The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.
Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar. WTZ chat today!
Sunday, I woke early and couldn’t go back to sleep even though I was up a bit later. I tried to get all my regular Feedly and visiting finished up along with dishes and some laundry. Abby arrived just after one and took a tour of the house. She brought 2 of her beds so we have one downstairs and one upstairs. We went out in the yard right away. I went upstairs to write a review and Lulu joined me shortly. They seem to like each other’s beds. We went out again when I picked lettuce for a salad for lunch. I took Abby and Lulu for a longer walk while my daughter did some homework. I’m so excited to have her caught up. When I got back, I relaxed and read for a bit. I went to bed early after dinner and Lulu barked a lot at bedtime.
Monday, I got up early and got Abby and Lulu outside. I made their breakfasts and had to tell Lulu 5 times not to eat Abby’s food. She obeyed; she had already eaten all her own food. Then I went out and pulled up the last of the broccoli plants and put in the final tomato plant. I watered everything since it will be very hot this afternoon. I walked the girls in the morning while it was still pleasant. I set up a bunch of posts and wrote one review. It was a pleasant afternoon. I ran the new Dyson on the main floor especially the kitchen for cleanup. It is quiet. Before dinner, we sat outside even though it was hot, there was plenty of shade for the dogs to sniff around. Our neighbor’s flight was delayed so it was 10pm before she came to pick up Abby who was as excited as we knew she would be.
Tuesday, I slept well. With a few encouraging key words from Ashley, I was able to change my sharing buttons to include Bluesky and Threads as I saw Jen (That’s What I’m Talking About) do. I walked Abby and Lulu. I did some more post setups. Then I picked up pizzas at Papa Murphy’s. We put together an order to try Daily Harvest which does smoothies, bowls, soups, pastas and flatbreads which are all gluten free.
From front to back in the tall raised bed – rhubarb, Swiss chard, spinach, a tomato plant with marigolds. The lettuce below is at the far end of the lower bed.
Wednesday, I called to cancel the chiro appt. The doctor doesn’t want my daughter to do the chiropractic the same time as PT. Nice day to walk Abby and Lulu. I did some reading, review writing and some laundry today. I’m really enjoying my mystery reading for the COYER RAT.
Thursday, another great weather day to walk with Abby and Lulu. I’m working on a menu plan with a shopping list for tomorrow. I did manage to get out before dinner and trim the yard and pull some weeds. Finally. Now if it could just stay that way but NO I’ll have to keep working at it every week or so for the next 6 months.
Friday, I stayed up too late reading and then didn’t get up early. I walked Lulu at the usual time and then we went off to the neurologist. Our PCP suggested maybe we could do more preventative rather than just treating the migraines my daughter is have 2-4 times a week. The doc told us that was a reasonable idea and there are plenty of options. Also they have Demerol in stock again for rescue injections if she has a migraine which lasts more than 3 days with the meds not working to break it. She’s only had those a couple times over the 9 years she has been going to the neurologist but the one last fall without the Demerol didn’t work. We stopped everywhere on the way back Wegmans, Trader Joes, Aldi and the Asian grocery. Each place has a few items we needed. My daughter even went in to Dollar Tree to get Peggy the Panda IV which is Lulu’s favorite toy. We try to always have a backup Peggy. We tried Only Murders in the Building, just two episodes and it is weird.
Saturday, as usual lots I want to do. I have more visiting to do because I didn’t finish yesterday. And I also forgot to do Wordle. I also have been a reading tornado and have FOUR reviews to write for books I finished in the last 2 days. I went off on a tangent because I couldn’t find the file for my monthly reading planning sheet and had to create a new one. It didn’t seem to be on my computer or my Google Drive. UGH. I did finish the reviews. I went for a walk with Lulu and the weather was perfect. Rain tomorrow. I am behind on Feedly, hopefully tomorrow I can catch up along with Sunday post visiting. Also the WTZ Chat!
This raised but short bed from front to back has beets (they are nearly ready) , tomato with marigolds, asparagus, snow peas, one cauliflower plant, and then the lettuce you see above.
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Reading Reality. These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):
Many thanks to Macmillan Audio, Simon Audio, Brilliance Audio,
(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)
I got my Prime First Read for April.
I got these Audible only audiobooks in the 2-1 credit sale.
Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.
I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.
I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.
- 🎧 Cold as Hell by Kelley Armstrong @KelleyArmstrong #TheresePlummer @MinotaurBooks @MacmillanAudio#LoveAudiobooks - February 18, 2025
- Sunday Post – 16 February 2025 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality - February 16, 2025
- 🎧 Wooing the Witch Queen by Stephanie Burgis @stephanieburgis #AmandaLeighCobb@torbooks @BrambleRomance @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks - February 15, 2025
Your lettuce garden looks fantastic! I love that Abby brought two beds with her. My dog won’t sleep in a dog bed at all, which is so different from my other two dogs, who had about 8 beds between them, lol. Have a good week, Anne😁
Well Abby didn’t use any of her beds. She only slept in Lulu’s beds which are small for her anyway. lol And so Lulu slept in hers. They really got along well, although in that first photo Lulu is looking at me like Mom she’s in my bed.
My husbands busy in the garden at the moment too! He’s constantly on the go starting his seeds, planting out others, weeding etc. I watch the activity from the window feeling like King Théoden staring down the orc army at Helm’s Deep! “And so it begins.” It won’t be long until he starts hauling things in for me to freeze, pickle, and preserve.
I’m glad you’re doing well, Anne! Fingers crossed the neurologist can help your daughter some more… Migraines are vile.
Thank you Nicci. I love having all the fresh veggies. The neurologist had lots of ideas so at least there is hope for a solution. It’s trial and error to find what works best for her.
Your vegetables look fabulous – so healthy and weedfree:)). So sorry to hear that your daughter is struggling so very badly with migraines. Fingers crossed the neurologist can find some options to help her. I hope the coming week is a good one for you – especially being on such a strong reading streak.
Thank you Sarah. They are healthy and delicious. Thankfully, I planted some in staggers. The neurologist had lots of options we just have to find one which works for her.
Your daughter has migraines 2 to 4 times a week?!? That must be hell Anne! I hope the treatment will work!
Thank you. yes you can see why we are working on her issues so much. Then there’s the constipation.
Aw, Lulu is such a good girl for listening when you told her not to eat Abby’s food! Mine will have their heads in the other dog’s bowl gulping up the food before I can catch them. I should add Threads and Bluesky to my social media bar to follow on my blog too, great idea! My parents’ dog Lucy has a gator toy that has been through many many surgeries from my mom because we can’t find another one anywhere. So smart to have the backups! Looking forward to the WTZ chat this afternoon!
Thanks Lisa. I’ll be excited to see you too. Lulu is the best girl, You can see in the picture above that Abby is in her bed and she’s just looking at me like – Mom she’s in my bed. lol I added Threads and Bluesky to the sharing buttons. I haven’t figured out how to add to the following buttons. That’s another day.
Nice that Abby did great for her stayover. Your raised bed growth looks ready to eat. 🙂 That’s fab that your daughter got caught on all the homework. Whew you did hit all the stores on your errand day. Way to go getting your posts set up and hit the mysteries hard for the latest RAT.
Have a good week, Anne!
Thanks Sophia. We are eating all the veggies from the garden. Yes we end up going so many places because some of the gluten free stuff is only at one store. It isn’t like going to a store and you can get everything but it might be a higher price or a different brand. So I usually stagger it though and only go to Wegmans once every 2-3 weeks. I got to Aldi every week or every other week, same for a Walmart pickup. We just happened to be out and need stuff so yes, we went everywhere. This week is my daughter’s last week for this class, then a one week break.
You have such a green thumb! We try to keep a back up favorite toy for the dogs as well. Ranger is the only one with a favorite. The hounds all just destroy! Have a great week!
Thanks. I only have a green thumb through trial and error. My grandma was an expert.
Just popping in after seeing a comment of yours on Katherine’s blog post. You have a book I am looking forward to reading. Mind Games – well I probably will listen to the audio though as well. I have never read Christina Lauren – authors I intend to read some time to see if to my taste. I did read the Kay Bratt book and became obsessed with them for a little while.
Thanks for visiting! I am a big fan of Christina Lauren’s books from the latter half of their writing. They are closer to life fiction with more realistic issues and a great sense of humor. Good to have a positive nod to the Kay Bratt books. I like mysteries and I live in North Carolina so those things appealed to me.
I was just talking about how I needed to get to Trader Joe’s soon. We have to drive 45 minutes for one and they always have the smallest parking lots lol so I don’t go too often although I love them.
Your garden looks beautiful!!
Thank you Erin. We are a bit closer to TJ, about 12 miles and probably 20 minutes. I always try to combine it with errands to other things like med appts. We love our fresh eats from the garden.
I’m sorry your daughter still has her migraines. I hope the doctors can figure this out and help her.
I have Mind Games on my list to review. It looks good. Have a great week!
Thank you Yvonne. We just work away at improving things for her. Sometimes things we try don’t work.
Yea, I’m glad you were able to add the new share buttons! And yea for reading so much. I’m doing okay with reading – keeping up with my scheduled reviews and able to get a few TBRs read – which was my plan for this year. I’ve taken way fewer review books. I’m a bit behind because I had a slow February.
I love OMITB. I forgot that the first season is a bit chaotic; giving you multiple POVs. The stories become more linear – or at least easier to follow – as you continue watching. It’s a lot of fun. We’ve caught up on Will Trent and Abbott Elementary, which are the only two “live” shows we watch (for now). My daughter and I have several shows we want to start, but haven’t decided which one, yet.
Thanks Jen! I was so excited to see that you had the sharing buttons and wondered if I could add them and with a little info from Ashley I could. We will see if we can watch more Only Murders. They are short episodes but we just don’t watch a lot of tv. We love Will Trent and can’t wait for each episode. Betty!
Look at sweet Lulu💜 Your garden looks great!
I’m listening to Mind Games now and in my happy place. Trying to hold off on the CL book until next week. I got the Rita Herron book, too.
Have a great week!
Thank you Jonetta. I’m so glad to be reading a week ahead instead of for the current week. We are enjoying the fresh veggies and herbs.
WOW another full week. Great book haul. Hope you enjoy.
yeah I never seem to have a dull week. I did manage to finally catch up with visiting on Feedly and Sunday posts last night.
And to think I’m inordinately proud of regrowing some spring onion in a jar 😉
I’m so glad to no longer have weekly migraines.
Wishing you a wonderful reading week
Thank you ! We have done a lot of trial and error on our garden. And we kept adding more beds lol. I hope we can improve things for my daughter on some levels.
I’m so envious of people who can read at night! When it gets dark my brain wants to sleep. lol
Lulu’s Peggy the Panda is too cute!!!!
Your hard work and dedication really pays off because your garden is amazing.
Thank you Jinjer. It’s a process to do things and keep everything going. We love the veggies and finally are learning how it works here. All Lulu’s toys are very cute. Peggy is well loved, just her size and so inexpensive. Peggy squeaks but also has like crinkle paper in her body.
Nice garden picks! We’re trying t oget our stuff in order as well. Sounds like nice weather too. It’s finally starting to get nice here…
I’m always amazed at how much you get done!
Thank you Greg. I’m a sloth this week but there are reasons. The garden is a massive producer and I need to put greens into every meal.
Lulu is so cute. I saw the backup toy we have to keep on hand are tennis balls so we are pretty lucky. Plus we have a ton. They happen to be Zeke’s favorite toys and we have lots left over from Cassius and Barkley as they were big ballers as well. I hope you can find something to help your daughter’s migraines. I used to get one occasionally (pretty much they were related to my birth control we believe) and they were horrible and they sound nowhere as intense as what she gets. And so often! How sad. I could almost deal with the headache but I got bad visual auras with them. Sorry I’ve not been visiting much lately. My MIL passed suddenly two Saturdays ago and we are still kind of reeling. Wanted to make sure I dropped in and said hello though!
Thank you Barb. I appreciate the visiting. I am so sorry about your MIL. Lulu is our very best girl. We have some new options from the neurologist and we will see if they work better for prevention so we aren’t just reacting. I hope you will be able to do at least one WTZ chat. There are 2 left and they are so fun. Plus enter the giveaway!
What gorgeous lettuce! Fresh grown tomatoes are my very favorite thing. I look forward to tomatoes every summer. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Thank you Katherine. This year our garden is a great producer. It’s too early for tomatoes but we will have them.
I can’t wait to read The Paradise Problem soon! Have a great week Anne!
Thank you Jodie. I always enjoy those Christina Lauren reads.
I’ve been craving some good thrillers; Who Cares If They Die and The Silent Dolls both look really good! I hope you enjoy them, and all the other books!
Thank you! Those you mentioned are freebies and I’ll get to them as I can. I have LOTS of Arcs which are thrillers I’m working through also.
Hope you find a good workable solution for your daughter’s migraines. I also have Mind Games on my Netgalley and I have The Paradise Problem on my list. Hope you have a great week.
Thank you. Lots of great reading are available for May.
I always enjoy seeing your photos of Lulu and your garden. Looks like you are in for a tasty summer, with all that lovely produce. Alas, I can’t grow much here; the backyard is too shady and the HOA frowns on vegetables in the front yard (plus it’s the septic drainfield, so ick.) Once we get the back deck rebuilt this year, I might try one of those vegetable towers next summer, or at least a few pots of herbs. It gets more sun than the rest of the backyard.
I hope your doctor can come up with a good preventive treatment for your daughter’s migraines.
Mind Games was really good; I can’t wait to read your thoughts on it.
Thank you Kara. Our produce is doing so well this year. The cool crops. We will see how the tomatoes, peppers and basil go. The first basil plant has already died and I got 2 more to plant.
Your veggies are looking good! I’ve got nothing planted yet. lol I may only do some tomatoes in planters since there’s going to be upheaval next year. No point trying to build raised beds until the additions are done.
Thank you! It’s taken a few years to get things going well and soil is important. This is the best year so far and the first year I haven’t added another raised bed. I don’t know where I would put one though. Parallel to existing I suppose with a walkway in between that is the width of a mower? I did stagger the chard and may stagger the lettuce next year to keep continual produce instead of everything at the same time. The biggest thing I have learned is that winter crops do well here.
The weather has been crap here. D: Can’t get our garden started at all
As expected there is a big difference between Minnesota where I used to live and North Carolina where I live now. There is a smaller range of temperature here. MN – 40 to 110, NC 10- 100. I like that we can garden year round.