Sunday Post – 15 December 2024 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted December 15, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 45 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  well the FS Poster isn’t working after the upload of the new v7.  I’m emailing with their support and Ashley.  It’s like when I first setup FS Poster that things are set up but nothing goes out.  I also can’t connect to Mastodon.  Luckily  Jetpack is sharing for now. I did some blog visiting. My daughter and I walked with Lulu and it’s SO nice 67F/ 20C.  I got out the Christmas ornament boxes for my daughter to decorate the tree.  I also replaced the furnace filters for each floor. My daughter had the tree all decorated before dinner.

Monday,  I get sucked into a new audio. I did some visiting and wrote a review.  It rained this morning but cleared up for our walk with Lulu in the late afternoon.  We watched Miss Marple (Geraldine McEwan version) after dinner.  My daughter knitted and I cleaned up the kitchen.

Tuesday,  it’s a bit foggy and warm but I’m still wearing wool socks.   FS Poster support emailed back and they connected my Mastodon for me.  It was something about spaces in the keys?  Anyway, now it’s just the overall fact nothing is actually sent out. I’m using Jetpack in the meantime as it is all setup now.  We walked Lulu a bit early with a bit of misty rain.  My daughter said it’s the first day she hasn’t had a migraine.  She went to take a nap so I worked on a Christmas gift while listening to an audio book.  We watched Britbox again after dinner which is cutting into my bedtime reading.

Wednesday, I was slow in getting up with rain falling and some thunder   Luckily, it was lighter rain when I let Lulu out.  We went to the dentist and have no cavities.  Then I got a few things at Aldi and Trader Joes.  At home,  I finished the Christmas gift while finishing my audio book. I totally forgot to eat lunch. We watched Miss Marple over dinner.

Thursday,  FS Poster emailed there is a new version to fix the error my installation was getting so I uploaded that to Ashley.  It’s nice to have a day at home with sunny weather.  My Netgalley percent is 97% but I haven’t picked from 2025 invite options yet so I’ll need to do that at some point. I did a lot of cooking in the late afternoon after our walk with Abby and Lulu. I also did some mending.

Friday,  Ashley uploaded the new FS Poster this morning and it shared some posts but the syntax I used wasn’t right since it just repeated the code not the data.  I wrote some reviews.  I re-measured my daughter’s weighted blanket before I make a cover for it.  I sketched out the plan.  FS Poster sent me info on the syntax and setup of the codes and then it was mostly working.  We walked and watched another Miss Marple. I am trying to read at bedtime but mostly reading a page and then dozing for 10 minutes. Ugh.

Saturday, I continue to finish up tasks that have been on my list for weeks if not months. I thought the FS Poster would be all set but the auto-share isn’t working.  The scheduled 3 times a day of random old posts IS working though.  It’s going to be warmish 50s-60s until next weekend then colder around 40F for 3 days, but warm up for the holiday. We took Marley on the walk with Lulu.  I setup a bunch of posts.  We spent the late afternoon and during dinner watching some Miss Marple on Britbox.

The Risk Chat is today for the Mageri Read-along.


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):

My big thanks to Grand Central Publishing.                            


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)




I almost forgot to buy these which were in my cart, totaling less than $20.

I purchased this one for $3 at Chirp. (It was also available at the same price at Audible)


Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.




I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


Chirp Freebie Friday:




I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted December 15, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 45 Comments

45 responses to “Sunday Post – 15 December 2024

  1. Yes… I’ve been watching a lot more TV recently which has been eating into my reading time, too. The weather here has been colder, though I’m pleased it’s finally stopped raining. We’ve had a lot of storms this winter so far. I hope the coming week is a good one, Anne:)).

  2. It warmed up here as well and now the mud is back. We have a mole problem and Sammy is determined to dig until he finds it. FS Poster has been a major chore to get working it seems! I remember when you had all the issues setting it up. Hopefully its all sorted!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: December 15th
  3. I’m so impressed with your 97% on Netgalley! I’m excited to be at 80%, and hover between 81% and back down to 80% when I get new stuff. The FS poster seems like it is kind of a pain, but I assume when it’s working right it is a time saver. I hope that all gets figured out. Glad to hear your daughter is having some days without migraines finally! I hope that keeps going too! Have a good week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #202 – December 15th, 2024
  4. Honestly Anne, I always wonder how your daughter endures! She has so many migraines! Also this has been another very busy week for you!

  5. I find JetPackk super glitchy. Maybe it’s because I only use it on my iPad.

    I like the title of Butt-Dialing the Billionaire. Sounds like a great accidental call.

  6. There’s a bunch of stuff I want to watch on Britbox but I’m already subscribed to too many streamers. I need to figure out some kind of rotation system for them all. BritBox – three months to watch everything I want to watch. Cancel and switch to something else.

    Cutie-pie Lulu in her little sweater or whatever it is. Adorable.

    Jinjer recently posted: Bugsy: Resurrection
  7. I ended up not getting any sale books this time around because I have too many I need to listen to first and I have several credits still.

    I had a good weekend. Saturday my GF and I took our daughters out to dinner and then to see the show SIX in Boston. It was our second time seeing it. I love it so much. Sunday was spent doing chores and such. Now I’m getting ready to have dinner and relax this evening.

  8. WOW look at that book/audio haul. Happy listening/reading!
    That’s great your still getting out and walking. This week I got out at the start, but then CA had major rain come through for 4 days, a tsunami warning, and a tornado warning. Gezz. What a week! ^_^
    I’ve picked out my Reading Challenges for 2025. Might add more, but for now I planning my reading/listening. Trying to pick books on my TBR that I already have or are at my library.
    Have a great week.

  9. My Netgalley percentage is 98% but I try not to download my invites until right before I’m going to read them. I’ve knocked a few old books off my shelf too. Still have a few more old ones to go. Lulu looks cute in her sweater! Good that you still get out even when the weather isn’t optimal. We’ve been having a bunch of rain and I’ve been sick so I haven’t got out this week. I hope to get out this week since the weather is clearing up for a bit. I love Miss Marple! Sounds like you’re having a nice marathon! I would like to either watch a few or squeeze in an Agatha Christie read soon.

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #276
  10. What a hassle with your FS Poster plugin not working, I hope it will be resolved soon. That’s awesome you got your Netgalley percentage so high, mine keeps hanging around 78% and I still have to go through some of the older books I got and see whether I still want to read them or not. That Miss Marple series sounds like one you’re enjoying. How neat you’re making a cover for your daughter’s weighted blanket, I have a weighted blanket too and it’s so comfortable.

  11. I’m glad your daughter’s migraine is gone and you’ve mostly got FS Poster sorted out. I know everyone gets excited about a white Christmas but warmer Christmases are nice too. I always hated trying to make the family visits with snow on the ground, or worse, on the roads. It sounds like you’re making good progress with Miss Marple!

    Jen at Introverted Reader recently posted: Weekly Update for December 15, 2024
  12. Those issues with the coding sound so frustrating. Neat that your daughter has the tree up and you got some projects done for Christmas and around the house. We had some ice and snow this week plus I had a cold so I didn’t get out for walks like I wanted, but glad you could slip some walking in between rain bouts. Fun that you’re catching those old Miss Marples. Nice haul from the Audio sales. I got one book I had on my wish list. Did you see those Stitch in Time holiday novellas by Kelley Armstrong are gathered into one audio and still on sale for $6?

    Have a good week, Anne!

    • Thank you Sophia. The FS Poster upgrade went pretty well, all working now in just a week. They did have to write an update to fix one error which took 2-3 days. The rest was things that changed in the setup. So now FS Poster and Jetpack are all working. I hope you feel better soon. I’m loving Miss Marple. NO I didn’t see that set of holiday novellas and I will have to have that one. I read the ebooks from the library but I’ll be excited to have the audio version. I have the main books in the series on audio already.

  13. I like that version of Marple though I don’t think there’s been anyone who has captured Miss Marple as well as David Suchet captured Poirot. I’m spending a lot of time in warm socks these days! Not a fan of cold. I hope you’re having a great week.