🎧 About Time by Jodi Taylor @joditaylorbooks #ZaraRamm @headlinepg #LoveAudiobooks @SnyderBridge4

Posted January 30, 2023 by Robin in Book Review / 14 Comments

🎧 About Time by Jodi Taylor @joditaylorbooks #ZaraRamm @headlinepg #LoveAudiobooks @SnyderBridge4About Time by Jodi Taylor
Narrator: Zara Ramm
Series: The Time Police #4
Published by Headline on October 13, 2022
Genres: Science Fiction Fantasy
Length: 12 hours, 30 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Purchased
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

After their heroic efforts to safeguard the Acropolis and prevent the Paris Time-Stop, the Time Police have gone from zero to hero in but a single bound.

Then one fateful mission to apprehend a minor criminal selling dodgy historical artefacts blows up in all their faces. An officer is attacked within TPHQ. A prisoner is murdered. And investigations are about to lead to the one place where no officer can legally tread.

Worst of all, trouble is brewing for Team Weird as a surprise revelation tears the team apart.

For Commander Hay, battling to keep the Time Police afloat in a sea of storms, this will turn out to be a very long day.

About Time is the fourth book in The Time Police, the spin off series to  The Chronicles of St Mary’s.  I usually struggle with time travel books because of the normal paradoxes and other issues I generally have with how they have inconsistencies.  The best thing about these series is they never change anything in time, but we get to see some glimpses of historical places or events or people.  In About Time we get to see Tesla, yes Nikola Tesla so already this was going to be interesting for me.

Our favorite Time police team, 236, or Team Weird prove yet again they can’t do anything the easy way.  They were just supposed to grab someone out of time selling illegal and fake artifacts, maybe try out one of Amelia Meiklejohn newest inventions.  What it turned into was someone killed at the time police headquarters, a failed but interesting experiment, a revelation about Jane’s parentage that Luke is not taking well and a trip to St. Mary’s for some assistance to check out a specific time in the future, and also a side trip to New York and some interactions with the one and only Nikola Tesla, just before his death.

I have so much fun with Matthew Parish and the Time Police.  Like mother, like son he is bound to get himself is a situation or five and always finds the most entertaining ways to get out of said situations.  His future girlfriend, now employed by the Time Police, is a fun addition to the cast and her interactions with the commander and captain are just hilarious.  Matthew gets a trip to Roanoke out of this adventure and we learn criminals pick the worst time and place to set up shop; it is like they didn’t study history at all.

Luke Parish, sometimes not my favorite character of the cast, always adds some great comic relief and once he pulls his head out of a body cavity not to be named, he actually comes through for our team.  Luke’s relationship with his father, while complicated, gets vetted out a bit in About Time and I did like the direction it is going.

With some help from a few members of St. Mary’s we are able to learn more about the dastardly Henry Plimpton and his schemes that are rocking the Time Map.  This was a great adventure exploring a few interesting moments and places in time along with discovering who in the Time Police might still be involved in the nefarious deeds from the past unfriendlier version of the Time Police.

‘We don’t really have finest hours, do we? The occasional satisfactory second is about all we can aspire to.’


Zara Ramm has been the narrator for both The Time Police and The Chronicles of St Mary’s she has such a fun way of presenting all of the characters and really captures the humor of both series.  Always a fantastic performance of the story capturing all the fun and adventure and that English humor that is present throughout the entire story.  I was able to listen at my usual 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE

About Jodi Taylor

Jodi Taylor is the author of the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary’s series, the story of a bunch of disaster-prone historians who investigate major historical events in contemporary time. Do NOT call it time travel!

Born in Bristol and educated in Gloucester (facts both cities vigorously deny), she spent many years with her head somewhere else, much to the dismay of family, teachers and employers, before finally deciding to put all that daydreaming to good use and pick up a pen. She still has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
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Posted January 30, 2023 by Robin in Book Review / 14 Comments

14 responses to “🎧 About Time by Jodi Taylor

  1. Anne

    I have this on request at the library and can’t wait for it to come in. I like all the St. Mary’s books and this spin off series. I appreciate the way the author doesn’t shy away about bad things that happen, but there’s almost always one part of each book that makes me feel bad. These books aren’t all fluff and fun. Time travel can be serious business.