Star Cruise Star Song by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816

Posted April 19, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 26 Comments

Star Cruise Star Song by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816 Star Cruise Star Song by Veronica Scott
on December 8, 2022
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Pages: 222
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
AmazonBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Addy Tryndall is a fresh graduate from a highly respected engineering college in the Sectors, on her way to a plum job on the Nebula Zephyr cruise ship. She knows she’ll be on probation but she’s determined to succeed and nothing is going to distract her.

Ryder McRhodes is a has-been interstellar rock star, on his way to reunite with his fellow band members to see if the lightning of mega success will strike twice for them. He isn’t sure he wants to be in the spotlight again and he hasn’t been able to write music since the band broke up.

Addy has secrets. Ryder needs a muse to unblock the creative flow…could her tightly guarded past be the answer to his problem? When the two are thrown together in an attempt to avoid the interstellar paparazzi he’s intrigued. She’s wary.

And someone is sabotaging systems on the Nebula Zephyr. Addy unwittingly finds herself in the middle of the situation while juggling her increasing attraction to Ryder and her challenges on the new job. Can she trust him with her secret? Or will he break her heart?

Back in space with my favorite Star Cruise ship and the crew for a new ship-board adventure!  I was pleasantly surprised when this new installment in The Sectors: Star Cruise sub-series released.  It came along right when I was nearly finished reading through the series and ready for a new installment in the series.  I thoroughly enjoyed all the Star Cruise books and was glad to be back with the crew and meet a new romance pair aboard ship.

The Sectors sci-fi romance series are predominantly a series of standalones all sharing the same worldbuilding.  There are sub-series within The Sectors series that are even more tightly linked to each other like the Star Cruise books and novellas and Star Song is one of those.

Star Song was a sweet Cinderella-style romance except Addy, the brilliant engineer with a psychic gift to hear engine song, has agency and doesn’t need a prince to save her from anything.  But, she is definitely out of her league in Ryder’s old glam rockstar life and has the social anxiety and feelings of inadequacy to prove it.

He has to figure out if he wants the megawatt fame and band life all back or whether he’ll blaze a new trail in his life and music career.  It was quite obvious to me what he should do and it was just a matter of waiting to see when the lightbulb moment would happen for him.

They were good for each other, with him helping her through her social anxiety and seeing herself differently than those past bullies had hurt her self-esteem, and she was good for him by grounding him and helping him get clarity about what was truly important to him.  Their hot sexual attraction emphasized to Addy that she was a desirable woman and a woman who didn’t have to settle, but have what she wanted.

The sabotage was easy to work out, though not the motive.  It did have the result of bringing Addy into an unusual friendship with the sentient ship AI, Maeve, which I thought was the coolest aspect of the whole story.

The end result was that fun epilogue that left me well-satisfied.

All in all, it was another outstanding entry in the series and I was sad to close the book on the last pages.  Those who like their sci-fi set in the far future and ship in space setting should give this one a go.



About Veronica Scott

USA Today Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author.

Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Seven time winner ~ SFR Galaxy Award

Proud recipient ~ NASA Exceptional Service Medal but must hasten to add the honor was not for her romantic fiction!

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – I’ll improve your process (mwahahahaa)!

Elvis Presley’s best friend once serenaded Veronica on a local TV telethon…now that could be a novel…

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Posted April 19, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 26 Comments

26 responses to “Star Cruise Star Song by Veronica Scott

    • Not really! These are different in tone. They have action and romance and even have a desperate situation or political intrigue, but writing style changes the feel of them. That said, some general elements of the space action ones involving the special forces fighters, like Marooned or Wreck of the Nebula Dream, might crossover a bit in that area.

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  1. I’m so happy you enjoyed the book! Yes, we are learning more about Maeve with each book and writing this one gave me some good insights into her backstory just because I was thinking about her…funny how the Muse works. I try to write a new Star Cruise each year so we’ll see how 2023 goes!

  2. I definitely agree with you on how her friendship with the AI was the coolest part of the story. I am glad to hear you enjoyed this one! Like you I thought it was clear which path Ryder would follow and was waiting for him to come to the same conclusion. Great review and I enjoyed reading your thoughts about this one!