Series: Hercule Poirot

🎧 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristie @actor_TIMBRUCE #BrillianceAudio #LoveAudiobooks @sophiarose1816

🎧 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd  by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristie @actor_TIMBRUCE #BrillianceAudio #LoveAudiobooks  @sophiarose1816

Hercule Poirot retires to the country and lives in a little village where gossip is an Olympic sport, but little ever happens.  Or so it seems, then there is a suicide, followed by a murder, to get the tongues of King’s Abbot wagging and Poirot out of retirement.  Of the many Agatha Christie stories, this […]

Posted February 9, 2022 by Sophia in Book Review / 26 Comments

Audio: Midwinter Murder by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristie #FenellaWoolgar @HarperAudio #LoveAudiobooks

Audio: Midwinter Murder by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristie #FenellaWoolgar @HarperAudio #LoveAudiobooks

I love Agatha Christie and have read her works extensively so it was a treat to have these winter and holiday stories.  I had read some of these stories previously but it was far enough in the past I didn’t remember them well. All of my favorite characters, as well as lesser known ones, have […]

Posted October 30, 2020 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 12 Comments