Ghostdrift by Suzanne Palmer @zanzjan @DAWBooks @AceRocBooks @BerkleyPub

Posted June 6, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 10 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Ghostdrift by Suzanne Palmer @zanzjan @DAWBooks @AceRocBooks @BerkleyPubGhostdrift by Suzanne Palmer
Series: Finder Chronicles #4
Published by DAW Books on May 28, 2024
Genres: Science Fiction, Space Opera
Pages: 384
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Fergus is the ransom for a kidnapped friend, taken by Bas Belos, one of the galaxy’s most dangerous space pirates, as bait to force Fergus’ assistance in finding Belos' missing sister. Reluctantly joining forces, Fergus discovers that Belos is himself being tracked by the Alliance. And seeking to stay one step ahead of the Alliance, Fergus and Belos find themselves on the other side of the Gap between spiral arms of our galaxy, near to alien territory, and with an Alliance ship in hot pursuit. That’s just the beginning. Fergus will find himself in the middle of four way negotiations with the future of spaceflight, of Belos’ sister, and Fergus’ ride home all hanging in the balance.

I have loved the Finder Chronicles series because I really enjoy Fergus.   I love this science fiction, space opera with Fergus being sort of a detective / Equalizer / McGyver kind of guy with a real layer of humor.  In Finder, Fergus “retrieves” a lost space ship and returns it to the rightful owner in the middle of a civil war.  In Driving the Deep, he has to locate his scientist friends who have been abducted and he deals with some family issues. In The Scavenger Door, Fergus gets a chance to spend some time with his family and save the world.

Fergus has been hiding out since the Alliance and a lot of others are mad at him (want to kill him).  But one of his friends comes to ask for help because her partner has been kidnapped.  She gets him involved with a notorious pirate who is looking for his lost sister.  The Alliance is after this pirate and their own ships which disappeared when the pirate’s sister did.

To fit in with the crew, Fergus becomes Vetch.  The Captain knows his real story, of course.  They go looking where his sister was last seen with her ship and end up being chased by the Alliance ships through the same bizarre to escape.  So they end up crashed on an alien planet after being nearly destroyed by other alien ships.

I don’t want to spoil the story but know that Fergus is his usual handy and save the world self.  He has to deal with Alliance crews, pirates, and multiple types of aliens.  Luckily, he is experienced with this.  It’s a satisfying conclusion to the series but really I want more Fergus.


“I still think you’re an asshole.” Yolo offered helpfully.

“Thanks,” Fergus said. “I do my best.”


About Suzanne Palmer

Suzanne was born a short distance outside Boston, Massachusetts, a short time before man first walked on the moon. With two somewhat rowdy brothers as her earliest influences, she grew up adept at catching frogs, stomping in mud, and smashing things with sticks. To what extent she has outgrown any of those behaviors, so far, is a matter for debate.

She has been an avid reader of science fiction & fantasy from practically the moment she learned to read. She has also had a lifelong interest in all things creative, though if she has any musical talent it remains so far undiscovered. She won several art competitions as a child, and when she went off to college followed that love. Suzanne has a Bachelors degree of Fine Arts in sculpture from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Even during college years, her artwork had a strong narrative component, and her thesis exhibition consisted of an entire museum exhibit of artifacts from a fictional world. This included clothing, coins, furniture, manuscripts in an entire created language, and an 8′ tall two-legged creature complete with horns, fur, and teeth.

In 2005 she attended the Viable Paradise Writers Workshop on Martha’s Vineyard, and came away from it both unreasonably encouraged and with the rather surprising realization that writing had become an indelible part of her life, even more so than art. She’s been writing ever since, still does art when she can, and otherwise is just plain having fun with it all.

She has been nominated for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award and the Eugie M. Foster Award. She has won reader’s polls for best stories from Asimov’s, Analog, and Interzone. Her first novel will be coming out from DAW Books in 2019.

Suzanne lives in western Massachusetts with a number of two- and four-legged critters, including one Very Large Fluffy Dog, and is a Linux and Database System Administrator for the Sciences at Smith College.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted June 6, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 10 Comments

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