Audio: Pack of Lies by Hailey Edwards @HaileyEdwards #RebeccaMitchell‏ @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooks

Posted July 4, 2020 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 12 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Audio: Pack of Lies by Hailey Edwards @HaileyEdwards #RebeccaMitchell‏ @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooks Pack of Lies by Hailey Edwards
Narrator: Rebecca Mitchell
Series: Potentate of Atlanta #2
Published by Tantor Audio on July 2, 2020
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Length: 9 hours, 8 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Publisher
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Hadley is losing time, and her shadow refuses to shed light on the gaps in her memory. How can she protect her city if she can't remember where she goes or what she does when she ought to be asleep? Her grim history appears to be stuck on repeat, and the only way forward might be a scythe through her back.

I loved the Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy series. They are all on Kindle Unlimited as well as this new series, The Potentate of Atlanta. It is with some characters from the original series. Hadley, ie. Amelie,  is now living in Atlanta training to be the POA.

Hadley is on her own, with Linus not in Atlanta as much.  Midas had been avoiding her but now he is unable to stay away.  Midas declares courtship with Hadley. Their back and forth in getting to know each other spikes their emotions as they deal with the fae hidden to the humans,  and the paranormals until now. Midas and Hadley both have secrets; they start to share a small few. They spend a lot more time together.

There are strange happenings but not exactly a case.  Hadley tries to track things down with Midas and Ford along with her, as well as Bishop from her OPA team. Ford and Bishop disappear.  Hadley and Midas work together to find them and save them.   The events seem sort of chaotic and disorganized, rather than working a plan.

Hadley gets better connections to her team. She gets to know more about gwyllgi. She begins to know more about the fae and the coven which she previously didn’t notice. All around, Hadley is finding she has, and can have, friends and even relationships.  She also ends up with a new fae “friend” who I am not sure is a friend.

Things are set up for a battle in the future, but the details would be a spoiler. It will be interesting to see how Hadley works with her team after doing more with them this time. Her new relationship with Midas is fun and yet they both are afraid to trust each other completely. And perhaps we will find out who can be trusted.


Rebecca Mitchell is Grier for me and also Linus. She performs male and female voices well. However, all the female voices are very similar and the male voices are mostly alike also. I barely distinguished her Hadley from her Grier voice. Ford sounded too much like Boaz for me.    I listened at my normal 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE

About Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards writes about questionable applications of otherwise perfectly good magic, the transformative power of love, the family you choose for yourself, and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily all at once. That could get messy. She lives in Alabama with her husband, their daughter, and a herd of dachshunds.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted July 4, 2020 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 12 Comments

12 responses to “Audio: Pack of Lies by Hailey Edwards

  1. This sounds like a fun paranormal series, and I like that it’s on Kindle Unlimited. I’ll have to check it out.

    I didn’t realize I was commenting on Robin’s posts, I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with her on my blog. I forget that you have other reviewers other than Sophia on here.

  2. I loved The Beginners Guide to Necromancy series but was on the fence with this series because I just don’t like “Hadley”. That said, I joined Edwards’ facebook group and the snippets she shares have made me re-think it. I adore Midas and I think I could love this series… Now, I’m just debating whether to binge them on KU then wait book to book or wait until the series is finished then demolish it in one go…

  3. This series is new to me but it sounds like a lot of fun. That’s a shame about the character voices sounding so similar on the audiobook though. That would confuse me for sure, lol.

  4. Jen

    Even though I don’t read this series, I love reading reviews and following along. Thanks!