Shadows and Gold by Elizabeth Hunter

Posted February 11, 2017 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 0 Comments

Shadows and Gold by Elizabeth HunterShadows and Gold by Elizabeth Hunter
Series: Elemental Legacy #1
on December 7, 2014
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 167
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne Star

Failing grades. Misleading wind vampires. And a fortune in forgotten gold.

Traveling to the most remote region of China certainly wasn’t what Ben Vecchio had in mind for his summer vacation, but when Tenzin suggested a quick trip, he could hardly turn down a chance to keep her out of trouble and practice the Mandarin he still struggled with in class.

Of course, Tenzin might not have been clear about everything travel entailed.

Driving a truck full of rotting vegetables and twenty million in gold from Kashgar to Shanghai was only the start. If Ben can keep the treasure away from grasping immortals, the reward will be more than worth the effort. But when has travel with a five-thousand-year-old wind vampire ever been simple?


Read It, Track It is a way  to track books for my reading challenges and they will be super short.


I purchased this when it was a deal, a couple of years ago. But I had not read all of the previous Elemental Mysteries series,  which introduces the main characters here and the ancillary characters, or the following Elemental World series which continues and expands the story. I caught up this fall to read the latest in the world, A Stone-Kissed Sea.

Shadows and Gold is called a prequel novella but it is a little longer than a novella and longer than the second “book”  Imitation and Alchemy which follows. It is more akin to the mystery series which follows one couple in an urban fantasy style. The world books are more paranormal romance with each book about a different couple.

This was an odd and frustrating, little book. I wanted to know more about Ben and Tenzin, but they are just irritated. We do learn about the vampire structure in this part of the world, which may connect to an overall story arc for this series. I enjoyed the beloved characters but the humor wasn’t as much as I would expect from these two.

Elizabeth Hunter always does an amazing job with the world building. This has fascinating places with such international flavor and colors. I will certainly be reading further.

About Elizabeth Hunter

Elizabeth Hunter is a contemporary fantasy and romance author. She is a graduate of the University of Houston Honors College and a former English teacher.

She currently lives in Central California with her husband, son, very ineffective canine assistants, and a pitifully empty fish tank.

ELIZABETH HUNTER is a ten-time USA Today and international best-selling author of romance, contemporary fantasy, and paranormal mystery. Based in both Central California and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, she travels extensively to write fantasy fiction exploring world mythologies, history, and the universal bonds of love, friendship, and family.

She has published over forty works of fiction and sold over a million books worldwide. She is the author of the Glimmer Lake series, Love Stories on 7th and Main, the Elemental Legacy series, the Irin Chronicles, the Cambio Springs Mysteries, and other works of fiction.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted February 11, 2017 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 0 Comments