audio version. And I still love it! I loved reading the development in Adam and Mercy’s relationship and the changes in her bonds to the pack, as well as the mating bond. I had forgotten the pack drama! I find myself […]

Read-along & Giveaway: Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

Read-along & Giveaway: Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

  Bone Crossed is the fourth installment of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.  I feel compelled to mention this, in case you started the read-along and just motored through the entire Mercyverse without stopping because it is simply that good.  The story lines are interesting and informative and each book builds on the […]

Posted March 27, 2020 by KC in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 24 Comments

Read-along & Giveaway: Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio @CarolesLife #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

Read-along & Giveaway: Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio @CarolesLife #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

  We continue our read-along on the Mercy Thompson series, with a review by Carole at Carole’s Random Life in Books:  This book left me with all kinds of feelings.  I have had a hard time getting it out of my head since I finished it hours ago.  This was a re-read for me but […]

Read-along & Giveaway: Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

Read-along & Giveaway: Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @LoreleiKing @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

  I was excited when Anne said she wanted to do a read-along on the Mercy Thompson series. I really love this series. I’ve read most of the books once and then listened probably three times, making this my fourth time listening (for five over all). Patricia Briggs just writes such amazing characters and wonderful […]

Posted January 31, 2020 by Melanie in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 34 Comments

Read-along & Giveaway: Moon Called by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

Read-along & Giveaway: Moon Called by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage @AceRocBooks @PRHAudio #Read-along #GIVEAWAY

  I first read the Mercy Thompson series in 2012 and was hooked, binging on all the books then available (books 1-6)  in paperback from the library. I have since purchased them all as ebooks.  I am excited to be able to read them all through continuously now to keep all the story arcs fresh […]

Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs

Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs

          As with every book in the Mercy Thompson series, I love these characters and especially Mercy. She has such spirit, compassion and intelligence. Her relationship with Adam is so solid now; the commitment is complete. Everyone else was just there in small bits. I did love seeing Stefan again; I’ve always […]

Posted March 7, 2017 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 6 Comments

Shifting Shadows by Patricia Briggs

Shifting Shadows by  Patricia Briggs

SHIFTING SHADOWS is a short story anthology in the world of Mercy Thompson and includes the world of Charles & Anna.  Patricia Briggs is a talented and engaging writer and I always have enjoyed everything of hers I have read.  This is no exception. The short stories included are:  Silver, Fairy Gifts, Gray, Seeing Eye, Alpha […]

Posted January 24, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments