Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho

Posted September 10, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen ChoSorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho
Series: Sorcerer Royal #1
Published by Ace on September 1, 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Magic and mayhem collide with the British elite in this whimsical and sparkling debut.

At his wit’s end, Zacharias Wythe, freed slave, eminently proficient magician, and Sorcerer Royal of the Unnatural Philosophers—one of the most respected organizations throughout all of Britain—ventures to the border of Fairyland to discover why England’s magical stocks are drying up.

But when his adventure brings him in contact with a most unusual comrade, a woman with immense power and an unfathomable gift, he sets on a path which will alter the nature of sorcery in all of Britain—and the world at large…


As an Ace Roc star, I am being sent some books I would not have read on my own path. Yet I am really enjoying them. I thank them wholeheartedly for opening my eyes to what I have been missing. This one seems an improbable choice for me since I dislike historical fiction for the most part.  But it is set in England and it does have magic, which I love, so I read it.

There are many interesting facets to this world and I’m not the spoilery type of reviewer.  There is the historical fashion of underestimating and controlling women, of course.  Our hero, Zacharias is thankfully very open-minded, having his own minority issues.

Zacharias is the newish Sorcerer Royal.  He has many difficulties. Prunella is a woman, orphaned and left to serve in a girls’ school, founded by her father’s landlady.  She has magic, which women aren’t supposed to have or use. Neither has all the knowledge or skills to vanquish their detractors.

Together (not their plan exactly), they end up confronting the bad guys.  It is a tale of the ever inspiring good versus evil.  Or at least, those who care for others more than themselves fighting greed and those who would wield power without conscience or compassion.

So unlikely I would pick this story and so happy I have it.  I am thrilled Sorcerer to the Crown is the first in the series. No doubt, there are plenty of corrupt villains to be dispensed. There certainly is more to learn about this world, their magic, with a touch of romance and humor.


About Zen Cho

Zen Cho was born and raised in Malaysia. She is the author of Crawford Award-winning short story collection Spirits Abroad, and editor of anthology Cyberpunk: Malaysia, both published by Buku Fixi. She has also been nominated for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer and the Pushcart Prize, and honour-listed for the Carl Brandon Society Awards, for her short fiction. Her debut novel, Sorcerer to the Crown, is the first in a historical fantasy trilogy published by Ace/Roc Books (US) and Pan Macmillan (UK). She lives in London with her partner and practises law in her copious free time.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted September 10, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

4 responses to “Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho

    • Felicia – what you said. I wouldn’t even have read it if they hadn’t sent it to me and I LOVED it. I am reading more science fiction and military scifi regular fantasy stuff. And I never would have picked some of them but now I wonder why because it’s great!

      Northwoman recently posted: Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho
    • Thanks Jessica – Life can sometimes ruin a book or put one out of sorts for a type of book. And you know how it is sometimes when you go back and read something you loved years back – it can go either way. I always enjoy your reviews too. Some things I want to read NOW and others I can see are totally not for me. LOL.

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