Sunday Post – 1 August 2021 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted August 1, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 44 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Stacking The Shelves is also a weekly meme hosted by Marlene from Reading Reality.  It’s all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday, I am obsessed with the Olympics.  I’m afraid it will reduce my reading time these couple weeks.  I love all the events.   We had a good chat for COYER book club.  My tv only seems to get one station on regular broadcast and luckily that is NBC so I watched the Olympics after dinner.  I finally got the hydrangea set up to root. Angela and I are chatting about ideas for 2022 Library Love Challenge. I took the sd card out of my Kindle Fire and it is still so slow.  I tried reading on my iphone and it is easy and immediate.

Monday,  there always seem to be calls and information I am dying to get after the weekend.  So calls and errands filled the day.   I tried another new recipe for Chicken Florentine pasta while watching the Olympics.

Tuesday,  I read in the morning. I’m feeling the heat and am kind of lackadaisical.  There are things I want to do which mean a short time outside but it’s so hot I can’t get myself to do them.  Next week is supposed to be cooler.  I made myself a list while watching Olympics to try to be more productive tomorrow.  Today is my Mom’s 94th birthday.

Wednesday, still hot, still not too energized.  My daughter’s paper is due today and her final is due by tomorrow.  She’s struggling with stress and gastro issues.  She is starting a chronic pain therapy group which has its first session tonight.  Well they didn’t send her the link so she missed this one.   I spent the morning reading.  I’d just like to get a week ahead on it.  And I want to read but there are plenty of chores which need to be done.  It’s raining this afternoon – yay, we need it.

Thursday,  I had more email convos with Angela on next year’s Library Love.  The Olympics are messing with my reading schedule. And moods.  I really wanted to go look at roof shingles but it’s very hot and my daughter didn’t want to do anything this first day her class is finished.

Friday,  I finished my mood reading. I worked on various posts and computer stuff and juggled the schedule.  I started a new book and a new audio and am loving both.  I went to bed on time with big plans for tomorrow.

Saturday, I woke up an hour and a half before the alarm and set to work on the yard. I mowed. I pulled weeds (only a few) and sprinkled Preen.  The other areas where the pine straw is I sprayed weed killer.  Then I sprayed the bush stumps with pruning sealer so the bushes wouldn’t grow back.  I did a bit of computer work then my daughter and we set off to view more roof shingle choices. Oddly, we didn’t like the hunter green shingles, they seemed too dark. So I’ve decided on the roofer.   It feels great to get something settled.


July Reading:  I had another good reading month.  I managed to read 26 books. Audiobooks continue to help me read more. Some count for more than one challenge.  I listened to 13 audiobooks, read 7 library books,  26 COYER reads,   and  3 books which I already own.

All Library books (including ones not reviewed on the blog)  2021 Library Love Challenge

I did manage to read 3 books I own (goal is 3 per month):

  • ? At Bertram’s Hotel by Agatha Christie
  • A Week in New York by Louise Bay
  • King of Wall Street by Louise Bay

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


My grateful thanks to  Kensington Books,   Berkley,  and Ballantine Books.                     


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)


I couldn’t resist this one when it came up at $1.99 even though I am collecting them on audio.   I love Pamela Clare and this box set was only 99¢.



I found two audiobooks in the latest Audible sale which aren’t at the library or on KU.


Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.





I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted August 1, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 44 Comments

44 responses to “Sunday Post – 1 August 2021

  1. Wow, your mom is getting up there. And I’ve been being to tell you how I enjoy how your blog uses details from your week, Sunday -Sat. I usually open my calendar on a tuesday and start noting things and put that list on friday’s calendate date so I can begin a draft on that day.

  2. The heat really affects my energy levels, too, and I plot my outside chores around it, too. Earlier this year, I went for walks through various neighborhoods to check out various colors and styles of siding and that went through my mind when you mentioned your roof tile hunting. Olympics are special and only two weeks so if they push out a few other things for a bit, no worries. Neat that you are in planning sessions with Angela. I enjoy the Library Love challenge.
    Nicely done on the monthly total and your TBR goal.

    Have a great week, Anne!

    Sophia recently posted: Sunday Post - 1 August 2021
    • Thank you Sophia! You are always supportive of my constant organizing. My daughter enjoys the benefits but not the process. lol I’m doing indoor stuff like planning heavily now since once it cools slightly I’ll be back to more outdoor tasks and walking.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Say Goodbye by Karen Rose
  3. I haven’t been watching the Olympics. I just don’t have the time right now. I have too many review books I have to get through! I have a monster one (over 600 pages) I need to finish today. Ack! Thankfully I don’t have to do much otherwise.

    Sounds like you had a busy and productive week. I don’t even want to go outside to do anything in the garden. It’s 100 or over ever day this next week and it’s just too hot. My plants are frying. I need to fertilize my hydrangea, though…

    Rachel recently posted: Sunday Post #130
    • Yes I had some plants not do well this year. Sadly the spinach and broccoli which I may have planted too late since I added a garden bed and it took time to get it built. They do well in the fall however. I’m still figuring things out on the 3 season crop cycle here. I just water a bit in the morning or after dinner. I don’t have time to watch either so I’m pairing it with cooking dinner or other meal prep stuff somewhat. With commercials, I can jump up and handle other short chores. Some books 600 pages fly by and others 300 pages drag and make me doze.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: A Good Day for Chardonnay by Darynda Jones
  4. I don’t watch much tv so I dumped cable months ago. Now all I have is Netflix. I’ve never been all that interested in the Olympics so I haven’t tried to watch any of it.

    Mary Kirkland recently posted: Apartment Life #263
    • I’ve never had cable except for a few months for Sons of Anarachy. We have Netflix but it’s been more than a year since I’ve watched. My daughter watches though. Other than Olympics, I’ve only watched a little tv in March and none since until Olympics.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Say Goodbye by Karen Rose
  5. Happy 94th birthday to your mom! I hope you got to celebrate with her, even if it was from afar.

    I haven’t been watching the olympics at all, we don’t have a tv in Spain, which is actually kind of nice 🙂 I have kept up on some things via social media and newspapers, though.

    I hope your daughter is feeling better now that school is over, and she can concentrate on herself and her health only.

    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms recently posted: Weekend Wrap-up #344 – Middle of Summer
  6. Sounds like a good week – you seem to have less pain these days? Happy birthday to your mom! That’s exciting. I haven’t really been watching the Olympics this year. I keep hearing spoilers for events before I see them, and I just haven’t been in the mood. We will be watching track this evening as a “local” star is running.

  7. Happy Birthday to your Mom! I’ve only watched a bit of the Olympics, and what I’ve seen is amazing. You have a great haul there! Happy Reading

  8. Sounds like a good week overall! Happy birthday to your mom. 94, wow! I’m sorry your daughter is having so much pain and health issues. I hope the chronic pain therapy group will help.

    Looks like we are in for a slightly cooler week here in Virginia. I wish you good weather and happy gardening, as well as happy reading!

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: #TrekAThon Wrap-Up Post
    • Thank you! The garden has been weird this year because I planted it later than I wanted because we doubled the size. I think it got too hot for the broccoli and spinach and I didn’t water very much. I hope to put in a good fall crop later this month. I still have tomatoes and chard.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Say Goodbye by Karen Rose
  9. Wow, 26 books is incredible! You had a great reading month. I’ve only caught bits and pieces of the Olympics, but have been keeping up with the news from there. It’s so odd seeing empty stadiums. Happy Birthday to your mom!

  10. We’ve been streaming the Olympics but the past few days we’ve mostly seen events we aren’t terribly interested in. We need to stop streaming the primetime show and just watch the events we like.

    My mom has been complaining about the heat in Asheville, so I can’t imagine what the Raleigh area is like right now.

    Enjoy your week!

  11. I wish I just had a few weeds to pull. I spent a couple of hours in the yard and still have a lot to do. Congrats on choosing what you need to get a new roof. I have my fingers crossed that I will find out this week that I don’t need a new one. I have been watching a lot of the Olympics at my house while I do things too. Have a great week!

    • Thanks Carole. I did another round with Preen since it is supposed to be every 4-6 weeks and I haven’t done it for a couple months. Tomorrow is supposed to rain all day and I’m looking forward to it. I saw my favorite garden center will get in the fall cool crops the 3rd or 4th week of August so I’m excited about that.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Say Goodbye by Karen Rose
  12. I’ve only been able to watch a few highlights of the Olympics because we cancelled our cable a few months ago. What I’ve seen has been great though, especially the swimming and the gymnastics. I hope you have a great week!

    • I’m actually watching on broadcast NBC which is the only channel I can get without an antenna. Streaming I can watch on Peacock or Locast free but I don’t like the Peacock commentators and locast asks for donations every 10 minutes during the events.

  13. I’ve been enjoying the Olympics too. My TV hasn’t been on so much in months. 🙂 I mainly watch the women’s gymnastics but I’ve also caught some diving and swimming events and women’s volleyball. It’s been fun.

    Hooray for getting to roofer in place. Now to pick those shingles. 🙂

    • yes I watched a lot of gymnastics and swimming and I do love beach volleyball. It’s a little sad because they mostly show when USA wins I think. Either that or I just missed the men’s gymnastics other than at the start. Now it’s more track and field and I have so much happening I’m not watching quite as much.

      The roofer comes tomorrow!

  14. I’m also really enjoying the Olympics. I try to turn it on and watch it at least once per day, if not more. You got a lot done this week!

    • I try to make things happen but it’s a struggle some days. I always have a plan but it doesn’t always go well.

      I’m watching a little less Olympics this week because of the time suck even though I would like to watch it all.