🎧Resolute by Jack Campbell #JackCampbell #ChristianRummel @AceRocBooks @LexCNixon @berkleypub @recordedbooks #LoveAudiobooks

Posted July 5, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 21 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

🎧Resolute by Jack Campbell #JackCampbell #ChristianRummel @AceRocBooks @LexCNixon @berkleypub @recordedbooks #LoveAudiobooksResolute by Jack Campbell
Narrator: Christian Rummel
Series: Outlands #2
Published by Ace, Recorded Books on June 28, 2022
Genres: Space Opera
Pages: 400
Length: 10 hours, 39 minutes
Format: Audiobook, eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Geary knows that some political factions in the Alliance were just trying to get rid of him when he was assigned to escort a diplomatic and scientific mission to the far reaches of humanity's expansion into the galaxy . . . and beyond. But he views his mission as both a duty and an opportunity to make things better wherever he can. And when a crippled Rift Federation ship tumbles out of jump space, Geary leaps into action. But the survivors' story isn't completely adding up.

As Geary investigates, he soon finds himself fending off spies and assassins while leading the fleet as it fights its way across space controlled by the mysterious and hostile aliens whom humans call enigmas. Challenges arrive at every turn, including an unknown alien species that invites the fleet to visit one of their star systems. With little information to go on, Geary must weigh the benefits of potential new allies against the possibility of a trap. The fate of the fleet--and perhaps even the future of humanity--will depend on him making the right decision.

If he can stay alive long enough to do that.

If you have enjoyed Jack Campbell’s other series, Lost Fleet and Beyond the Frontier, and Lost Stars,  Genesis Fleet series, you will love this too.  I started reading Jack Campbell in 2015 when I was sent an ARC of one of the Leviathon, which was the final book in the Beyond the Frontier series.   Of course with my OCD,  I had to read the previous NINE books before I could read it.  I was in the middle of moving from Minnesota to North Carolina, so I got the audio CDs from the library.  And thus, my love affair with this world began.

I LOVE this world and these characters so much.  They have survived a lot and struggled and lost close friends and family.   There have been traitors and devious politicians and those who just want power for themselves.  Throughout it all, they have worked hard and with intelligence and compassion.   They have character strength to look closely at the situation with trying to help others and improve relationships.

The smart strategy of the battles always thrills me.  The situations are life and death but Geary and his team remain calm and controlled.  Geary’s dislike of politics provides comic relief.  I also have the advantage of having read all the books in all these series so with the history just a mention of a character brings to mind their humorous antics or strength or troubles from past books.  So I would read these in order even though there are many books now.

Resolute is the second in the new Outlands series which is the farthest into the future of the Lost Fleet world.  I am thrilled to have the story continue and see my many beloved characters.   Geary’s fleet is out on a diplomatic mission to form relations with the Dancers.   The politicians want Geary out of the way as he is too popular with the people and there are assassination attempts as well.  The Midway system wants in on the negotiation and sends a team along.

There are battles with the Enigmas on the way there and a gamble on forming better relationships with them.  The Dancers seem surprised to see them unannounced and take time to come up with a “plan”.  While they are waiting for the Dancers to progress communication with them, another alien species comes into the star system.  The Fleet sends a friendly message but gets no response.  Eventually, they learn the new people are the Taon.

The rest of the story is the incredible development of relations with the Taon, the Dancers and a political conspiracy. It’s exciting and fun.  I also admire these people so highly for their skills at dealing with life and death, and developing these relations.  I highly recommend all these series in this world.


I’m so comfortable with Christian Rummel.  Since this is one of the first series I listened to on audio, he was one of the first narrators.  He is a favorite.   The voices are differentiated enough I recognize the different people.  The narration adds greatly to my enjoyment; I don’t have to figure out how to pronounce anything!  I listened at my normal 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE


About Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell is a pseudonym for American science fiction author John G. Hemry.

John G. Hemry is an American author of military science fiction novels. Drawing on his experience as a retired United States Navy officer, he has written the Stark’s War and Paul Sinclair series. His father, Jack M. Hemry, also served in the navy and as John points out was a mustang. John grew up living in several places including Pensacola, San Diego, and Midway Island.

Under the name Jack Campbell, he has written three related series: the Lost Fleet, Beyond the Lost Fleet, and Genesis Fleet series, He has also written over a dozen short stories, many published in Analog magazine, and a number of non-fiction works.

John graduated from Lyons High School in Lyons in 1974 then attended the US Naval Academy (Class of ’78) where he was labeled ‘the un-midshipman’ by his roommates.

He lives in Maryland with his wife and three kids. His two eldest children are diagnosed as autistic and suffer from Neuro immune dysfunction syndrome (NIDS), an auto-immune ailment which causes their illness, but are progressing under treatment.

John is a member of the SFWA Musketeers whose motto reads: ‘The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword, but the Wise Person Carries Both’.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted July 5, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 21 Comments

21 responses to “🎧Resolute by Jack Campbell

  1. Jen

    This story and world sounds fascinating. But with such a large back list, I don’t know that I’ll ever get to it! I’m glad you are enjoy it so much.

  2. I must not have been paying enough attention when you read earlier entries because I got all excited you’d found a new space opera series (I guess that is true since you did find it years ago). 😉

    I don’t mind that there are many especially if I end up liking the first one. Going on my list!

    Sophia recently posted: 🎧Resolute by Jack Campbell