Completely by Ruthie Knox

Posted September 27, 2017 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 0 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Completely by Ruthie KnoxCompletely Series: New York #3
Published by Loveswept on September 26, 2017
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: eARC
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Beneath her whole “classic English beauty” appearance is an indomitable spirit that has turned Rosemary Chamberlain into something of a celebrity mountain climber. But after an Everest excursion takes a deadly turn, Rosemary is rescued by her quick-thinking guide, New York native Kal Beckett. Rosemary’s brush with death brings out a primal need to celebrate life—and inspires a night of steamy sex with the rather gorgeous man who saved her.

The son of a famous female climber with a scandalous past, Kal Beckett is still trying to find himself. In the Zen state of mind where Kal spends most of his time, anything can happen—like making love to a fascinating stranger and setting off across the world with her the next morning. But as their lives collide in the whirlwind of passion that is New York City, the real adventure is clearly just beginning. . .




Ruthie Knox is an auto-buy, go-to author for me in contemporary romance. It’s crazy how she does it. The characters aren’t all realistic or ordinary which is something I find more believable. Some are rich, wildly successful people and some famous people.  But it isn’t about the money or the power. Although, I prefer the strong women she writes. It’s about the ideas, the hopes and dreams, and their FEELINGS. Those are authentic. They aren’t all good or bad; they have both tendencies, like real people.

Mostly these people are a mess. They are in the most difficult, awkward, and unhappy situations in their work and / or personal life. The relationships sometimes seem unworkable, for various reasons, and it hurts because you care. You want the HEA. And then really, it is simple. Love. LOVE is Completely.

When the primary focus is love and not the other stuff, everything works. Who doesn’t want someone who loves them, who supports them (not with money), encourages and accepts who they are?  This isn’t to say everything is easy, or goes well  all the time,, but loving completely as the first choice makes every other decision easier.

It was amazing to see the characters from other stories in the New York series. Even the secondary characters are vibrant with life. Ruthie Knox, you you engage my mind and my heart is caught as well. Truly, Madly and Completely, all the are highly recommended. Go, read them.


About Ruthie Knox (also Robin York)

New York Times bestselling author Ruthie Knox writes contemporary romance that’s sexy, witty, and angsty—sometimes all three at once. After training to be a British historian, she became an academic editor instead. Then she got really deeply into knitting, as one does, followed by motherhood and romance novel writing.

Her debut novel, Ride with Me, is probably the only existing cross-country bicycling love story. She followed it up with About Last Night, a London-set romance whose hero has the unlikely name of Neville, and then Room at the Inn, a Christmas novella—both of which were finalists for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA Award. Her four-book series about the Clark family of Camelot, Ohio, has won accolades for its fresh, funny portrayal of small-town Midwestern life.

Ruthie moonlights as a mother, Tweets incessantly, and bakes a mean focaccia. She’d love to hear from you, so visit her website at and drop her a line.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted September 27, 2017 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 0 Comments