🎧 Dark Destiny by C. T. Phipps and Frank Martin @CT_Phipps #FrankMartin @garynoonaudio#CrossraodsPress @AudiobookMel #LoveAudiobooks

Posted January 12, 2024 by Melanie in Book Review / 2 Comments

🎧 Dark Destiny by C. T. Phipps and Frank Martin @CT_Phipps #FrankMartin @garynoonaudio#CrossraodsPress @AudiobookMel #LoveAudiobooksDark Destiny by Frank Martin, C.T. Phipps
Narrator: Gary Noon
Series: Dark Destiny #1
Published by Crossroad Press on September 22, 2023
Genres: Cyberpunk
Length: 7 hours and 14 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Author
Amazon,  Audible
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Eighteen-year-old Robbie Stone is an anti-corporate activist in 2066. During a protest in Chicago against the sinister Butterfly megacorporation, a riot breaks out, and he's almost killed before being rescued by a mysterious white-haired girl. Soon, Robbie finds himself almost killed again by an assassin with seeming superpowers. Apparently, one of a group hunting him across America.

The white-haired girl, Jane, reveals that she's from the future and that the assassins are as well. In their future, Robbie grew up to become the world's worst dictator, and now the assassins are there to make sure he never achieves his destiny. Robbie has to adjust to Jane's overbearing presence and figure out why she wants to protect him while dealing with the fact avoiding his fate may lead to an even worse future.

Dark Destiny is an exciting sci-fi action-adventure with cyberpunk elements by C. T. Phipps (Supervillainy Saga, Cthulhu Armageddon) and Frank Martin (Oscanawa, Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell).

If you’ve followed my reviews, you know that I’ve listened to a lot of C.T. Phipps, but Frank Martin is new-to-me. I know that Phipps partners with authors a lot when he writes, so it was interesting to see a new series with a new author.

This was a very fun and deep start to a completely new series. The story starts with an intro from each author explaining how this story came about. I found both stories to be captivating and made me really want to get started on the story.

The premise of the story is that Robbie Stone is a teenage boy, who is attacked at a peaceful protest of a corporation that has acquired more power than even the government. He learns they are assassins from the future sent back to kill him before he can become a monster.

This story is probably the deepest and most serious story I’ve read from C.T. Phipps, but you still see his humor throughout the story. You also see the wonderful characters he’s known for.

I had a great time with Dark Destiny. There is a cliffhanger, so I’m eager for the next book in the Dark Destiny series. I found I really liked Robbie and Jane and I want to spend more time with both of them. I’m also very interested in checking out more works by Frank Martin.


Gary Noon is a new-to-me narrator. I thought he did a great job with this story. All the character voices fit the character’s personality. I thought his tone fit with every scene of the story. I would gladly listen to him perform another story anyday.

Listen to a clip: HERE

About C.T. Phipps

Author: C.T. Phipps

C.T. Phipps is a lifelong student of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. An avid tabletop gamer, he discovered this passion led him to write and turned him into a lifelong geek. He is a regular reviewer at The United Federation of Charles and the author of Agent G, Cthulhu Armageddon, The Red Room series, Lucifer’s Star, Straight Outta Fangton, and The Supervillainy Saga.

Rating Breakdown
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
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Posted January 12, 2024 by Melanie in Book Review / 2 Comments

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