Category: Giveaway

Read-along & #Giveaway: Sterling by Dannika Dark @DannikaDark #NicolePoole @TantorAudio #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @BookwormBrandee

Read-along & #Giveaway: Sterling by Dannika Dark @DannikaDark  #NicolePoole @TantorAudio #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @BookwormBrandee

I previously read Sterling but it’s been a hot second – or eleven years – and seeing as I want to continue on to the spinoff series, I jumped at the chance to do a re-read with COYER. As always, I’m grateful to buddy read (listen) with Anne and Berls! I’d forgotten much about the world of the […]

LIBRARY LOVE BINGO #GIVEAWAY #LibraryLoveChallenge #Giveaway @BooksofMyHeart @angels_gp #COYER

LIBRARY LOVE BINGO #GIVEAWAY #LibraryLoveChallenge #Giveaway @BooksofMyHeart @angels_gp #COYER

2024 LIBRARY LOVE BINGO Welcome to the second Library Love Bingo hosted by Angel’s Book Nook & Books of My Heart. We’re welcoming our COYER friends and hope everyone enjoys this fun Summer Challenge.  For those from the COYER community you will earn a bonus point in the COYER Community Rafflecopter, but don’t forget to ENTER […]

Read-along & #Giveaway: White Trash Zombie Unchained by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks #BrillianceAudio @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @YogiKai

Read-along & #Giveaway:  White Trash Zombie Unchained by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks #BrillianceAudio @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @YogiKai

Reading a final book in a series can be an emotional experience. If you have held on until the end, you also cannot help but have questions and expectations and possibly a little trepidation. Rowland has done an exceptional job leading readers through Angel Crawford’s world. We started with a small insular snapshot of her […]

Read-along & #Giveaway: Mageri series by Dannika Dark @DannikaDark #NicolePoole @TantorAudio #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks

Read-along & #Giveaway: Mageri series by Dannika Dark @DannikaDark  #NicolePoole @TantorAudio #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks

I chose this series after a poll and discussions with my team and several friends.  The ebook, print or audio are available at most libraries.    I have not read any of this series; they were recommended to me by friends.  I look forward to finally reading the series. The narrator is also highly recommended. […]

Read-along & #Giveaway: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @kimbacaffeinate

Read-along & #Giveaway:  White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @kimbacaffeinate

White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland is the fifth book in the White Trash Zombie series. Hilarious, Intense, and filled with both crazy and heartfelt moments, we once again witness Angel Crawford lose her shit and save the day. I absolutely love listening to this series. Allison McLemore narrates and just brings Angel and […]

2024 Library Love Audiobook Challenge & #Giveaway #LibraryLoveChallenge #Giveaway @BooksofMyHeart @angels_gp #AudiobookLove

2024 Library Love Audiobook Challenge & #Giveaway #LibraryLoveChallenge #Giveaway @BooksofMyHeart @angels_gp #AudiobookLove

2024 Library Love Audiobook Challenge   Welcome to the second ever Library Love Audiobook Challenge hosted by Angel’s Book Nook & Books of My Heart.   We hope you enjoy our Library Love Audiobook Challenge. Have Fun and Good Luck! Discovering Audiobooks has been the best thing ever. I can multitask and get my love of books in […]

Posted April 26, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Giveaway, Library, Misc / 8 Comments

Read-along & #Giveaway: How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks

Read-along & #Giveaway: How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks

Angel and the gang are thrown into chaos when one of their own is kidnapped by Saberton Corp. It seems like Saberton had inside knowledge to capture them so it’s hard to know who they can trust. Do they have a traitor? They must now figure out a way to get their friends back safely.  […]

Read-along & #Giveaway: White Trash Zombie Apocalypse by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @BookwormBrandee

Read-along & #Giveaway: White Trash Zombie Apocalypse by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @BookwormBrandee

And the plot thickens…(suspenseful music playing)…White Trash Zombie Apocalypse finds our plucky heroine, Angel, up to her frizzy, only partially bleached hair in the nefarious goings-on within the zombie underworld. Will she be able to determine why real zombies and fake zombies are roaming the streets of her town? Will she and her boyfriend(?) Marcus find […]

Rift in the Soul by Faith Hunter @HunterFaith ‏@AceRocBooks @BerkleyPub @PromotionsPsst @LetsTalkLTP #GIVEAWAY

Rift in the Soul by Faith Hunter @HunterFaith ‏@AceRocBooks @BerkleyPub @PromotionsPsst @LetsTalkLTP #GIVEAWAY

  I was excited to be back in the world of the Soulwood series. As with most urban fantasy, I would definitely read these in order. I have read the Jane Yellowrock series which I think also helps one to understand more of the world and characters. Plus it is just great reading. The Soulwood […]

Read-along & #Giveaway: Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @Caroles_Life

Read-along & #Giveaway: Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @Caroles_Life

I didn’t like this book quite as much as the first book in the series but I still really enjoyed it.  I really think that I enjoyed this one a little more by going the audio route.  The narrator is absolutely perfect for this series and really makes the story incredibly entertaining.  This was a […]