Review copy was received from Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

on November 2, 2024
Genres: Historical Fiction
Pages: 341
Format: Paperback
Source: Author

With the Darcy finances hanging by a thread, Fitzwilliam Darcy decides to journey to America to oversee his late father’s one good investment, certain that Elizabeth Bennet will await his return.
After she turns down Mr Collins’s offer of marriage, Elizabeth Bennet can no longer tolerate her mother’s cruelty and decides to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, certain that it is her only path towards happiness.A collision of misunderstandings, celestial events, a fake marriage, concealed desire, and natural disasters will either bring Darcy and Elizabeth together or tear them apart on this wild ride.
This is a partnership. Either we both succeed, or we fail together.
A comet with two tails is an ominous sign in the sky as a man is forced to take drastic measures to recoup his family’s wealth, and a woman is daring enough to strike out on her own when family disappoints her. Lyndsay Constable has a clever way of blending fascinating historical background including some fascinating scientific wonders with a new take on Jane Austen’s most famous romance pair.
A Mortal Heart’s Desire takes romantic misunderstanding, forced proximity, and fake relationship tropes blended together to build and exciting romance story. However, this is only half the story because there is the desperation of a man rebuilding the fortune his father lost when he trusted dastardly Wickham to speculate with his money and the desperation of a woman needing to get away from a cold-hearted parent’s hatred because she has an inquisitive, adventuresome turn of mind and isn’t like all the other girls. They think they know each other, but a sea voyage and a journey into the American interior together brings understanding, mutual respect, and something much deeper by the time all’s said and done.
I loved the change in setting from the usual bucolic English countryside and glittering streets of London of a Jane Austen novel to an ocean voyage and a long journey away from civilized America to its bold frontiers of 1811 along the Ohio River and the Mississippi.
Darcy is heartbroken to learn Elizabeth never loved him, let alone liked him and she’s stunned to learn she made grievous errors in judgment about the man who now has done so much for her. I was won over by Darcy, arrogance and all, from the beginning. Elizabeth came across as over the top and way too impetuous. This is seen in the way she handled leaving home and leaping into her adventure without a thought in her head how a young woman was going to remain disguised as a young man below decks in an all-male cargo ship for weeks at a time. She refused to see that Darcy wasn’t just treating her like a delicate young lady and trying to boss her around, but was protecting her from the dangers of her own stupidity when he insisted she adjust her plans and follow his lead. But, she’s not stupid so she works it out in time that if not for Darcy, things would have gone so badly for her.
The character growth in this pair was great as they got past each obstacle of personal or external nature to figure out how right they are for each other. The adventure across America by its ‘river roads’ and involving a new steam-powered paddle-wheeler boat during a time of great scientific wonder of a comet passing earth and natural events was exciting and I couldn’t stop turning the pages.
I thoroughly enjoyed A Mortal Heart’s Desire, but have one little further wish. I would have wanted an epilogue that brought things full circle afterwards. I won’t get specific because I don’t want to spoiler. It ended strong and complete, but this is my greedy need for more.
All in all, I was delighted by a fabulous sweet historical romance with science and history blending for a fantastic background and part of what made an engaging adventure plot. I recommend this one alike to Austen fans and historical romance fans in general.
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That sounds like it was a really good story. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
It was a fun adventure, Mary. 🙂
You had me at “romantic misunderstanding, forced proximity, and fake relationship tropes” – perfect combo!
It was all things good, Jen. 🙂
Some stories really need a good epilogue.
Yes! I really wanted to know what certain other people thought when they found out what happened. 🙂
Interesting type of historical fiction! Glad you enjoyed it so much. The cover made me think maybe something more paranormal, but I guess the comet is why! Great review!
Yes, the comet was a huge factor in the story as well as other natural sciences and inventions. I loved that part of it as an extra element to the usual historical romance.