Star Cruise: Dream Dancer by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816

Posted July 21, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Sunday Series / 10 Comments

Star Cruise: Dream Dancer by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816 Star Cruise Dream Dancer by Veronica Scott
Series: Star Cruise #10
on April 10, 2024
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Pages: 184
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
AmazonBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Micki Allwell is a Comettes dancer aboard the luxurious interstellar cruise liner Nebula Zephyr. She’s offered the opportunity to take part in a celebrity dance contest to be held on the ship but her partner is a billionaire without dance experience or much interest in the contest, which his powerful family has pressured him to enter for their own reasons.

Josh Benfield has a galaxy of business deals going on every hour of the day, all over the Sectors. He has no time for dancing but his professional partner is an intriguing woman who insists he take the competition seriously. He knows she has secrets and he’s intrigued. The intimacy of partnering in dance sparks a romance between the two of them but how long can it last?

Will seven weeks of competition in close quarters aboard the ship be enough to make Micki and Josh permanent partners? Or will the stark differences in their lives and pasts lead to heartbreak? And who is going to take home the trophy?

Dancing With the Stars on a space cruise ship!  What a fun idea, right?  A rags to riches story for the heroine and a class difference romance with her billionaire dancing partner with some intrigue along the way made for one exciting reality competition for both.

The Star Cruise series follows the adventures and romances of the people aboard the Nebula Zephyr.  Set in the greater world of Veronica Scott’s The Sectors series of far future sci-fi romance series, but focused on a cruise ship staff and passengers along with a clever sentient ship’s AI.

Dream Dancer is a standalone that is tenth of the Star Cruise series so can be picked up out of order though many of the cruise ship side characters mentioned were the main characters of past books.  Mikki is part of the ship’s famous and highly talented Comette’s dance team.  She’s getting older and needs to still get her big break to stardom to earn enough money and prestige to be able to retire when her time comes.

Mikki’s partner is a wealthy generational billionaire businessman who barely sets down his business calls to practice.  Josh for his part isn’t interested in the dancing, but the chance to discover what a business rival is up to by joining the competition.  Mikki’s fire becomes his own and he suddenly wants to win for her sake.

At first, I was a bit ho-hum about the dance competition angle having read other romances set against a Reality TV competition.  But, trust Veronica Scott to put an exciting twist to it with that side adventure for them and make me care about the characters and seeing them compete.

Mikki has a gift for dreaming up fabulous choreography and I loved that there were details with that and some of the competition assignments.  Thankfully, there wasn’t excess drama from the other competitors or within the growing romance between the dance pair.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, there was some good competitor moments and the romance had some snags with them being from two different economic classes.  I thought the introduction of the war refugee situation was a tender, thoughtful side piece, too.

All in all, Dream Dancer, got high scores from me and I can’t wait for more from The Sectors and Star Cruise universe.  Sci-fi romance fans must add these series on their to-read lists.



About Veronica Scott

USA Today Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author.

Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Seven time winner ~ SFR Galaxy Award

Proud recipient ~ NASA Exceptional Service Medal but must hasten to add the honor was not for her romantic fiction!

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – I’ll improve your process (mwahahahaa)!

Elvis Presley’s best friend once serenaded Veronica on a local TV telethon…now that could be a novel…

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Posted July 21, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Sunday Series / 10 Comments

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