Aydarr by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816

Posted May 21, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 28 Comments

Aydarr by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816 Aydarr by Veronica Scott
Series: Sectors New Allies #1
on December 3, 2017
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Pages: 148
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
AmazonBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Jill Garrison, a maintenance tech at the Sectors Amarcae 7 colony, goes to sleep one night as usual only to wake up in her nightgown stranded in the middle of a forest on an unknown world. There’s no time to think as she’s stalked by carnivorous predators and rescued by genetically engineered warriors calling themselves the Badari. Turns out they and she, along with her whole colony, are now prisoners of the Khagrish, a ruthless race of alien scientists. Working for enemies of the Sectors, the Khagrish have created the Badari to be super soldiers.

Aydarr, the Badari alpha, isn’t sure he can trust Jill but his attraction to her is undeniable. He impulsively claims her as his mate to prevent her death at the hands of the Khagrish.

Can he continue to protect her from the experiments already underway? Will his claiming her put his pack in jeopardy from their alien masters?

As Jill searches for a way to rescue her fellow humans and get them all to safety, she finds herself falling for Aydarr, despite the secrets he’s keeping. She has a few of her own.

After over a year delving into The Sectors series world and wrapping up the last of the released stories in that series, I was not utterly depressed like I get when favorite series are over because I was well aware this spinoff series, Sectors New Allies awaited me.  Set in the same sci-fi world, but in a new location outside The Sectors, I was eager to explore an exciting new alien situation and romance.

Aydarr opens with a human woman from the Sectors, ex-Special Forces tech and lately colonist, waking up in an unknown jungle.  She went to sleep one night in her home and woke up here.  Then bad becomes worse when hard, fit and large warrior human-like men known as the Badari break it to her that she’s been captured by a cruel alien race to use in their scientific studies and experiments and not likely to survive.

The Badari pack protect her and take her in as their leader’s mate all to keep her alive, but Aydarr is immediately drawn to the courageous human woman, Jill Garrison, who plans to find the other humans and free them all against formidable odds.  He has yearned for freedom for so long.

The very first moments are action-filled and I loved how the situation is dire right from the get-go.  Captured by cruel aliens and long odds had me all in to see Jill, Aydarr and the rest somehow pull it off.  The romance is a cross between fated mates and insta-love.  Things happen fast and are somewhat forced with the romance due to the aliens wanting to observe their captive human and one of their Badari (whom they see as barely sentient animals) breed.

This does the work of setting up the world of the series and driving forward with an exciting plot.  The first half goes slower and gets the reader settled into the world, the characters, and Jill and Aydarr’s romance.  The second half splits them up and the action takes over driving the plot.  I liked what I got from both aspects.

Jill is no damsel in distress and she’s ex-military.  She tends to be a dive in and make it happen rather than a planning analytical type so it was fun to see her butt heads with first Aydarr who cautions her the get the lay of things first and then something similar with another leader type she meets later in the story because she definitely likes being in charge herself.  Jill does most of the narrating and the focus stays on her part of the story the longest so the world can be introduced as Jill gets to know it.  Aydarr, a genetic lab made being who leads a pack of male Badari- a name they had to give themselves because they refuse to be mere animals and test subjects- gets some narration and I enjoyed having both.

I won’t spoil it, but there is a fun side character that comes along to be Jill’s sidekick and I hope the sidekick is a regular figure in the rest of the series.

Several characters are introduced and I could easily see how others will become prominent and likely get their own stories as each installment will focus on a different couple involving the Badari and the humans.

All in all, I was entertained and flew through this with a taste for more Badari getting their stories and seeing what comes next in the ongoing series plot.


About Veronica Scott

USA Today Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author.

Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Seven time winner ~ SFR Galaxy Award

Proud recipient ~ NASA Exceptional Service Medal but must hasten to add the honor was not for her romantic fiction!

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – I’ll improve your process (mwahahahaa)!

Elvis Presley’s best friend once serenaded Veronica on a local TV telethon…now that could be a novel…

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Posted May 21, 2023 by Sophia in Book Review / 28 Comments

28 responses to “Aydarr by Veronica Scott

  1. I’m so happy you enjoyed AYDARR! I love writing the Badari Warriors series; in fact, I’m writing book #17 NARIO right now. Thanks for the insightful review…

      • And that’s not counting the three Badari Gladiator novels, which is yet another spinoff from the Badari. I do enjoy writing these guys and their fated mates! But I try to do another Star Cruise once a year and I do have some other Sectors-based series in mind….I need to write faster LOL! Thank you again…

        • I’m so glad you have all those wonderful stories floating around in your mind for future books.

          And, yay, I got the Badari Gladiator boxed set when you had it on sale so I’ve got more to love. 🙂

          Sophia recently posted: Perilous Times by Thomas D. Lee
  2. I keep saying this every time you review one of Scott’s, but I really want to read her Sectors series! I even told my daughter about it. I just need some time. Glad to hear you enjoyed the story, Sophia! 🙂

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #208
    • How fun that my reviews have pointed you toward a fun sci-fi romance series to try and share with your daughter, Rachel! 🙂 No worries, I know how it is with the long reading list.

      Sophia recently posted: Aydarr by Veronica Scott
  3. Great review you have here darling. You keep tempting me so hard for this author. I have a feeling her style of sci fi would really work for me. Sidekicks can be so much fun though.

  4. I’ve not yet read Scott, but I think I would enjoy her work. SO happy for you that there is this enjoyable spinoff series! Yea!!

  5. I enjoyed buddy reading this one with you :). It was a good start to this new series. It sure had an exciting plot and the romance was good although it did progress a bit too quickly for my tastes. Great review and I look forward to reading the second book!