Her Little Flowers by Shannon Morgan @morgan_shan @KensingtonBooks @sophiarose1816 #ThriftyThursday

Posted May 12, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 16 Comments

Review copy was received from Giveaway. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Her Little Flowers by Shannon Morgan @morgan_shan @KensingtonBooks @sophiarose1816 #ThriftyThursdayHer Little Flowers by Shannon Morgan
Published by Kensington Books on July 25, 2023
Genres: Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
Pages: 368
Format: ARC
Source: Giveaway
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Francine Thwaite has lived all her fifty-five years in her family’s ancestral home, a rambling Elizabethan manor in England’s Lake District. No other living soul resides there, but Francine isn’t alone. There are ghosts in Thwaite Manor, harmless and familiar. Most beloved is Bree, the mischievous ghost girl who has been Francine’s companion since childhood.

When Francine’s estranged sister, Madeleine, returns to the manor after years away, she brings with her a story that threatens everything Francine has always believed. It is a tale of cruelty and desperation, of terror and unbearable heartache. And as Francine learns more about the darkness in her family’s past—and the role she may have played in it—she realizes that confronting the truth may mean losing what she holds most dear.

A house full of ghosts and old, dark family secrets and a woman who realizes the answers are locked inside her shadowy memories of the past.  Dark and ominous, my first bout with Shannon Morgan’s Gothic Fiction will not be my last.

Her Little Flowers is a ghost story that is seated in a fifty year old woman’s family secrets.  Most people are terrified at the thought of living in a house with ghosts, but Frances embraces it and is close to a particular child ghost. A recluse who takes in the occasional lodger, visits with her mother’s friend, and putters in the garden among the flowers and herbs she learned to love from her long dead mother.  Then her estranged younger sister, Madeleine, who embraces life in London returns to the family home and upends Frances’ contented, quiet life with her shocking findings on their family history.

I’ve said it before, but I love coming across these contemporary outré mysteries that have an older era Gothic feel.  From the start, the 500 year old Elizabethan manor house, the magic protective and healing properties with flowers, the secrets, and the ghosts were fabulous backdrop for the mildly dark family story involving abuse and death.  Add to that the sisters who were apart, but come together over their need to learn the truth and fight an evil spirit.  Gah, loved it.  There was romance, but that took a back seat to all the rest.

I got vested early even though it was slow at the start and picked up the pace as it went.  I relished Her Little Flowers, a darker, broody tale that ends on a lighter and hopeful note.  This was a fabulous debut effort for Shannon Morgan and I hope there are more to come.


Won print ARC on July 10, 2023  (currently $9.49 at Amazon and Barnes & Noble as of writing this post)

Overall rating 3.82 with 3,139 ratings and  549 reviews


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Posted May 12, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 16 Comments

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