Author: Jessica Clare

The Bachelor Cowboy by Jessica Clare @_JessicaClare @jillmyles @BerkleyRomance @BerkleyPub

The Bachelor Cowboy by Jessica Clare @_JessicaClare @jillmyles @BerkleyRomance @BerkleyPub

I like the small town characters in the Wyoming Cowboy series.   We didn’t get too many updates on characters / couples from other books.  We did see the Jack’s brothers and their women briefly.  Thankfully, we did not see Greg, unless he was the unnamed realtor. I read these books mostly out of order and […]

Posted January 28, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 10 Comments

Her Christmas Cowboy by Jessica Clare @_JessicaClare @jillmyles @BerkleyRomance @BerkleyPub

Her Christmas Cowboy by Jessica Clare @_JessicaClare @jillmyles @BerkleyRomance @BerkleyPub

I have read this Wyoming Cowboy series all out of order. I read 1,3,2,4 and now the 5th installment, Her Christmas Cowboy.  There are some plot points related to the holiday but it isn’t only a Christmas story.  I generally only read holiday stories after Thanksgiving but I did my series catch up in September […]

Posted December 18, 2020 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 13 Comments

Read A Series in a Month Challenge September 2020 @Limabean74 @BerlsS @JillMyles #SeriesinaMonth #COYERCHALLENGE

The Rules Pick 1 series. Yes, just 1. Announce which series you’ve picked on your sign up post and link it back here. Read EVERY book in the series. You don’t have to read novellas or short stories, just the core books. Read them all between 12am (your time) September 1st and 11:59pm (your time) September […]

Posted August 23, 2020 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Misc / 10 Comments