Witches with the Enemy by Barb Hendee

Posted May 7, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 2 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Witches with the Enemy by Barb HendeeWitches with the Enemy by Barb Hendee
Series: The Mist-Torn Witches #3
Published by Roc on May 5th 2015
Genres: Fantasy
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

When seers Céline and Amelie Fawe fled Shetâna under threat of death, they vowed never to return. Yet, less than a year later, they are summoned back—to aid the man who once tried to kill them.…

The cruel prince Damek is on the verge of closing marriage negotiations with the powerful family of a young noblewoman when his intended’s sister is murdered. To keep the engagement from falling through, Damek must expose the killer quickly—and he needs the seers’ powers to do so. Though the Fawes’ patron, Prince Anton, fears that bringing Céline and Amelie to Shetâna places them in grave danger, he is honor-bound to help his brother Damek.

Only none of them is prepared for the peril that awaits them at Castle Kimovesk—for someone in the court is determined to prevent the marriage from happening, no matter how deadly the cost…

icon magical  icon fantasy  icon historical

I read the first two books in The Mist-Torn Witches series to prepare for this review and I’m really enjoying the series. I generally don’t like historical romance but the fantasy books which are set in historical times I also think I wouldn’t like, but then I do. I guess I can’t generalize; I have to read the book and see.

This series has witches and this is my favorite sort of supernatural. There have also been shifters. The story focuses on two sisters, and they each have hints of romance. It will be interesting to see if anything ever comes of the romance aspects. The other two main characters are Prince Anton, their patron,  and his chief security guy, Jaromir.

In the previous book, the sisters went on a mission with Jaromir. So Prince Anton was absent from most of the story. In this book,  Prince Anton is going on a trip with the two sisters to assist his brother and Jaromir will be back at home, so not in the story as much. It’s an interesting way to further develop those characters with more time. I’m worried about the danger of this trip and so are all four of them, (yes the enemy part in the title).

The sisters, Celine and Amelie, are very likeable. They are skilled, intelligent and compassionate. They are very human with some normal reactions, however they are so capable at controlling themselves in difficult or inappropriate feelings, mostly. I admire that and find it a bit unbelievable; I’m not sure I could do it so well. I think however, women of this time period, often had to control themselves and put duty or propriety before their personal wishes. I find the small breakouts of control, even internally, amusing and authentic.

I never felt bored or like I wanted to stop reading. I enjoyed the mystery and had ideas about the solution. It was great to learn more about the world and the characters through this new adventure. Information keeps trickling out. There is so much ahead as far as relationships and world events. I can’t wait to see how things continue after Witches with the Enemy. I recommend this series.

Giggle worthy quote:   

Worse was the pain she felt from the skin on the inside of her legs. Celine had not been wrong to suggest riding straddle. At the fast pace they rode, gripping with their knees was the only option.  At first, this had been a relief. A few hours later, Amelie’s skin felt as if it had been rubbed raw.

Stupid dinner gown.

The dress offered no protection, and once again, she longed for her pants.


About Barb Hendee

Barb & J.C. live south of Portland, Oregon, and about a hour from the coast. Barb’s fiction has appeared in numerous genre magazines and anthologies. J.C.’s poetry, non-fiction, and short fiction have also appeared in many genre publications.

Although they have worked together as a writing team from their earliest days, the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. the Noble Dead Series) contains their first novel-length collaborations starting in 2003.

Both are ex-academics with masters in English, have worked in academia as well as the private sector, and have taught multiple workshops, classes, and seminars related to fiction writing inside and outside of academia.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted May 7, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 2 Comments

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