Sunday Post – 2 June 2024 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted June 2, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 37 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  still hot an humid.  Last night I walked Lulu just before dinner and saw lightening.  I made a cake for dessert that uses fresh strawberries and blueberries. Yum! My daughter opened her Christmas and birthday presents from her dad.     I did the usual visiting today.  I edited and finalized some posts. I wrote a review. I washed the screens we got down last week and started putting them in windows. I walked Lulu.

Monday, rain at the start of the day, but I managed to get Lulu out enough to go when it was only sprinkling.  I had a nice quiet morning working on visiting, review setups, doing laundry and dishes. My daughter took a bath with bubbles and Epsom salts to try to soothe her joints.  My ex hung the cages for the Google Nest.  Then he hung the middle drawer in my bathroom cabinets. I managed to copy photos to my laptop and deleted them off the iphone for 2023-2024. After dinner I cleaned out the drawer and the trays I have for it in my bathroom.

Tuesday, my daughter wants blackout curtains for her room so I looked into options.  It was warm but lower humidity for my nice walk with Abby and Lulu. The weather is just going to be awesome all week with lower temps around 80F / 27C  and a north breeze for low humidity. I did some menu planning.  I put together a Walmart order since we go right by there on the way back from PT tomorrow. My ex has been working on the new garden bed all day.  He’s had some problems and setbacks.

Wednesday,  another beautiful day to walk with Abby and Lulu.  I tried to get all my computer stuff done before, after I cleaned everything out from under the kitchen sink so we could try the new faucet I bought because ours has dismal water pressure.  I took my daughter to PT and it is helping. On the way back, we picked up a Walmart order.  I put things away.  I got an email that they can’t repair her computer so they gave us a credit at Amazon for a new one so I did a bunch of research to see if I could find one in our price range that would work for her needs.  She wants one that is about $200 more than our range but if I get a few questions answered I think we will get it because it has excellent reviews.  I picked lettuce for dinner, and used our oregano in the meatballs.  My ex worked on the garden bed and after dinner is trimming bushes.

   < New faucet       Old faucet  >     

Thursday, so much to do and hard to manage it.  I slept later which cuts my time available but I was so tired I am glad I got the sleep. I went through and used the rest of my Audible credits so I could cancel tomorrow.  Last time they offered me a deal so I kept it otherwise I may wait to buy a year around Black Friday when there always seems to be a deal.  I tried to checkup on our mattress delivery but I was too early.  I ordered the curtain rod we wanted from a different Walmart since my order only included one instead of the two we need.  My replacement plant which they told me would be 6/28 is ready for pickup.  The pressure washing guy confirmed our appt for tomorrow am. My ex installed the new kitchen faucet which has good pressure. The old one is more sleek but had no pressure.  Then he went out to trim all the front bushes. I ordered the new computer for my daughter. We got the email that the mattresses will be her between 2-4pm.  I ran to the other Walmart.  Then I raked up and filled both yard waste bins with bush trimming before dinner.  I was so excited about the guilty verdict I had to read a bunch of legal newsletters so I got to bed a bit late. My ex was installing the curtain rods with the blackout curtains.

Friday,  well the mattress people didn’t call at 6am but I woke in expectation I guess.  5 hours of sleep and I have a long list today.  I am behind on reading my ebook even though I love it.  Ghostdrift by Suzanne Palmer.  I’m getting to bed later and more tired so I had to post the Read-along announcement today and move Ghostdrift out. I’m ahead on audio though.  I’d stripped the bed and had laundry going and had just made breakfast when the pressure washer guy arrived.  The clean house looks great.  This is the last north wind day where the weather is gorgeous with low humidity.  So I hope to do dirt moving later.  Maybe also lawn mowing. I canceled my Audible membership but they offered deals.  One was to pay $85.99 for the next year, 12 credits or to pay $99.50 and get 12 credits.  I went with the first one. Next I cleaned the windows in my room and put in the screens. Then the windows and screens in the family room.  I cut herbs and got the chicken in a marinade for tonight.  I called to confirm and then picked up my replacement plant.  Of course, the delivery came while I was gone, about a half hour before the time window.  But they were quick bringing in the new mattresses and taking out the old ones. While my ex finished the garden bed, I walked Lulu, did laundry, finished a bit of computer things, then mowed the back yard, pulled weeds. I helped with the garden bed then finally I shoveled and hauled at least 7 wheelbarrows of dirt to fill it.  Filthy, I showered and  made up my new bed.  After dinner, I just went to bed.  I had almost 16,000 steps today!

Saturday, I woke early.  I placed a Sam’s Club and BJ’s order for just an item or two.  Then I looked up about free weekend parking in downtown Raleigh.  I did my Feedly visiting, reviewed new options on Netgalley.  My ex and I went over the list of what is left to do. UGH Threads changed up its screen so I have to get used to it.  I share friends’ posts to Threads, Bluesky and Mastodon currently. I walked Lulu.  Then we went to the NC Museum of History since one floor will close Monday for 2-3 years while they do a redo. The main floor will close early in October.  It was nice; the admission is free and on the weekend parking is free. I picked up Sams and BJs and then Alpaca Chicken for lunch. I finished up with this Sunday post, then I went out to plant zucchini in the new bed and mowed the front yard.

May Reading:  I had a slow for me reading month.  I managed to read 20 books. Audiobooks continue to help me read more. Some count for more than one challenge.  I listened to 15 audiobooks, read 4  library books, 19 COYER reads,   and  3 books which I already own.

All Library books (including ones not reviewed on the blog)  2024 Library Love Challenge

I did manage to read 4 books I own (goal is 3 per month):

  • Druid Magic by CS Churton
  • 🎧 White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland
  • Druid’s Folly by MD Massey

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


My grateful thanks to Atria Books,  SB Divya,  Montlake Romance.                         


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)


 I used up my last 2 Audible credits so I could cancel my membership but then they offered me a really good deal to stay for the next year.


Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.





I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted June 2, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 37 Comments

37 responses to “Sunday Post – 2 June 2024

  1. It’s been hot here in the upper 80s, but our humidity isn’t bad. Like 30%. We haven’t had any rain for a while though so I have to water until we get our system done. It’s nice your ex is helping with so many projects. Your lilies look beautiful! I just had my Audible credits go through the beginning of last month 12 credits for $149! You got a steal of a deal! I now have 10 credits to go before I could do anything. I still need to get to Canines & Cocktails.

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #252
  2. Wow, t hat was a busy week! I love that your ex still helps you out so much. It makes me think of my own family, and how my mom and stepmom did craft fairs together, and how my mom, stepdad, dad, and stepmom all used to do dinner at a local Mexican restaurant at times. I feel like the last couple times I’ve quit Audible they didn’t give me any deal, just offered me the put it on hold once a year. Of course I can’t ever afford to pay for a whole year at a time. Although I think Peacock is offering a $20 for a year deal that I need to jump on because can’t beat that price! You did get some good books I can’t wait to see your reviews of. Have a good week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #172 – June 2nd, 2024
  3. Sounds like a busy week with lots of DIY going on! I hope that the Epsom salts helped your daughter. My mum broke a bit of her back in January and was told to bath in them. She said how was she supposed to get in and out of the bath 😶 so she hasn’t done it yet…

    Enjoy your new books – freebies are great!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog recently posted: Sunday Post/Sunday Salon
  4. Your cake looks positively delicious Anne! I wouldn’t mind one like that for my own birthday 😉

  5. It sounds like you had a lot of good stuff happening this week with the walks and the gardening! We have a cold front coming in soon, and I am excited about it already. LOL.

  6. Love when you try to cancel something and they say but here a great deal so you stay. I love my audible membership the sales are what get me and my husband. Sounds like you enjoyed your garden this week and some walking hope you have a great reading week.

  7. You had quite the to-do list around the house, but glad you could get so much done. Just amazing to me. 🙂

    Hopefully, things will slow down a bit for you soon.
    Have a good week, Anne!

  8. You all look so happy in the photo. 🙂 It’s been nice weatherwise here. The mornings are rather gloomy–a bit of June gloom–but the sun eventually finds its way through the clouds. It sounds like you had a busy week. Mine was nice. I took a few days off work and have tomorrow off too since the bee people are coming to tear into the wall. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading, Anne!

    Literary Feline recently posted: Weekly Mewsings: It's a Tie!
  9. What a very productive week, Anne:)). I think it’s great that your ex is prepared to come and help out and see his daughter – so many exes don’t do that. Those day lilies of your are absolutely stunning. I need to check out Suzanne Palmer’s book – I loved her previous series! As for Audible – I didn’t know you could cancel and get deals like that. But I have so many books from the Plus Catalogue, I wouldn’t want to lose them:)). Have a great week.

  10. Sounds like you’ve made great progress on the house. We had such nice temps last week as well. Glad to hear PT is working for your daughter. I had a work meeting Saturday morning but afterward, worked on our memorial garden where our boys are buried. Put down new mulch. trimmed the giant hosta plants growing in them. Mr. Barb built a new fire pit and of course, it was cool enough that the boys played for hours. Hope you have a great week ahead and I’m sure you’ll get lots done.

    Barb @ Booker T's Farm recently posted: Evil Kids and Snakes - Lots and Lots of Snakes
  11. Wow! That was a busy week. I hope everything on the to list got finished. My last week was pretty low key, although I left my home at 9:00 on Sunday morning and didn’t get home until after 10PM! Now I’m preparing for graduation and a bunch of family visiting.

  12. We had a week off of the high humidity which was really nice but it is definitely back today! I love the daylily color. What a beautiful plummy shade. Love the new faucet and I hope you’re having a great week!