Murderer’s Creek by Lavonne Griffin-Valade #LaVonneGriffin-Valade @severnhouse #KindleUnlimited @sophiarose1816

Posted January 29, 2025 by Sophia in Book Review / 8 Comments

Murderer’s Creek by Lavonne Griffin-Valade #LaVonneGriffin-Valade @severnhouse #KindleUnlimited @sophiarose1816Murderer's Creek by LaVonne Griffin-Valade
Series: Maggie Blackthorne #2
Published by Severn House on November 23, 2021
Genres: Mystery
Pages: 378
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

After an unexpected and unpleasant visit from her ex-husband, Oregon State Police Sergeant Maggie Blackthorne is called to a grisly crime scene. Her ex has been found dead—the victim of a vicious attack.

Her earlier confrontation with the deceased places Maggie squarely on the list of suspects, and she is soon the subject of an internal investigation. Desperate to clear her name and uncover the truth, Maggie and her partner, Trooper Hollis Jones, have no time to waste.

With a couple of townspeople acting suspiciously, reports of missing or stolen property, and evidence of drug deals gone bad, the case is proving to be a difficult one to crack. And just when Maggie and Hollis think they’ve finally caught a break, the lone eyewitness turns up dead.

As the personal and professional pressure mounts, Maggie struggles to catch a remorseless killer who has nothing to lose. And one wrong move could cost Maggie her career... or her life.

Last year, I followed a whim and read the first book in the series.  I enjoyed trying a new to me author and wished to continue with the series.  It took me a bit, but I finally got around to the next book.  LaVonne Griffin-Valade writes with a very descriptive style for local setting, investigation procedures, and her main character’s complex character.  The plot is slow build with a few twists leading to a big climax for the case and a lesser climax for the personal plot.

Murderer’s Creek is book two in the Maggie Blackthorne series.  It could be read standalone, but I thought it was best after the first book introduced most of the characters and the ongoing personal side to the plot.

Maggie has a very bad day and one of the problems is that her abusive ex is the victim of murder and she was the last to see him alive making her a viable suspect for his death.  Meanwhile, her friend and work partner, Hollis is having a family struggle, Duncan wants to take their relationship to the next level, and there are a couple other cases open needing investigation.

For me, the biggest attraction, besides the solid murder mystery, is the attention the author gives to the non-human main character- the rugged, sparsely-populated locale of forests, ranchland, and small towns Maggie services.  I felt like I was there riding in the work vehicle right alongside Maggie.  The murder at a remote campsite and the local ties made the mystery and Maggie’s personal life side all felt connected.

I did get distracted by Maggie’s caustic attitude at times and the moderate amount of politics that would creep in.  I’m told the politics will continue and become a stronger element as the series progresses so I’m on the fence about the remaining series.  She does have a complication in her personal life that does wreak havoc with her emotions and then there is the loss even though she didn’t like him of her ex so I can definitely cut her some slack for having an attitude and being rough on a few of her friends and her boyfriend.

This slow build second book was another for the win column.  I recommend it to those who enjoy police procedural in rural setting with a tough female lead detective.


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Posted January 29, 2025 by Sophia in Book Review / 8 Comments

8 responses to “Murderer’s Creek by Lavonne Griffin-Valade

  1. I do love a solid mystery but am not a big fan of politics being a big aspect of my reading. I might try the first one though to see if it’s worth pushing through as you have definitely caught my interest.

    • Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have minded the level of politics so much if she wasn’t being so cranky with everyone even her coworkers and friends. But, like I said, the situation was rough so it made some sense, too, especially with her past. Hope you end up finding it a solid mystery, Katherine.

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