Series: Unhoneymooners

🎧 The Honeymoon Crashers by Christina Lauren @ChristinaLauren @SimonAudio @JessMarieGarcia @HarryShumJr @SNemethParker @kimberlywoods @TimThePaige @jennaquino25 #CynthiaFarrell #DeaconLee #AdrianaSananes #InésdelCastillo‏ #ShaunTaylor-Corbett #LoveAudiobooks

🎧 The Honeymoon Crashers by Christina Lauren @ChristinaLauren @SimonAudio @JessMarieGarcia @HarryShumJr @SNemethParker @kimberlywoods @TimThePaige @jennaquino25 #CynthiaFarrell #DeaconLee #AdrianaSananes #InésdelCastillo‏ #ShaunTaylor-Corbett #LoveAudiobooks

What a great follow up to The Unhoneymooners!  We get a novella which is audio only right now.  As a recap, in the first book Ami was marrying Dean.  She was enjoying planning the wedding and getting everything possible for a deal.  Her sister, Olive and Dean’s brother, Ethan, weren’t well acquainted until they ended […]

Posted August 1, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 16 Comments