Alone by Lisa Gardner @LisaGardnerBks #BantamBooks @AudiobookMel

Posted August 23, 2024 by Melanie in Book Review / 4 Comments

Alone by Lisa Gardner @LisaGardnerBks #BantamBooks @AudiobookMelAlone by Lisa Gardner
Series: Detective D.D. Warren #1
Published by Bantam on January 11, 2005
Genres: Suspense
Pages: 480
Format: eBook
Source: Library
AmazonAudibleBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Alone . . . Massachusetts State Trooper Bobby Dodge watches a tense hostage standoff unfold through the scope of his sniper rifle. Just across the street, in wealthy Back Bay, Boston, an armed man has barricaded himself with his wife and child. The man’s finger tightens on the trigger and Dodge has only a split second to react . . . and forever pay the consequences.

Alone . . . that’s where the nightmare began for cool, beautiful, and dangerously sexy Catherine Rose Gagnon. Twenty-five years ago, she was buried underground during a month-long nightmare of abduction and abuse. Now her husband has just been killed. Her father-in-law, the powerful Judge Gagnon, blames Catherine for his son’s death . . . and for the series of unexplained illnesses that have sent her own young son repeatedly to the hospital.

Alone . . . a madman survived solitary confinement in a maximum security prison where he’d done hard time for the most sadistic of crimes. Now he walks the streets a free man, invisible, anonymous . . . and filled with an unquenchable rage for vengeance. What brings them together is a moment of violence—but what connects them is a passion far deeper and much more dangerous. For a killer is loose who’s woven such an intricate web of evil that no one is above suspicion, no one is beyond harm, and no one will see death coming until it has them cornered, helpless, and alone.

I don’t remember how this series was originally added to my TBR list, but it has been there for a long time. When I was looking for ebooks to take with me to the cabin, I downloaded this one and actually read this story. I’m really glad I did. I had a great time with this series. The one thing that was weird to me, was that the series is named the Detective D.D. Warren series. But this story seemed to follow State Trooper Bobby Dodge, not Warren. She doesn’t make an appearance for more than I would think of a series named after her. I liked Bobby Dodge, so it didn’t bother me, I just felt it was weird.

Dodge is called out as a sniper for a domestic dispute. He isn’t there long when the husband pulls a gun and points it at the wife. What was Dodge to do besides trying to save the wife and mother. It isn’t until later that he realizes he’s met the wife before and it causes issues for him. The wife also has a history. She was kidnapped as a child and held underground and assaulted. But he’s now released and she’s become a target.

While this is a police procedural story, there’s more to this one than most. I really feel like all the characters really bring something to the story. I loved Bobby Dodge and I really felt for him, having to take a man’s life with little information and little oversight. But had he waited, what would’ve been the outcome? Would the wife have survived if he hadn’t pulled that trigger? We will never know.

I had a great time with this story and quickly downloaded the second story in the series. I couldn’t wait to have more time with D.D. Warren and Bobby Dodge. I loved them both.

About Lisa Gardner

New York Times bestselling crime novelist Lisa Gardner began her career in food service, but after catching her hair on fire numerous times, she took the hint and focused on writing instead. A self-described research junkie, she has parlayed her interest in police procedure, cutting edge forensics and twisted plots into a streak of eleven bestselling suspense novels.

Readers are invited to get in on the fun by entering the annual “Kill a Friend, Maim a Mate” Sweepstakes, where they can nominate the person of their choice to die in Lisa’s latest novel. Every year, one lucky stiff is selected for literary immortality. It’s cheaper than therapy, and you get a great book besides. For more details, simply visit Lisa’s website.

Lisa lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with her family, as well as two highly spoiled dogs and one extremely neurotic three-legged cat. Lisa graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in international relations.

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Posted August 23, 2024 by Melanie in Book Review / 4 Comments

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