Coven of Consequence by SL Prater #SLPrater @booksirens @SnyderBridge4 #KindleUnlimited

Posted September 2, 2024 by Robin in Book Review / 3 Comments

Review copy was received from Publicity team. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Coven of Consequence by SL Prater #SLPrater @booksirens @SnyderBridge4 #KindleUnlimitedCoven of Consequences by SL Prater
Series: Eternal Enemies #2
Published by Self-Published on September 6, 2024
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 216
Format: eARC
Source: Publicity team
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

When mortals happen inside its big billowy tents, they don’t always come out again, and the clown specters who haunt it won’t leave me alone. My partner, Quiet, insists we go and investigate. I’d rather have my hands nailed to a moving train—better chance of surviving that as a vampire than whatever haunts the circus.

She believes the specters who persist in making our lives more difficult mean no harm. They just want our help, she says. I’m not convinced. I want to be of assistance when there’s a case that needs solving; however, there’s certain things I’m not willing to give up.

Mainly, the one thing—one person.

I’m not willing to lose Quiet, and deep in my bones that’s what I believe will happen. If we go there, if we surrender to those tents and the mysteries contained inside, I’ll lose the only person I’ve ever loved. But Quiet is certain that if we avoid facing the consequences waiting for us there, I might just lose her anyway ...

Coven of Consequence is the second book, and final(?) book in the Eternal Enemies series/duology.  We are back with Quiet, our grumpy witch hiding cute little insect helpers in her pockets.  That might be strange but they go to a void space so don’t worry about all the little creepy crawlies.  And Rorick, not just a vampire but thee vampire, also fated to be with Quiet in this word and many others.  There is a creepy clown circus associated with death that is tied to Quiet and Rorick.  They seem to be at odds about what needs to be done about the clowns…honestly I can’t blame them.

“We aren’t investigating that bloody death circus,” he said, grinding his teeth. “I was clear on that!”

“Well, you’re not the boss of us!” I said, voice rising.

“You could have died!” Rorick roared.

Anita shot webbing at me. The sticky silk struck me gently in the cheek. It was like being slapped by a slightly chewed marshmallow.

If the witches have a god, her name is Hecate and she has a job for Quiet and Rorick, investigate his death.  This will lead them on an interesting journey into Rorick’s past and the man he was before he died to become the first Vampire.  While the first book of the series Quiet and Rorick were enemies and partners in solving crime, this time around it seems that Hecate is more of their enemy.  With an interesting connection to Quiet and goals of her own, it is hard to say if she is helping the couple or leading them into certain doom for her own gains.

I enjoy Quiet and Rorick.  They have great banter, trust and a complete understanding of each other. Even when they fight now, they are fighting to protect the other person, unwilling to lose them.  They are off again on a new mystery to solve Rorick’s first murder, figure out why death made him a vampire and let him return and figure out what is up with the freaky clown circus.  Also, try not to die if it can at all be helped.

This was a fun gothic mystery with so many cool elements.  Flying artifacts *cough* broom *cough*, insect and arachnid familiars, ghosts, illusions, haunted spooky mansion, shape changing ichors and psychopomps of death.  Not to mention an interesting train that might carry to supernatural living to places but also serves to ferry souls to death.  There are a few spaces that the story gets a little complicated if you aren’t paying attention but overall it is a pretty interesting a quickly read intrigue.

Rorick and Quiet also get a little time to love one another.  The depth of the things they are willing to do to protect and save the other are sometimes a bit scary, but they can be scary people when they aren’t figuring out spells, alchemical equations and solving murders.

It is almost the spooky season of fall and Halloween so if you are looking for some fun reading that will fall into the spirit of the season, the Eternal Enemies duology might just fit your needs.

Death gave me wings.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
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Posted September 2, 2024 by Robin in Book Review / 3 Comments

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