Sunday Post – 27 August 2023 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted August 27, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 56 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  I woke up way too early. Couldn’t sleep so I read a bit and then went back to sleep.  So that gave me a late start on the day.  I felt kind of off, a bit of a headache.  My daughter didn’t feel great when she woke up mid afternoon either.   She did get out about 12 games she wants to play though.   My squash plants have some mildew so I sprayed them with neem oil.  After dinner, we played Zombie Dice twice.  If you roll 3 guns, the game is over.  Somehow I managed to do that twice our of three rolls, losing both games.

Monday, today is hot but the humidity is lower.  I didn’t feel too productive today. I picked carrots for dinner. After dinner, we played Zombie Dice again.  This time my daughter had read the directions further. I also managed to not roll 3 gun shots, so I managed to win a game.

Tuesday, the temp and humidity are about like yesterday.  The real feel is still around 100F / 38C. It’s another day when I didn’t feel like doing much.  We made pasta with pesto, basil from the garden.

Wednesday,  woohoo  the temperatures are 15 degrees cooler and the humidity is low.  Of course today is appts and errands but I’d really like to get half the lawn mowed.  The dogs were energetic and so were we with the pleasant north breeze.  I have ambitious plans for today. I did pretty well.  After the appts and errands, I did mow half the lawn. I scrubbed the shower after a bleach application. There are just a few tiny grout areas with mold but bleach seems to be the only way to get rid of them.   I made a batch of food for Lulu.

Thursday, the heat is ramping up but this morning wasn’t bad. I did the usual stuff.  I called around to learn about more soil for my garden beds. I made the Creamy Tuscan dish with chicken instead of scallops and pasta instead of rice.  I prefer the rice to pasta.

Friday, I’d love to stay home with the heat and humidity today but my daughter has another appt with the specialist. It didn’t feel too horrible when I went out early, but it’s supposed to get up near 100. The appt took up most of the day.  My daughter had only got about 4 hours of sleep and got really upset at the appt.  She tries hard, and yet she has been in pain for years and no one seems to have answers.  We ate early and she went to bed very early.

Saturday,  it’s hot.  The next 4 days are projected to be rainy.  I’m ok with that.   I can’t believe August is almost finished.  But the weather will be better soon. I did the menu plan for the first time in a couple weeks.  I went through the options in the Audible sale, checking which ones I could get at the library or through KU, picking 2 that were Audible only.  I did figure out I had the ebooks as freebies though. I had to add the audiobooks to Goodreads. I’m trying hard to stay on track so I can get more accomplished today.  I’ve been focusing on tomorrow being the end of the Library Love Bingo and the COYER Vacation Readathon, so I don’t have all my ARCs read for this week.


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):



My sincere thanks to PRH Audio.


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)


I pre-ordered this one. I used my No Rush shipping rewards to buy Dirty Work.


I purchased these in the 2-1 credit sale at Audible.

Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.



I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted August 27, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 56 Comments

56 responses to “Sunday Post – 27 August 2023

  1. Juli @ A Universe in Words

    I’ve really struggled staying motivated this week and getting things done because of the heat, only the last two days, where it’s cooled down, do I feel like I’ve found some equilibrium again. And ooh I missed the Audible sale, what a shame! Need to keep a better eye on that although, admittedly, there are plenty of books in my library I still haven’t listened to… I hope you have a lovely week 🙂
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. I am so very sorry for your daughter Anne. Being in pain for years must be maddening! Sending hugs and some cool from Belgium!

  3. Good luck to our daughter finding out what is causing issues for her. Specialists should be worth their salt re this.
    Have a good week.

  4. That sucks that your daughter can’t get the help she needs. I feel like doctors these days don’t always seem to do the extra effort it takes to figure things out. But that could just be the doctors I’ve been seeing. I would love some rainy days, but after I finish mowing today, lol. I like what you do about checking if the books you want on Audible are also available for free from the library. I’ve got to start doing that! Hope you have a good week and your daughter can get some relief!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #132 – August 27th, 2023
  5. Yeah, it was another steamy, hot week. We got some bad storms near the end that have had me getting water in the basement and needing to focus on that bit of trouble, but blessedly it was rainwater and not sewer water. Glad you could get your errands and some chores done in spite of the temps and fun that you guys are getting the hang of the new dice game.

    Have a good week, Anne!

    Sophia recently posted: LIBRARY LOVE BINGO Results #GIVEAWAY
  6. We got a little bit of rain this last Monday and were cool on Tuesday too. We heated back up but this next week should be cooler. It’s starting to feel a little like fall here. A couple of our trees have already started turning red. I’m excited for more moderate temperatures. My roses seem to do better when it’s not frying hot too and I’ve been getting nice blooms. We made Pasta Pomodoro from our garden tomatoes and basil last night and it was delicious. Your Tuscan dish sounds good, but I think I’d like the rice more too.

    Sorry to hear your daughter is having issues with pain! It can be discouraging to not have any answers for it. I hope she finds some relief.

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #219
  7. Pain is awful especially when you can’t get answers. I’ve seen other bloggers talk about that too, chronic pain. I hope your daughter is able to get some relief soon.

    We had a huge storm go through here and 80 mph winds the other night but the heat hasn’t been TOO bad. It was super muggy that day and high 80’s, but after the storm it dropped 20 degrees…

    Hope you are having a nice weekend 🙂 ,,

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post # 519
  8. I’m sorry your girl is struggling right now. It’s so frustrating as a mom to watch your baby suffer and not be able to do anything. *HUGS*

    We had a very busy week, with celebrations centering around food almost every day. My husband and I also celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and went to a concert for our night out. I’m not happy that summer is almost over. But we take my son back to college in one week! Eep!!

  9. I’m so sorry that your daughter continues to suffer with no real answers as to what is causing her pain:(. I’m aware you’ve been paying attention to what she eats, etc. But it is always horrible to watch your children in trouble without being able to help:((. I like the look of the Devon Monk series – it looks a lot of fun. I completely understand your attention on the weather – when dealing with such high temperatures, it must be a physical feat to do stuff in the garden, etc. I hope the coming week is a kind one, Anne.

  10. I’m sorry your daughter is getting frustrated with not getting any real answers. I can’t imagine. Zombie Dice sounds like a fun game. I’ll have to look for it. We managed to escape the EXTREME heat but it was still hot and Apollo hates it when he only gets 1 walk a day (although he gets plenty of play inside too). We also had an unplanned trip to the vet Friday but thankfully that worked out ok. Hope you have a great week and sorry to be visiting late this weekend. I didn’t even get my weekend post up until early this morning. I was running behind all weekend.

  11. It’s been impossibly hot this past week but it stormed today so I’m hoping that that means cooler weather is on its way. I’m so sorry your daughter hasn’t been able to get answers. That has to be so frustrating. I hope you have a good week.

  12. It’s been in the low 90’s for the past week which I’ve been thankful for. Sounds odd, but 91 is a lot better than 99. Today is is the 80’s thanks to Hurricane Idalia. I hate those periods of feeling unproductive. Hopefully this week has been better.