🎧 Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear by Seanan McGuire @SeananMcGuire @barriebarriepix @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks @RobinBridgeFour

Posted December 30, 2024 by Robin in Book Review / 8 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

🎧 Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear by Seanan McGuire @SeananMcGuire @barriebarriepix @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks @RobinBridgeFourAdrift in Currents Clean and Clear by Seanan McGuire
Narrator: Barrie Kreinik
Series: Wayward Children #10
Published by MacMillan Audio on January 9, 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Length: 4 hours, 8 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Nadya never considered herself less than whole, not until her adoptive parents fitted her with a prosthetic arm against her will, seeking to replace the one she'd been missing from birth.

It was cumbersome; it was uncomfortable; it was wrong. It wasn't her.

Frustrated and unable to express why, Nadya began to wander, until the day she fell through a door into Belyrreka, the Land Beneath the Lake--and found herself in a world of water, filled with child-eating amphibians, majestic giant turtles, and impossible ships that sailed as happily beneath the surface as on top. In Belyrreka, she found herself understood for who she a Drowned Girl, who had made her way to her real home, accepted by the river and its people.

The Wayward Children series a collection of novellas surrounding kids who didn’t quite fit into their worlds or their families that at some point in time go through a door to another world.  But the thing about doors is sometimes they appear again when you aren’t paying attention and you go through them again.  When that happens you may end up at the School for Wayward Children where you wait with others, hoping to find your door home again.

Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear is one such story.  Nadya was orphaned write after her birth and was great at helping to take care of all the children at the orphanage where she lived.  She didn’t mind she was missing half an arm.  She got along just fine without it and even if it bothered some it didn’t bother her.  She was adopted by an American Christian couple and came to live her life in America.  It was there she learned not everyone saw her arm the same way.

Nadya found the door when she was sad about the family who adopted her and wanted her to wear a prosthetic arm.  She never doubted herself until that day and while looking at the turtles she so loved to visit she ended up in a water world.  She spent almost a decade there, with a tortoise to call her own and a boy who became her husband.  This is the story of those adventures and the wonderful times she had exploring the world of Belyrreka until a day that brought her back.

I really liked Nadya and her kind heart and way of taking care of those around her.  Seanan McGuire does such a great job with all the worlds people end up in and how interesting and different they are from one another.  She is incredibly imaginative bringing the world and characters in it to life in a short period of time.  I knew Nadya would end back up in our world since I saw her at the school and we get a brief introduction to her.  But I was sad all the same when she ended up on this side of the door again.

As most of these books, they are self contained stories that don’t have to be read in order to understand what is happening, however it does help.  I still suggest reading them in order to get the full impact.


Barrie Kreinik did really well at capturing the atmosphere of the story.  Her Russian accent for Nadya and some of the river folk in Belyrreka worked really well.  I enjoyed her performance and how well she was able to make me care for Nadya so much in just a short period of time.

Performance: ★★★★
Character Separation: ★★★★★
Diction: ★★★★
Pacing/Flow: ★★★★
Sound Effects: limited at the introduction

Listen to a clip: HERE

About Seanan McGuire

Hi! I’m Seanan McGuire, author of the Toby Daye series (Rosemary and Rue, A Local Habitation, An Artificial Night, Late Eclipses), as well as a lot of other things. I’m also Mira Grant (www.miragrant.com), author of Feed and Deadline.

Born and raised in Northern California, I fear weather and am remarkably laid-back about rattlesnakes. I watch too many horror movies, read too many comic books, and share my house with two monsters in feline form, Lilly and Alice (Siamese and Maine Coon).

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
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Posted December 30, 2024 by Robin in Book Review / 8 Comments

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