Sunday Post – 26 May 2024 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted May 26, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 52 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.  WTZ Gone Unchained giveaway ends tomorrow night!

Sunday,  I did some visiting.  We had the chat for the RA White Trash Zombie Gone Wild. It’s such a fun series. Lulu and I took a regular short walk.  After dinner, we went to Culver’s so I could get my free birthday scoop since today’s flavor was Butter Pecan.  Lulu went along and approves of custard.  The new garden bed is in progress.

Monday,  every day is a busy day.  I called about home insurance. I called the nursery about a plant that didn’t survive. I rarely do that but this was a more expensive one which I really wanted. I took photos and sent the email as they requested.  I called to set up pressure washing of the house and possibly driveway and patio.  I also called a guy about a quote for painting the house. Then I got out to mow the lawn. It was not as hot as expected.  My ex worked on the new garden bed.  We got the house screens down from up near the ceiling of the garage. I picked a bunch of chard for dinner to make my favorite dish from Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child – Swiss Chard Gratineed.  My ex told me about a snake he saw. I posted photos on the neighborhood facebook group.  I showered off all my grime.  Our neighborhood electrician / plumber /etc  called me and said he would come take care of the snake.  I checked the FB group and saw many people identified as a copperhead.  Baby ones are more dangerous because they just dump their entire venom load. Apparently they also go in groups of 4-5 so we need to be on the lookout. My daughter called the insurance company about a medicine which they denied to cover.  Then I called the city about getting one of their yard waste carts because the regular rolling waste cart I have been using is wearing out.

Tuesday,  I woke up at 5am and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I’ll be very tired but get a quick start to another busy day. The cart company texted me for my info, sent me an invoice which I paid,  and by noon they had delivered my new cart!  Just in time for tomorrow’s pickup. I finished yesterday’s Feedly and started on today.  I planned the errands for this afternoon. After my daughter’s doc appt, we went to drop off an Amazon return, look again for gluten free mac n cheese at Lidl, look at mattresses, check out plants at the produce center, get a couple items at Aldi, and pick up Papa Murphy’s pizza for tomorrow night. We now are buying regular mac n cheese, throwing out the pasta and using the cheese packet with gluten free pasta. If we find which cheese packet she likes, we will see if it is cheaper than the $5 gluten free ones available like Annie’s. The Aldi or Lidl gf ones they had were about $2.  I ordered us new mattresses. I used all the rest of the spinach from the garden to make spinach lasagna.

Wednesday,  I decided to try to cancel my doc appt (annual check) for Friday because I just have too much this week.  I walked Abby and Lulu. The guy came to give me a quote on pressure washing.  Then the Butcherbox order came and I put labels on everything and got it in the freezer.  Next I took Lulu to the vet for her annual check and immunizations.  I had a half hour to eat a protein bar, unload and reload the dishwasher, then take my daughter to physical therapy picking up 3 things at BJs on the way.  The PT is helping with both the migraine and the nausea she has been having the past couple weeks.  When home, I put those things away.  I called Google Fiber to ask a question about their cables / cords for the Nest.  Longer cords/cables are not available, but we could move the electrical outlet.  The garden bed is coming along but after tomorrow I think there will be scattered rain every day.  After dinner, I made the marinade for tomorrow’s pork tenderloin.  Then I came back upstairs to do my Feedly.

Thursday,  finally I can stay home today! I made calls to reschedule two medical appts. It’s a hot one but still nice enough when I walked Abby and Lulu. I caught up on paperwork, wrote reviews. I worked on the June reading plan.  My daughter’s computer rebooted  itself and then wouldn’t find the hard drive.  It was only one year old this week but I have a 4 years warranty on it.  It was a new computer, not a refurbished one either.   We prepped for getting the new mattresses tomorrow.  They should be here between 12:30-2:30.  Lulu threw up her dinner so I cleaned that up and swiffered the kitchen. We set off an insecticide bomb in the garage to get rid of spiders.

Friday, awakened by 6:15 call to tell me they will be here at 12:30-2:30.  I stripped my bed to wash the mattress cover and all the sheets. and a comforter.  I helped my daughter strip her bed.  I called to confirm one of my daughter’s appts with a new psychiatrist since her current one is leaving the practice. I used the new Dyson stick vacuum on my blinds.   They showed up about 12:45 to install our new dryer????  Apparently the mattresses were damaged and they didn’t have them, so I had to call and have an exchange order done. No mattresses until next Wednesday at the earliest now.  I filled out the claim on my daughter’s computer and instead of having me wait to get the packing materials they just emailed me a UPS label to print out.  I packed it and took it over to the UPS store.  Finally time to do Feedly and other blog tasks. Somehow my pharmacy sent my RX to another location I have never used. So I had to call and have it transferred to my usual location. Another trip to go pick them and a few items up at Harris Teeter.

Saturday, hot and humid from the start. I edited and scheduled reviews.  Then I created more review setups.  I did visiting and answered comments.  Finally I was getting a little caught up on things.  I linked up my reviews for Library Love and COYER linkys. I called about an updated mattress delivery but nothing finalized yet.  The menu plan is set up for the next few days.   I am glad to have the weekend with less phone calls and errands.

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):



Many thanks to Recorded Books (2),  Penguin Audio,  Thomas & Mercer.                           


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)


I purchased an Audible Daily deal for $5.99. It’s all 3 books in the trilogy.  Then another Audible Daily deal for $3.99.  I figured out later I could have listened to it with KU but I do like this author.


I purchased these two in the Audible 2-1 credit sale.



I bought this bundle at Chirp for $14.97.

I finally picked my Amazon First Reads for May.


Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.




I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted May 26, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 52 Comments

52 responses to “Sunday Post – 26 May 2024

  1. That’s an insanely hectic schedule – and why do things always break when it’s most inconvenient. Glad the PT is still helping your daughter. As for the snake – eek!! We get smooth snakes in the garden, which are basically legless lizards and foxes and hedgehogs wander through. But that’s it. Nothing nasty or venomous… I hope the coming week give you a chance to put your feet up a bit, Anne.

  2. What an eventful week, Anne! I would lose my wits if I ever saw a snake out in the wild (I’m a city girl though and through lol). Also, good thing that your daughter’s laptop is on a 4-year warranty bc that’s another thing that would stress me out. 😂 I hope she likes her new psychiatrist as well. Hope you get some time to rest this week!

  3. Busy week! The snake is scary! I think I read that they like cicadas and to be aware of them especially this year at the bottom of trees with the huge cicada swarms supposed to be coming. I hated missing the chat, but turns out it was best that I skipped it and spent the time with my stepdad. I’ve got the new Hazelwood book as an e-galley to read in the next week or two. Have a good week!

  4. Sweet Lulu💜

    Glad you were able to find something in that Audible sale. I hate when I can’t. Enjoy that NR trilogy! And I’m holding out for that audio version of the Dugoni book. He uses a really good narrator.

    Have a wonderful holiday and week!

    Jonetta | Blue Mood Café recently posted: Saturdays at the Café
  5. Hope the snakes stay away. That would freak me out! I would be terrified it would get one of my dogs! The Audible sale was a miss for me and I was super bummed about it. Have a great week!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: May 26th
  6. What a busy week! I hope this coming week is a bit less hectic. Did your neighbor come take care of the snake? Have you found more? We only have little garden snakes up here. It was hot for us last week, but this weekend is beautiful… mostly sunny an highs in the upper 60s. I did a lot of yard work yesterday, which was good, but being out in the pollen just made my cold worse. Oh well.

  7. That’s so scary about the snakes! Sounds like you had another busy week! I hope to be all caught up for the final White Trash Zombie chat. I plan on listening to them soon. You mentioned you’re listening to Look on the Bright Side. I’m reading an e-copy and loving it! Hope you’re enjoying it too. I missed that Nora Roberts deal. Oh, well. I have another series I grabbed from Chirp by her and haven’t got to it yet.

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #251
  8. I am deathly afraid of snakes. I would seriously be moving. Insurance companies are such a pain to deal with. Hope your daughter is able to get the medication she needs approved. Mr. Barb is on Mounjero for actual diabetes and every month is like a scavenger hunt trying to find it. I get frustrated because so many people are using it for weight loss only and people who need it medically are now struggling. I will be so sad to read the last WTZ book. I’ve enjoyed the series so much!

  9. Busy week and i not sure i could handle snakes like that thankfully i never seen anything more harmless then a garden snake but i live in washington so that probably why. Have a great week.

  10. Whew, you really went to town this week with all the errands and work. Copperhead, wow! You caught some good audio sales this week. I need to remember to look at the Deal of the days each day.

    Have a good week, Anne!

  11. What a week! The snake sounds scary. We are lucky here in the UK that we don’t have to worry about things like that.

    Plants are so expensive. We have a tiny, North facing garden. My partner takes care of it. We have astro turf grass (which is actually bouncier and softer than our carpet indoors 🤣) so it is always green and easy to maintain.

    The mattress thing sounds annoying. I can imagine that being a lot of hard work, plus to be woken up that early to get ready!

    I hope all the medical stuff sorts itself out.

    Have a good week.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog recently posted: Sunday Post/Sunday Salon
  12. Yep, definitely a copperhead, we see them regularly here, and glad they let you know about the babies being more dangerous. I didnt realize that until one of my husbands coworkers was bit and hospitalized for several days from it. Which garden place do you go to? We usually go to Garden Supply Co, but luckily haven’t had to have anything replaced yet. Some good picks with the Audible sale!

    Lisa (@Tenacious Reader) recently posted: Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
  13. Snakes don’t bother me–not that I’d want one in my house or anything and of course I would steer clear of a poisonous snake–but I’m terrified of spiders and would definitely DIE if I had to live through all those cicadas back East.

    I don’t have a Culvers near me, but your post reminded me to check to see what Baskin Robbins flavor of the month is before the month is over! Glad you got your free birthday scoop at Culvers. Butter Pecan was one of my mommy’s favorites, the other being Black Walnut.

    Ack! There’s that White Trash Zombie mention again. Have I read any of those or not??? (Checks Goodreads) No, but the one and only ebook at the library is available so I downloaded it to my Kindle. Woo hoo! 

    Wow! That was some fast service on that cart. I only had to call the City of L.A. for something once…a big ol’ pothole on my way to work. I was was shocked at how fast they filled that pothole! I think sometimes City departments simply don’t KNOW about stuff and if you call and tell them, they’re happy to help. Maybe? Dunno. As I said, I only had to call about something once. lol

    Fun Fact: I once ordered Papa John’s pizza because I thought that was the pizza you kept mentioning. I wasn’t impressed by it and then I realized your place is Papa MURPHYs, not Papa John. We don’t have Murphy. LOL

    Wait…you can move an electrical outlet??? Maybe that would solve some of my home office, kitchen, and bedroom problems. At least one outlet in each room could be in a better location. Since it’s an apartment they’ll probably make me pay for that myself, but if I owned a home I’d have to pay for it myself, so…

    OMG how annoying that must’ve been to scurry around washing all your bed linens, only to find out you have to wait even longer for the mattresses. 

    Always love reading about your week!!!

    Jinjer recently posted: Zero Brain Capacity
  14. I’m terrified of snakes, especially venomous ones. My husband killed a copperhead in our yard when Robin was little, and I was nervous outside for weeks. Please be careful!

    I’m glad your daughter is getting some relief with the PT. Also, yay for the new dryer, and I hope you get the new mattress soon. You are so busy, especially this time year with the garden!

    Have a wonderful week, or at least what’s left of it. I’m a bit late getting around for my blog visits this week. It’s been pretty busy here, too!

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 5/26/2024
  15. I’ve been tempted to try Butcherbox but haven’t quite managed it yet. Ick on the copperhead! I’m all for harmless snakes that eat rodents but give copperheads lots of space. I love the Nora Roberts Key series – especially the 2nd book. I hope you’re having a great week.