🎧 Hardest Fall by Juliette Cross @Juliette__Cross #AllieRose @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooks‏

Posted November 21, 2022 by Robin in Book Review / 6 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

🎧 Hardest Fall by Juliette Cross @Juliette__Cross #AllieRose @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooks‏Hardest Wall by Juliette Cross
Narrator: Allie Rose
Series: Dominion #2
Published by Tantor Audio on November 22, 2022
Genres: Fantasy Romance
Length: 9 hours, 11 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Publisher
Amazon,  Audible,  Libro.fm,  Barnes & Noble,  Apple
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

The tattooed demoness, Bone, doesn’t like anything except the magical weapons she makes. But she has hidden talents few know about. When I was brought to her near death, she used her Seraph song to manipulate flesh and bone to save me. But she wasn’t happy about it.

Now I must return the favor. Even though she refuses to take sides in the apocalypse, there’s one job she’s not willing to do for the demon prince Rook. If she doesn’t, her head will end up on a spike. Of course, there’s a good chance we’re all going to die anyway, but I will do anything to protect this fierce woman—and not just because she saved me.

The Dominion series is the spin off series to The Vessel Trilogy diving into some of the side characters.  While I think it would probably be helpful to have read the Vessel trilogy first, it isn’t necessary as I’ve followed along with this series just fine without reading the initial series.  Hardest Fall is the second official book of the series as The Deepest Well was more of a bridge book between the two series.

Xander was tempted by the dark side in his youth when he was a rake and libertine of sorts.  Corrupted by a demon, his soul was damned to hell.  But on the edge of death, his ancestor was able to call the angel Uriel to remake him into a demon hunter to save his soul.  He has been hunting demons for centuries and now, in the time of the apocalypse, he is more dedicated than ever to his cause.  He just never thought he’d fall in love with a Demon.

Bone was once an angel who decided to walk away when others fell from grace.  She has lived on the edge of both worlds for so long trying not to take sides.  But that all changes when she decides to heal Xander when he is mortally wounded.  Now she is going to have to pick a side.  Does she help the humans and Angels fighting evil or does she try to stay neutral and end up a tool for Demons?

I had fun with most of this story.  Bone is really a cool chick that forges weapons and can manipulate bronze with her seraph song.  I loved the concept of it and her history with the humans that led her to falling from grace.  She is an interesting character overall and you can tell she has been so lonely for so long.  Xander, I was glad to see has come along way since we saw him in The Deepest Well.  He still has so much guilt over what happened to Kat and his role in her captivity in hell.  I was a little worried when I saw he was the hero of this book because of my feelings for him in The Deepest Well.

I could see how these two fit together and could understand each other better due to their pasts.  Once Bone accepted which side she was going to play for, she became a fierce force to be reckoned with. Overall the apocalypse is an interesting place and I am enjoying the story of humanity fighting against demons on earth and how some of those Demons are switching sides and looking for some kind of redemption.


Allie Rose did a good job on the narration.  I did have a few points when I wasn’t sure if it was Bone or Xander talking as they seemed a bit similar in tone of voice.  Still, overall the emotion and passion of the story was there in the performance.

Listen to a clip: HERE


About Juliette Cross

Juliette lives in lush, moss-laden Louisiana where she lives with her husband, four kids, and black lab, Kona.

Multi-published author of paranormal and urban fantasy romance, she loves reading and writing brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes.

From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
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Posted November 21, 2022 by Robin in Book Review / 6 Comments

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