Series: Linesman

Alliance by S.K. Dunstall

Alliance by S.K. Dunstall

        I waited about 5 minutes to start Alliance after finishing Linesman.  I had already requested the arc after starting Linesman because I knew right away.   I HAD to know more.  About 92% of the way into this book, I already felt the terror of it ending and not knowing when the next book […]

Posted February 26, 2016 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 0 Comments

Linesman by S.K. Dunstall

Linesman by S.K. Dunstall

        I wanted to read Linesman when I got it and every time I thought of it, and finally managed to read it earlier this month.  I’ve been very thrilled with many of my Ace Roc star gifts and especially seem to enjoy the space opera offerings.   Linesman has space and technology and […]

Posted February 25, 2016 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 1 Comment