🎧 Fair Market Value by Hailey Edwards @HaileyEdwards #candacemariejoice @TantorAudio #KindleUnlimited #LoveAudiobooks

Posted December 12, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 20 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

🎧 Fair Market Value by Hailey Edwards @HaileyEdwards #candacemariejoice @TantorAudio #KindleUnlimited #LoveAudiobooks Fair Market Value by Hailey Edwards
Narrator: Candace Joice
Series: The Body Shop #1
Published by Tantor Audio on December 10, 2024
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Length: 8 hours, 44 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Publisher
Amazon,  Audible,  Libro.fm
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Mary Frances Talbot—Frankie—is a necromancer, probably. Hard to say since she never met her parents. She can see the dead, talk to the dead, and a few other things that aren’t strictly legal. It’s fine. No worries. As long as she doesn’t get caught.

The whole not getting caught thing was going well until Samuel Harrow blew back into town wearing a Savannah Police Department uniform. He might be a witch, but he hates magic. He’s not a fan of Frankie either. Which explains why he’s her ex.

When Frankie’s less than legal side gigs result in dead vampires, she knows she’s in trouble. Big trouble. And that’s before Harrow offers to help. With him waving a Get Out of Jail Free card in her face, Frankie doesn’t have much choice but to accept.

But that doesn’t mean she has to forgive. She’ll certainly never forget him breaking her heart or turning her over to the police or... Yeah. They were doomed from the start. Something tells her this investigation will be too.

An interesting start to The Body Shop series when Harrow, Frankie’s first love shows up.  Frankie works to keep the bills paid, and her siblings safe, as she has done for so many years.  She is a necromancer, sort of.  Harrow is law enforcement who turned her in before he left town.

Now Harrow is back and wants her help with an odd set of murders. Harrow is in law enforcement now. It doesn’t help that she looks like a prime suspect.  Frankie wants to know who is killing those close to her.  There is even an attempt to kill her!

There is a good amount of world building as we go along seeing witches, vampires, ghosts and shifters.  And there are gods too.   Harrow and Frankie’s past comes out as they work this case.    They obviously have feelings about each other.  Harrow isn’t too pleased with Frankie’s attraction to another.

The action is exciting as they try to protect people and search for the killer.  The pacing was steady.  I will be interested to learn more about the capabilities of both Harrow and Frankie.  And maybe they will get together eventually?  Next up is Amber Gambler which is already out in print but not yet available on audio.



The narrator was new to me. I appreciated her voices being appropriate for males and the females.  The males were deeper, or stronger.  I listened at my usual 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE


About Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards writes about questionable applications of otherwise perfectly good magic, the transformative power of love, the family you choose for yourself, and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily all at once. That could get messy. She lives in Alabama with her husband, their daughter, and a herd of dachshunds.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted December 12, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 20 Comments

20 responses to “🎧 Fair Market Value by Hailey Edwards

  1. I really liked the premise of this one, which loosely reminded me of the Soul Charmer books by Chelsea Mueller. I really liked the Mary’s and the idea that Frankie will be sort of a supernatural PI or something. I do enjoy mysteries!