🎧 Revenge of the Cyber Dragons by C.T. Phipps and Michael Suttkus @Willowhugger #MichaelSuttkus @TheCathBird @PodiumAudio #LoveAudiobooks @AudiobookMel

Posted October 27, 2023 by Melanie in Book Review / 4 Comments

🎧 Revenge of the Cyber Dragons by C.T. Phipps and Michael Suttkus @Willowhugger  #MichaelSuttkus @TheCathBird @PodiumAudio  #LoveAudiobooks @AudiobookMelRevenge of the Cyber Dragons by C.T. Phipps, Michael Suttkus
Narrator: Catherine Ho
Series: Cyber Dragons #2
Published by Podium Audio on March 7, 2023
Genres: Cyberpunk
Length: 9 hours and 55 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Author
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Ex-Rider Keiko "Kei" Springs was living with her adopted daughter Becky away from her previous life of crime.

Unfortunately, the past is not easy to escape and her sadistic former sensei, Snake, gives her an ultimatum: perform eight tasks for him or die. The final mission before her freedom is nearly impossible, though. Snake wants her to take down a luxury resort where the super-rich are implanted with their heart's desires, only to be brainwashed into serial killers for blackmail potential.

Teaming up with the eccentric techjack Paradise, her on-again off-again lover Case, and a Judicial Magistrate named Parvati Rao—Kei thinks she can pull it off.

Unfortunately, that's before she discovers the luxury resort is owned and operated by a nearly omnipotent AI that has it out for her.

Another fun installment in the cyberpunk series by C.T. Phipps and Michael Suttkus. I’ve read so many books by this pair of authors, I can’t even count. They write really fun stories with a lot of action and humor and even more pop culture references. This book is no different. This series takes place in the future where the US is not as it is today. Yellowstone volcano has erupted and made the world more dystopian. Kei was around and survived the eruption, but lost her family in the chaos that happened after. In this story, Kei and her adopted bioroid daughter try to go the more legal route than in the first book. But the closest thing Kei has to a father figure has other plans.

In Revenge of the Cyber Dragons, we meet some new characters and get to spend time with some beloved characters from the previous book (and one that crosses over to several series). Kei has always been one to try to avoid friendships and getting close to people, she doesn’t like to get hurt emotionally or possibly get someone else hurt physically. Despite all of that, she has more friends that she knows. And they won’t let her take on this new challenge on her own.

Kei also has to deal with a daughter who physically doesn’t grow up, but mentally does. Becky still looks fifteen, so when things get really dark, Kei really wants to shield her. However, Becky is a much older soul than she looks and she wants to be helpful, which makes her search out upgrades to her technology. That is something really new to this series and this author mostly too. We don’t often get to see a motherly side of characters in Phipp’s books (or well, we have, but they are nothing like Kei and in a different series).

The thing I really love about this author duo are the characters. I always fall in love with all the characters they create. I get really invested in them and their story. I always get really wrapped up in their lives and it helps me escape my own and the real world, which is always a good thing to have. I’m often made to laugh out loud and made to smile to myself even more. I know it will never be a boring time when I pick up one of these books. I always look forward to the next installment.

There is a bonus short story at the end, so make sure to keep going even when you think you’re finished. It is also worth a listen.


Catherine Ho was new-to-me when I picked up book one, Daughters of the Cyber Dragons. I really liked her voices for all the characters then. That hasn’t changed. I really get lost in the story when she is performing. She has become the voice of Kei and well, Paradise too. She’s great with all the different characters, males included. I can’t imagine listening to this series with a different narrator. I would highly recommend the audiobook version of this book and would gladly pick up another book by this narrator.

Listen to a clip: HERE

About C.T. Phipps

Author: C.T. Phipps

C.T. Phipps is a lifelong student of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. An avid tabletop gamer, he discovered this passion led him to write and turned him into a lifelong geek. He is a regular reviewer at The United Federation of Charles and the author of Agent G, Cthulhu Armageddon, The Red Room series, Lucifer’s Star, Straight Outta Fangton, and The Supervillainy Saga.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
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Posted October 27, 2023 by Melanie in Book Review / 4 Comments

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