Narrator: Helen Lloyd

🎧 The Lost Ticket by Freya Sampson @SampsonF @KatharineMcEwan @HelenLloydAudio @BerkleyPub @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks

🎧 The Lost Ticket by Freya Sampson @SampsonF @KatharineMcEwan @HelenLloydAudio @BerkleyPub  @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks

I was excited to read The Lost Ticket based on the premise and some friend’s reviews.  My heart was on board for Frank to find the love he has searched for 60 years.  He also wants to keep living in his own home with the help of his carer, Dillon.  I expected his plight to […]

Posted September 25, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 22 Comments