Sunday Post – 26 November 2023 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted November 26, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 48 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  it’s cooled down a bit today.  I planned to get started with blog visiting but instead got distracted by reorganizing my papers / tasks on my desk.  It didn’t take long and it’s great having it more organized. I did some blog visiting and then veered off course again to do the menu plan for this week. I’m finally caught up enough now a week ahead on ARCs and really want to stay ahead. Lulu and I did a short walk.  I updated my links for the Library Love Challenge and COYER for mid month.

Monday,  I did typical computer stuff, wrote a review, and made a new todo list. I changed sheets on my bed.  I ran the dishwasher. I vacuumed both floors of the house, doubled up with swiffer wet on the kitchen and hardwood floors, washed the rugs.  We went to the chiropractor for adjustments.  Then my daughter went to nap. I scrubbed out the main bath shower.   I made a batch of food for Lulu with chicken thighs. I loaded the donations (clothes) in the car for tomorrow. This week I have been sharing posts to Mastodon even if the original blog poster isn’t on Mastodon.  I might try that with Threads another week, or Bluesky.  It’s about half and half manual sharing to Mastodon because some WordPress blogs have a button but Threads or Bluesky would both be all manual.

Tuesday,  it’s raining lightly so I took a towel for walking the dogs. I wanted to wipe off their paws so they wouldn’t track all over her kitchen.  But the neighbor was home and won’t need us this week and forgot to tell us.  We chatted a bit. I finished prepping my lists for all the errands. We got to the appt and they told us it was the wrong day, it’s tomorrow.  So I dropped off the donations and bought a couple items at Aldi and Trader Joes, and we went home.

Wednesday, I tried to get things done before leaving for medical appt 2.0.  This was hampered by a run to pick up my plants at the nursery which I had ordered, then a stop at Harris Teeter for 3 items.  Worse, my phone didn’t charge overnight and wouldn’t charge this morning no matter what cord I used or where I plugged it in.  I tried cleaning the connection. Finally I turned it off at 15%, then I made an appt to have it fixed. Apparently, Best Buy is now authorized Apple repair center.  So off we went again using my daughter’s phone for GPS.  I took the car for inspection, then got 1 item at Trader Joe’s I forgot yesterday and 4 items at Aldi’s, then I went to Best Buy.  I was a little worried because no one greeted me for 10 minutes. The guy came over I told him the story and he held out his hand for the phone, and disappeared into the back room for 5-10 minutes.   When he came back he told me he cleaned the port and it had some yellow sticky substance (???) and now it was working. Yay!  He didn’t charge me (more yay!). I can’t recall ever having spilled anything on my phone.

Then I went to the Asia market to find a couple things for my daughter for Christmas.  They also had really good looking bean sprouts compared to the ones I got at Harris Teeter.  Bigger package, better looking and less expensive.  If only we lived close to this place.  Then I went to pick up my daughter, but the appt lasted another hour, 4 hours total.  Then we picked up some of our favorite Thai takeout and went home.  I was so glad to be home finally after 2 days of running around in the car. It was much more crowded on Tuesday than Wednesday.

Thursday, I went to sleep early and didn’t set my alarm for this morning. Lulu made sure I didn’t sleep too late. The sun is shining.  I’m not sure if I will do the leaves and the planting today or tomorrow.  It’s tempting to just stay inside.  But Lulu needs a walk after two days of rainy weather. We did the medium route and although it seems cold it was fine with a jacket. We had our pumpkin tortellini with pesto and I made an apple pie with crumble topping.

Friday, things are totally out of hand.  I went on a tangent of sorts collecting all the information about the plants to prepare for planting. I got a bunch of family phone calls which were good but a distraction.  I ordered a few things online for Black Friday sales.  I have a lot more I want to do the next couple days but I think I am prepared now.  I’d be happier if I had written some reviews or got the plants in the ground, etc.  I did get Lulu out for a short walk. Here’s the new perennials. Hopefully, they look like this next spring / summer.



Saturday, I did get some things done finally.  I wrote reviews and worked on posts. I’m thrilled to be a couple weeks ahead on blog posts and hope to stay that way. I planted my new perennials in the front bed.  I was ready to take Lulu for a walk and we ran into the neighbor and Abby, so they went with us on a short walk.  This next week we will have mostly freezing nights but around 50F / 10 C days, getting back to 60s next weekend.

The Top 10 lists for 2023 where you can link up to one or all,  so we can see your favorites!  Grab the #Top10of2023 button.  Here is the plan:

Monday, December 25th–       Top 10 Books of 2023

Tuesday, December 26th       Top 10 Audiobooks of 2023

Wednesday, December 27th Top 10 Book Covers of 2023

Thursday, December 28th    Top 10 Book Characters of 2023

Friday, December 29th          Top 10 Your Choice Category ( Narrators, New to Me, Couples, Series,  Books I Meant to Read This Year, etc)  

Saturday, December 30th    Top 10 Books I Want in 2024 


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


Many thanks to Elizabeth Hunter,   Brilliance Audio.                 


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)



Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.



I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted November 26, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 48 Comments

48 responses to “Sunday Post – 26 November 2023

  1. I didn’t know that about Best Buy. And Thai take out sounds good. It’s been cold around here 28 right now and we’re supposed to get SNOW this week. Argh 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #532
  2. I really need some apple pie. Lol.

    We are supposed to get snow! I am so excited! (I also live in the same state as Greg up there) We have a tradition to always get Chinese takeout on the first snow…so fingers crossed it snows!

    Have a good one!

  3. Whew, you did have a ton of running around in those two days, but way to go getting ahead on your ARC stack. Your perennials are a great variety and hopefully will settle into the new bed for them. Glad your Thanksgiving was a quiet and restful one with good food. We had a lovely time at my sister in law’s.

    Have a good week, Anne!

  4. That was a really hectic week, Anne! And go you for getting ahead with your blog posts – I’m hoping to do so in the next few weeks as I’ve been playing catchup alllll year and I’m a bit fed up with it! I hope the coming week is more relaxing:)).

  5. I love whatever the top left flower/plant is! There are almost no best buys around here any more, but there is an apple store about 25 min from my house. But, its nice that there are options. Apple stores aren’t located in every city. Have a great week!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: November 26th
  6. Thanks for the tip that Best Buy is now an Apple repair place. I dropped my phone a couple of months back and the bottom display always has a strip of green that sometimes flashes. We’re not close to Apple stores and they’re so crowded, probably especially now. Sounds like you’re having similar weather. We are in the upper 50s up to 60 and then freezing at night. We had a low of 27 degrees last night and there was frost on the grass this morning. I’m jealous you’re ahead with blogging! I wish I was. I’ve been so busy lately with work and company. Love your new plants!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #231
  7. Melike

    Lulu is such a cutie and your flowers look beautiful, Anne. And yay for being ahead on your blog posts.

  8. I haven’t been sharing much to social media these days. I’m finding I just spend less and less time there. Once and a while, I remember to share my own posts on Bluesky and Threads (goes to do that now!).

    We had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. My son was home from school and we just did a lot of hanging out. It was relaxing, but now I’m feeling overwhelmed with my to do list!

  9. Looks like a busy week! We have a good Asian market here that is just enough out of the way that I never think to go to it. I really need to fix it. Great looking new books! I really want to pick up the Sheila Lowe book. I used to love that series. Have a great week!