Author: Ausma Zehanat Khan

Blood Betrayal by Ausma Zehanat Khan @ausmazehanat @MinotaurBooks

Blood Betrayal by Ausma Zehanat Khan @ausmazehanat @MinotaurBooks

I continued in the Blackwater Falls series.  The town of that name is a smaller community not far from Denver.  It seems to be a real melting pot with Mexicans (Catholics), black refugees from Somalia,  and Muslims from several Middle Eastern and Asian locations. The focus centers around the team of Community Response officers who […]

Posted November 4, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

Blackwater Falls by Ausma Zehanat Khan @ausmazehanat @MinotaurBooks #GIVEAWAY

Blackwater Falls by Ausma Zehanat Khan @ausmazehanat @MinotaurBooks #GIVEAWAY

I enjoy reading police procedurals with different settings and diverse characters.  Blackwater Falls is exactly this sort of book. I read to learn new things and broaden my experience which also happened in this reading. There were a variety of cultural and religious aspects which I have had almost no knowledge.  My lack of experience […]

Posted November 3, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway / 23 Comments