The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.
Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.
Sunday, it’s warming up and sunny but still some snow and frozen rain to melt in the yard. I did my visiting and planned to get out in the yard but it still feels cold at 43F? 6C. The wind is from the south so tomorrow will be better 52F / 11C. I dressed warmly and enjoyed our walk with Lulu who was ecstatic. She slid down some ice on the driveway but seemed unfazed. We saw the neighbor and Abbey when we returned. My ex swept out the garage, removed the damaged framing around the garage side door and cut boards for the final garden bed. I still haven’t figured out the menu plan for this week.
Monday, today was probably our best weather day this week with south winds, sun and up to 52F /11C. I did the usual tasks in the morning. By noon I was out to pulverize leaves to refill the compost bins after I emptied them into the newly higher beds. I put the dirt leftover from last fall into a couple of the beds but I’ll need more. I took the big cardboard boxes I saved in the garage to put cardboard over some of the beds. I cleaned up a screen and the window and we finally got one on the bay window off the kitchen. Then the neighbor, my daughter and I walked Lulu and Abbey on a longer walk to the pool. I dumped scooped the ice out of the outdoor water bowl. My driveway has about 8 pieces and my ex power washed one and I did another. He also power washed my daughter’s shower chair and my dirt tarp. I was a dirt ball. So I showered. washed my hair and put clean sheets on the bed. We finished Vera and moved on to Shetland. I did some preemptive ibuprofen and a heating pad.
Tuesday, my back is complaining about the work yesterday. I wrote a few reviews before moving on to blog visiting, etc. My daughter and I walked Lulu and met the neighbor and Abbey as we started and they were coming back. I made a new recipe for gluten-free pecan pie and it’s fabulous but I made a little mistake which I will improve next time.
Wednesday, today is the coldest day of the week. I’ve been going back and forth with the gastro on medication. Now we scheduled an appt for end of February. I called multiple places about dryer repair who neighbors recommended and finally got one scheduled for next Monday. My ex and daughter are going back to the art museum. I worked on a grocery list for tomorrow. It’s one of those times when I’m waiting for ARCs. I checked out some articles on non-resident library cards and found 2 more I could get for free. I walked Lulu and wore my real winter coat plus a cowl and gloves. I was ok and we got to see Maggie and Clover outside. (neighbor dogs). I got set up to make dark chocolate mousse. My ex went to Lowe’s to return everything he isn’t going to use and find a light bulb for a hall fixture. I think every fixture in the house takes different bulb shapes and sizes. It’s my great nephew’s second birthday!
Thursday, today is warming up again through the weekend with some rain Saturday and then next week is back to the deep freeze. I had to get going fast to pick up a few things at Aldi, then curbside at Sam’s Club and then RX at Harris Teeter. My daughter had medical appts at 1 and 2pm. After that, I was able to get to my normal email and blog stuff. I’m really pleased how well posting to Discord is going. My daughter and I walked Lulu.
Friday, today was a barn burner, as I say. I did a little computer stuff while waiting for it to warm up. The weather was lovely around 50F / 12 C. I started out picking 2 screens of he right size cleaning them, the cleaning the windows in our workroom office so I could put them in. My daughter and I put together my mini greenhouse that has 4 shelves so I can start seedlings. Then I put the compost into the last bed my ex updated by adding another board for height. I put salt into the holes he drilled in the bush I want to die. Next I learned to use the hedge trimmer and trimmed multiple bushes as high up as I could. He did the next bit a little higher. I’ll hire my usual guy to do the very highest stuff. Then I had to put all the trimmings into the yard waste bins. Marley came over to see me while I was working. I swept the garage and put some things away. I also helped carry a bunch of bags and boxes to the car for him to pack. The neighbor came over with Abbey and my daughter and I and Lulu walked with her. Then we got one additional bed ready for the green house, if I put it there.
Saturday, my shoulders were just a little stiff from holding the hedge trimmer above my head long enough for 2 batteries to die. I started with lots of laundry and running the dishwasher. It rained a bit in the morning but turned sunny in the afternoon. I did some computer stuff. I edited my daughter’s college paper and made a few suggestions. To start my errands, I dropped off the sledgehammer we borrowed from the neighbor. Then I went to the library to pick up an audiobook on CD that I couldn’t get in digital format and some gardening books. Next I picked up her RX at Harris Teeter. When I got home, my daughter and I walked Lulu. We saw our neighbor dogs Clover and Maggie. I changed the air and water filter on the refrigerator. My daughter had a power issue with her HP laptop so I gave her the power cord from my backup laptop – an HP and it worked. My daughter and I went over her paper edits and she finished it up.
On the Edge Chat today 3PM ET:
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Reading Reality. These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):
Many thanks to Macmillan Audio, Grand Central Publishing, Penguin Audio, Tor Books.
(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)
I purchased this at Chirp for $4.
Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.
Chirp freebie Friday:
I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.
I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.
- 🎧 Nemesis by Gregg Hurwitz @ScottBrick #LoveAudiobooks @GreggHurwitz@MinotaurBooks @StMartinsPress @MacmillanAudio - February 11, 2025
- Sunday Post – 9 February 2025 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality - February 9, 2025
- Series on Saturday: Jill Shalvis Edition @JillShalvis #SeriesOnSaturday - February 8, 2025
Sweet Lulu💜 Who’s the other little cutie?
Gotta check out that new Ali Hazelwood. Waiting for the audio version of the Coben book. Happy reading, Anne!
I’m listening to it right now. It has a BDSM theme but I’m finding it good.
That’s my grand nephew Jay
Sounds like it was a physically exhausting week! But I’m glad you got so many things done. Your great nephew is so cute! Have a good week, Anne😁
It did have some physical stretching but yes I’m thrilled to get things done. He is SO cute.
Happy birthday to your nephew. Lulu’s face is so cute there lol. My daughter can’t have gluten/wheat so I am always on the lookout for gluten free recipes. Enjoy your books this week and stay warm.
Thank you Naida. I also change regular recipes to gluten free by substituting agreements but sometimes it takes some fiddling to get them right.
That sounds like a busy week! I’m super lazy about tasks like hedge trimming, ahaha. Good job on getting that done!
Thanks. My arms feel the hedge trimming when I lift my arms. It’s not my usual activity since I just learned how o use it.
Its so great that your ex has been so helpful!! I’m so glad you posted the audio of Deep End-It reminded me to check the app so I could grab it as well! Have a great week!
Well I feel he should do something for our daughter. But I do appreciate his help with all the projects. I’m listening to Deep End and it’s BDSM theme which I don’t listen to a lot but I’m enjoying it anyway.
Your grandnephew is adorable! So is Lulu in that picture. I can’t wait to read the new Ali Hazelwood book. I pre-ordered a copy, so didn’t get an e-galley this time. So who knows when I’ll get to it! lol. Sounds like you got a lot done this week! I’ve got some bushes in front of my house I’d like to just get pulled out, but the quote I got a couple years ago was a little more than I wanted to spend. So we’ll see. Have a good week!
Thank you. He is such a cute little boy. It’s a new experience doing the bush trimming. I’m not sure it’s the right time of year but if some of them die it’s fine.
Your great nephew is so cute! And I hope your bdoy will rest next week Anne!
Thanks, he is the cutest. I think I won’t be outside as much since the high temperatures will be below freezing.
Dark chocolate mousse sounds really good. It’s been in the 50’s here but it’s supposed to go down to freezing next week.
Thanks Mary. The temps are about like you mentioned for the highs here tomorrow and this week below freezing for the highs!
You got so much done this week- just wow! I’m glad there was only a little soreness and not the major pain you were dealing with last year. The pecan pie sounds good. What a cutie your great-nephew is!
Nice audio haul. I recently finished Cold as Hell and I think you’ll be riveted. 🙂
Have a great week, Anne!
Thank you Sophia. This past week we got a lot done but of course I had lots of help. Cold as Hell was fabulous! I hope you have a good week and stay warm!
Nobody’s Fool is calling me. It sounds like you’re working hard Anne. Have a great week ahead.
Thanks Jodie. I had to get CDs from the library for the first book Fool Me Once. No digital copies of the audiobook at any of my libraries. And I love January Lavoy who narrates it.
Sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on and you’re getting a lot accomplished. Is it usually so cold where you live? It’s normal for us to be in the 40s-50s this time of year and colder, but we’ve been having weird weather. It’s been freezing overnight with temps in the 20s.
I was thinking about picking up the new Ali Hazelwood, but I haven’t been into romance as much lately so I passed. I have an e-copy of Cold As Hell, but I requested the audio version. We’ll see. I had fun in the chat today! I think I liked the book more than most in the chat, though.
Thanks Rachel. I think the chat just brings out all kinds of ideas and opinions. I know at least 4 of the people at the chat rated it 5 hearts. One was 4.5 and another 4 so it was well received overall. First books in a series with complex worlds are tough to start. Our normal winter is 50high/30lows, so these cold spells with around 30 for a high are unusual. This week I’ll be glad to stay in and get caught up on the computer and paperwork.
Your great-nephew is adorable! I make gluten-free, dairy free pumpkin tartlets for Thanksgiving. Other than that, I don’t make a lot of gluten-free goodies.
Have a great week!
yes he is so cute and generally good-natured too. He looks like his Mom did at that age. My daughter would love the tartlets. I try all kinds of recipes so she doesn’t feel like being GF is a penalty.
I just got notice that one of my non-resident cards is no longer going to be usable after January so I need to look for one to replace it. I tend to use Libby a lot as well as Hoopla. No wonder your back hurt this week with all the work you got done. But good for you! We had snow again today and cold temps through Wednesday. I am done with winter. Hope you get your dryer finished soon. It’s a pain when it doesn’t work. Lulu is adorable as always and I finally managed to get some snow pics of Apollo and Zekey posted this weekend. Have a safe week!
Thank you Barb. The dryer works fine it just makes noise which is a sign. It didn’t even make noise when I did 3 loads yesterday. It forced me to clean the laundry room this morning since he will be here this afternoon. Thankfully, my back only hurt a little the next day. I don’t seem to have any long term effects when I overdo something which is why I’m not more careful. I really rely on those library cards but each library is having less and less materials I find.
Happy Sunday. I am so glad I was able to jump on the chat today. It was interesting how we talked a lot about the narrator, which I feel like we haven’t before (in the chats I’ve been on). I have my review tomorrow. It’s snowing now and I have the day off, so I’m hoping to get stuff done around the house now that the kids are both gone. And read! I hope you have a great week.
What a great day you have planned today. I have the dryer repair guy coming. I was so glad you made the chat. It was an interesting chat. We talked a lot about Tavia Gilbert when we did Night Huntress because some of us hated her narration especially of Bones. And there was much praise for Allison McLemore for the WTZ narration. Rachel thought people didn’t like the book much but half the people there gave it a 5 and one a 4.5 and then 4s other than Angie, so it was pretty well received. First books in a series can be overwhelming in assimilation.
I cannot consider 12°c to be lovely, though I guess it may seem that way when temperatures get below 0.
Your nephew is a cutie!
Stay warm and have a great reading week
lol I used to live in Minnesota where 0C was lovely. But here I want it to be warmer, that’s supposed to be the low!
Thank you, he’s good natured too.
I am interested in trying Malka Older’s series. I don’t think I remember hearing about her books before (although I probably have–there’s just too many to keep track of!). I am definitely getting sick, unfortunately. I woke up with a sore throat and am feeling worse as the day progresses. Ugh. I was hoping I could avoid my daughter’s cold. I hope you have a great week, Anne!
oh Wendy I hope you get over the illness quickly. Liquids and sometimes Zicam seem to help me. I really love the Malka Older books. They have such cute names and they are like scifi mysteries.
Your great nephew is adorable!!! Look at him!
Thank you! He certainly is.
Hope you have a great week!
Thank you. I’m getting a bit caught up.
True crimeeee!
I haven’t read a lot of true crime but mostly I like what I’ve read.
We’ve finally had warmer weather this week and I’m trying to enjoy it while it lasts! The negative temperatures and snow are no fun. The kids enjoyed the snow at first, but I think even they’re over it now, lol.
Hey Lindsi. I had 35 years of below zero temps in Minnesota. I have plenty of those clothes too. I love winter sports but I’ve been in North Carolina 10 years and I’m enjoying year round gardening now. Lulu is totally against snow. She’s a southern girl.